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Janet B

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Everything posted by Janet B

  1. I love that Judy - the stools are too high! I hope you had fun! I hope you had fun at the egg hunt too Katie - the farm I volunteer at had an egg hunt today - and I hear the volunteers got special instructions on how to deal with over zealous parents - how sad is that! I just got back from the Lung Cancer Symposium at Yale's brand new Smilow Cancer Center. It was a very informative and interesting morning. The speakers were from every aspect of cancer care (including my doc!) and also a panel of lung cancer survivors. My husband and son came along, my son had not yet met my oncologist so I was glad he got that opportunity. Afterward we walked around the center a bit - there is a beautiful rooftop meditation garden with a brook running through it! And then out to lunch before dropping my son off back at college. Now I am going to take a nice long afternoon nap! have a wonderful day everyone! peace - janet
  2. Janet B

    Bill Has Died

    I am so very sorry. I am praying for you to find peace and strength.
  3. I LOVED that line!! Well, I loved the whole letter but that line is great, I will be stealing it from you!
  4. good morning! In CT it is a beautiful spring day! The doors are open, the birds are singing the sky is blue! Another Spring! All of my kids are home for the weekend, just because, which is a great reason! Tonight I will drive them all back to their school and homes and then spend the night in Boston with my girls. Tomorrow I will meet my college roommate (who was also my maid of honor) for lunch in Boston. I have not seen her in 24 years - we reconnected through facebook. I have been helping my sister out for the last two weeks - she had a double mastectomy and has been in a lot of pain. It is all too familiar, the mutliple doctors appts., the statistics being thrown at you, the scheduling - it is all so exhausting for the patient (and caregiver!) have a wonderful day everybody!!! It's SPRING!! Janet
  5. WHOO HOO!!!!! This kind of news is the perfect way to start the week and the month!!!! I am so happy for you! God is good!
  6. Janet B

