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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. While hand sanitizer and surgical mask are very good at what they are designed to do, there is some value of keeping this gadget by your face, ie it keeps people out of it, and enlarges your personal space. There's some merit to that notion. I'd sooner trust the surgical mask on a plane, however.

    Hope your mom enjoys the shower....



  2. Hey, Sugar, Have fun and take things easy. Hope you have a great working trip, and get lots of good food you don't have to cook yourself.

    (My idea of heaven, since I lost the 30# around the time I was diagnosed..) . Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!



  3. Dear Gay,

    I am honored that you chose to share with us what you are feeling. I know it can't be easy for you, but you did it, and I'm glad you feel a little better for it.

    Dear dear lady, your much beloved husband and your much beloved self are part of our family here, and I will listen to you, and support you emotionally as best as I can for as long as you need me to. So will many of the others here. Bonds formed by common trials are tough ones.

    I appreciate Dean Carl's thoughtful messages, and rant with him at the dumb stuff the VA does. He is very special, and so are you.

    Try to look at the upside, even if it means taking it one second at a time.

    And know you are both in my thoughts and prayers.....



  4. Please see the note from John about 2C4, the link to the site also has a good description of the differentiation state of cancers. From what that said, there is no correlation between growth rate and comparison to "normal" cells....


  5. Dear Judy,

    I had radiation with cisplatin/etoposide, for a NSCLC IIIA (they didn't tell me what kind, said treatment for all three types was the same) and it killed my tumor completely, which was 14 cm x 9 cm x ?? cm. Darn thing was removed and found to be 13#.

    The reason they do the biopsy in the first place to find out what kind of a tumor it is, is to determine what approach to use (chemo). It's a cruder guide than testing each tumor specifically, but it's a heck of a lot more time-effective and resource-effective when dealing with large numbers of patients.

    Miracles happen every day. I am one. I am almost four years out from diagnosis, having had the same type of tumor and the same treatments.

    Good luck to you -- think positive!!


  6. Norme,

    Know that you and Buddy are in my heart, and in my prayers constantly.

    I love you, my friend, and I wish I could do something more to help...

    I am glad you are not alone, that you have your son and the supportive hospice staff.

    Wishing you peace...



  7. Dear friend,

    I think it is perfectly normal to be so emotionally drained that all you can do is maintain the absolute essentials. See, it's okay when you have cancer, and it's also okay when your mom is the patient, because cancer doesn't affect people in a vacuum -- it takes on a whole family and more, sucking the energyout of them while they try to fight.

    I think it might have been Dean Carl who said that while we ride this emotioal roller coaster, it saps us all so that we can't really do much else.

    It's a tough fight, and wears one right to the bone. I don't know how caregivers do it, myself. It was bad enough having cancer.

    As one affected significantly by cancer in the family yet holding down a full time job, it is not surprising you don't have emotional reserves. As cancer patients, we're told to eat to maximize our calories per bite, and how to reduce stress in every arena of our lives, and it is expected that we do that. The unsung heroes are our caregivers, who suffer with us, and still try to put forward their best effort to work, to maintaining normalcy.

    Please, take it easy on yourself. Nobody wants you to kill yourself while you're taking care of one of us. That is counter productive.

    You do what you have to , and that includes taking good care of yourself.

    Remember, you're always in our prayers.



  8. dear dear Becky,

    Couldn't ask for better travelling companions.

    Sounds like it's time for a bubble bath and serenade, followed by:

    A steak and lobster dinner

    or whatever else lights your fire.

    Since my diagnosis I have been on fire for red meat -- can you say steak??

    Hats off and a toast to you, dear, "ain't it grand to be alive to witch!!!"

    (quote from a friend with lc.)

    Love ya,


  9. Pneumonia is very draining, took me 6-8 weeks to overcome the fatigue, that was when I was well.

    Twitching, I don't know about calcium levels, but I do that now too. I don't think it's anything to worry about. Initially makes one feel wierd, but it's not harmful to twitch. I have dreams sometimes where I trip and then twitch in response. Also have had a twitch since the epidural I got having my second child.

    The gagging... due to thickened mucus, due to irradiated cilia having a hard time clearing out the bronchial tube, due to winter dry air on top of it all.... just as long as it comes up. I breathe much easier after I can get the bronchial tube cleared out. Just sounds wretched!!!! and not always easy to get it all up. ( in dire circumstances, I take robitussen that has only guafesin in it, that's supposed to loosen up the secretions and make them easier to move out).

    I had the pneumonia shot twice, and the flu shots every year for the last 15. May not cover everything, but I'll be dipped if I don't cover myself with what is available.

    I have to deal with the fact that now my body does things it didn't used to do, and that's okay, because although I've been through the mill and will never be "normal" again, I'M STILL HERE!!!! and thankful for it.

    Hang in there,


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