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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. I am missing something here.. my life is ethnically deprived....

    I don't know what a pasczi is.

    Someone please enlighten me!!

    and let me know what that other stuff is too.

    I love to live vicariously.... so let me know what I'm missing...!!!



    Still hungry after very minimal lunch -- Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting (I consider myself not in perfect health, so I don't aim for the perfect fast). But I have been doing the minimal food thing, which is my version of a lenten fast.

    Thanks ahead of time for the lovely calorie free descriptions.....

    Becky, if you know what the pscz thing is. for the love of good pastry, TELL ME PLEASE!!!

    Thank you.

  2. Before you diagnose yourself at the cost of all other options, think about nerve involvement. The surgery you underwent usually involves the severing of some nerves, and they can be pinched/pressured in the resectioning.

    If you have muscles locked in spasm, see if you can find a pain specialist who does trigger point injections. That could help you ease off the spasms.

    Fortunately time does help us heal.

    Good luck.


  3. breathing machine... do you mean the


    I used to call it uncle wally.

    lived with it, slept with it for about 6 weeks.

    Used faithfully it can make an ENORMOUS difference.

    I got to where I genuinely disliked the thing, I have four of them scattered about my home. They gave me one each time I went to hosp.

    Of course people with healthy lungs canjust max it out and think it's fun.

    BUT you can see how you are improving, and that's a good thing.


  4. I for one have not met a member of this board I WOULDN'T hug, and that goes for the little dog (aka Tijuana sewer rat), The little dog with the tin pot on her head, the big dog that looks like I'd make one bite, AND all the people too. Duct tape not withstanding.

    Laughter is a marvelous distraction as well as a soul-bonding experience, and I love you all the more for the ribald goofiness.

    Note I said HUG not BUBBLEBATH. The group hot tub/bubble bath is for the ladies (Norme included, a hot tub is deep and there's help getting in and out...), but the dog polls/hugs are for all.

    May I suggest a BBQ simultaneously so we may all enjoy our together goofiness?

    Love you all.

    I mean that.

    Even the little dog.

    No offense, Dave. :lol:


  5. Glad to hear good news.

    It would be great if you could do the radiation and the chemo together.

    That's what I had, but for different reasons.



  6. Well, Mo, it looks like your fuzz will stick around for a while.

    I pray your hair grows in nicely.

    The brave bald chemo cut is nice, but....

    it's nice to grow it out too.



  7. Your mom might find more comfort sitting up sleeping with a pillow in her lap to hold, leaning slightly forward.

    Things to eat that are soft but not liquid taken in small bites work best, as swallowing can be difficult itself.

    She may benefit from an antacid like nexium or the over the counter one. I hope you can make her comfortable.

    Prayers are with you,


  8. Peeps,

    Good luck to your mom on her scans.

    Surgery followed by effective chemo is the best advice I would give, if the surgeons want to take the lobe, and give you the option for chemo. If they don't ask you about chemo, you get proactive and ask them. It's easier to do now than try to track down mets later. At least one good friend of mine might have survived her cancer if she'd been given the option to follow up her surgery with chemo.

    God bless you and take care,



  9. Carleen,

    ""Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.""

    Today is here now, make the most of it.

    Deal with tomorrow's troubles tomorrow.

    I would think these dreams are just telling you that you are not alone now, so love Keith and live every day to the max.

    To borrow from Becky, you never know when the beer truck with your name on it will start rolling down the hill.

    I am happy you have Keith. I wish I had a love like that.

    I have kids, which is still family, but so much different from a heart's love.

    Bless you both.




  10. Kat,

    Ask your doctor to help with meds for depression. I had a major funk after surgery that lasted many months, and the meds did help.

    Glad you're okay, understand the dead fatigue of both at once.

    If you need to talk, pm me anytime.



  11. Dear Francine,

    Sorry so sorry about feeling so punk.

    I hope you start to feel better soon, and that the test results are all great.

    You're in my prayers, girl.

    Hang in there.'



  12. Hello Allison,

    From what you've been shown so far, there are many varieties of rates of recovery and discomfort from surgery.

    Continue to ask questions, and write the questions and the answers down, along with the medications, the doctor's visits, etc. It makes it handy to have it all in one place. I'm glad your husband has you to advocate for him. It makes a huge difference.

    This beast can be survived. There are many of us here to prove just that.

    Keep us posted as to what's going on.

    You and your husband are in our prayers.


  13. Trendy? You want sharpton, not jackson.

    And why not qualify In the house? Out of the house? In a bowl?

    I like big dogs, and horses and siamese fish but for very different reasons. I would not want a dog in the fish bowl, a horse on the bed, or the fish in the straw out in the barn for obvious reasons....

    come on , guys, you're slipping.

    I vote we recognize Dave's little dog as a little dog, and tell him she's okay, she (he) can stay as long as she (he)'s quiet......


    I can like more than one animal at a time if I want to.

    My dogs died and landlord says I can't have dogs where I am now.. :roll:

  14. While I admit I do not dislike your small dogs, my taste runs more to labrador retrievers.

    So I won't take your poll, if voting for "liking" small dogs means I don't like big dogs.


    I am dog-deprived now for almost 5 years, we have pet mice instead.

    I actually envy all of you any kind of dog.

    Quit fussing and fuming and count your blessings.

    This is Washington, where if you want a friend you're told to get a dog.

    I don't especially care for cats, but notice that NONE of the cat fanciers are mixed up in a cats or dogs dispute here....

    Guys, you're just looking for a reason to have a p*$$ing contest.


    Enjoy it.

    Boys. ha!.



  15. Mo,

    Did you know the Brits ( at least the silly mystery novels I read) call speed bumps 'sleeping policemen'?

    I really wonder how that applies here.... lol...

    I'm gonna be okay with the fluid and you're gonna be okay with the lumpy . Okay? Pinky swear? Okay!!



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