    rockin' Tarceva

    WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOTTA LOVE THAT TARCEVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO happy for you!!!!
  7. I am sure more people will be here to give you advice and answers to some of your questions - I have experience with one of them - Be sure to ask the doctor about these tests. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 adenocarcinoma in December 2006. My first set of doctors did not bother to test for gene mutation and planned to go with the normal course of chemo and radiation. (because of metasis, surgery was not an option) I went for a second and third opinion at Yale New Haven and Sloan Kettering. Both doctors had the sample tested and it turned out I had the EGFR gene mutation. Because of these tests I opted for radiation and then the drug Tarceva. 3 years later there is no sign of cancer. Tarceva does not work for everybody, but if the gene mutation is there it has good success. You sound lke you are already researching and questioning - that is wonderful! Take notes, write down your questions, get a second opinion for peace of mind - God bless you and your father Janet
  8. oh Ann, I wish you some peace today! I have had my favorite 2 year old visiting for several days - during which my brother in law died suddenly - my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer - and I have the worst cold i can ever remember having - so - today, in this once again quiet house, I think I shall be a slug! have a wonderful day everyone - get some sleep Judy - and try to have some "you" time Ann, and get ready for more snow - here in CT they are predicting it for Tuesday through Saturday! peace janet
  9. Eric - Thank you so much for sharing your story - it was filled with such truths about how this journey has gone for many of us - the "did you smoke" question that hit like a knife, the doctor who talks to us with such a lack of empathy he might as well be talking to "a turnip" (I loved that line!) and the worst - the doctor giving us an expiration date. AND, it has a great ending - good health! I agree with Ned, your story will be such a great help and hope for other newcomers to this board - it gave me a much needed smile this morning and a renewed sense that we CAN beat this! Wishing you peace and many many more years of good health - Janet
  10. Judy - that is because the farm is my BEST medicine!
  11. Good afternoon everybody - I just got in from my time at the farm - we got more snow in the night - the heavy wet kind, so the horses were not out of their stables and they were not happy about it! Judy - I am glad you spoke up in your group - it seems to me that a support group is where you are supposed to tell the truth so it can help you and the others in the same boat. And if you are not telling the truth you are hurting yourself and the others. You can not tell me that anyone who has been given a cancer diagnosis wasn't, at least for a moment, scared. BTW - did you mean to call it lunch cancer? or are you just starving?! because lunch cancer sounds pretty darn scary to me! And Texas friends - I am so excited, and yes a little jealous, that you are going to get to meet each other! It would be so much fun to finally meet all the people here on the board! I lived in Texas once, for a short period of time. When I was first married my husband and I lived in Houston for 18 months. Ann - your hubby is in my prayers - and I am so sorry to hear about Dumas. It is so hard to lose a family member. Happy Tuesday everyone!
  12. Good afternoon everyone! It is a beautiful day here today - it feels like spring - even though it is only 36 degrees! I think they are saying snow again tomorrow. I have been having a rough week or two. My sister was diagnosed last week with breast cancer. She will be having a double mastectomy in 3 weeks. My sister has been at every single one of my appointments and tests, she has always been my strength and support - and now she has joined this awful club. The hard part is that she doesn't want any help - she wants to do it on her own - which I have to respect but I don't have to like. Then , last night one of my brother in laws died of a heart attack. When it rains it pours right? Today I am only allowing good news! I hope your stomach is doing better Judy - and Ann your husband is in my prayers - everyone here is in my prayers - always. peace - Janet
  13. I marvel at your love and dedication every single time I log onto this site. You are an angel. ((((((((((Katie)))))))))) peace to you - Janet
  14. Hi guys - Judy I was in the same kind of no energy funk this weekend. On Saturday I meant to clean the house, but instead I just sat in front of the tv all day. Sunday I meant to clean the house but I came home from church and slept til 4. This morning I woke up at 10 and still have no energy. I MUST clean the house today! It is cold and rainy here today - the kind of day that calls you to the couch with a cup of coffee - but I have to get out and at least get something for dinner and stop at the library. I have been absolutely glued to the computer every waking moment for a week and even pulled an all nighter Thursday night watching Lily the Black Bear on her webcam. Researchers have put a camera into a wild black bears den and we have been able to watch her - On Thursday she went into labor, on Friday she gave birth to 1 cub. It is addicting! http://www.bear.org/website/visit-us/lily-den-cam.html Hope you all have a wonderful day - peace - Janet
  15. What awesome news!! What a great attitude your sister has!! Hugs and prayers for you both! Janet
  16. good afternoon! Prayers for a good scan followup Bud! It is 34 and gray here today. My son went back to school after his long winter break - so this week I am busy doing all the errands and cleaning that did not get done while he was home! But mostly I am just addicted to watching Lily the black bear on the live cam in her den! http://www.wildearth.tv/static/wildeart ... r_den.html Have a good day everyone
  17. Well - I woke up and went to the farm bright and early - got home at noon to discover my husband hadn't turned on the heat today - it is 60 degrees inside! So, an hour later I am still sitting here with my long down coat and wool scarf on! I think I will go shopping - the stores will be warmer! Prayers are being said for great scans Bud!! peace - Janet
  18. morning all - another cold day- 25 - it is going to be a looooooooong winter. The biggest problem I am having with the cold is that my husband refuses to turn the heat above 60 in the upstairs - which makes it impossible for me to get out from under the warm blankets in the morning! (and by the time I do all the mystery eggs on fb are gone!) BTW my sister gave me an electric mattress pad for Christmas - I highly recommend it! Ned - loved your reasons for using a Kindle - I just wish they werent so much money. Bud, I am glad you are researching alternatives to lead - a few years ago I was kayaking and came across a dead loon and a dying loon. I called the area animal rescue and they told me that the loons are all dying of lead poisoning from eating lead sinkers - so sad. I am not into football either, I just like it when my guys favorite team wins - which they didn't But I am a huge Red Sox fan and have discovered that discussing baseball can be worse than discussing politics and religion together!!! stay warm everyone - I am off to the yarn store to start a new project!! peace - Janet
  19. I was thinking I might like a kindle - but then I thought about the initial cost and then the cost per download - it it seemed very expensive - I have a used book store close by that sells all books for $4 and when I am done I can pass them on to my kids and friends. Is there something wonderful I am missing about the electronic reader? oh and NED - the hot on your legs laptop is exactly why I am on the computer so much in the winter! It is an excellent source of heat!
  20. Welcome back Will! This is how my day is going - I woke up at 10:05 for 10:45 church. Thankfully our church is less than 1/4 mile away! And, thankfully I have no hair to style! It is 24 here today - wish I could just stay in, but my son is home from college on break, he has been sick all week and not really eating - and he is a bean pole as it is - today he is finally feeling better so I want to cook him a big Sunday dinner - hmmm, maybe a pot roast, or stuffed chicken! There is something that I love about cooking a big meal while my men sit on the couch watching football - It brings feminism back 50 years! Have a good day everyone - stay warm and happy peace
  21. good morning everybody! It is 21 here today - but the sun is shining and the cardinals are at the feeder and I have no place to go - so it is all good! Judy, my doctors won't let me lose weight - they say I may need the extra pounds in the future - I LOVE that about my doctors! HAHA! and Katie - I feel so bad for your son I hope it gets straightened out and he gets his "real" first lesson soon! Welcome Pat!! I am off to dust and sweep and then sit down with a good book - have a wonderful day everyone!!
  22. Bud you made me laugh today - and reminded me of my very first day as a teacher - walking into the school and falling on my bum on a patch of slush! Beatlemike - I LOVED your poem - I would love to see Nebraska some day - but tell me - when is a safe month to visit and miss the snow?! All you Floridians - I am so sorry you are experiencing this cold weather - and very thankful I didn't plan a vacation there this winter It is 28 here today and I have NO plans to go out in it! I think I will take down the tree instead. Can't wait to get to Hawaii!!! As a non-flier I thought I would never get the chance - thanks Becky Snowflake!
  23. Please pick me up on the way!!! I live in Connecticut - you can pick me up at the I-95 rest stop in my town on the way down from Canada! I've packed my dog, beach chair and margaritas (more than enough to share) - flip flops are on - I am ready to go!!!
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