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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. Mo,

    I had strange itching, sweating, and was always cold. Maybe it has something to do with dialation of your blood vessels? or maybe just what your brain thinks is the thing to do when you get warm? It takes a bit to reequilibrate sometimes.

    I hope that's the worst we come up with... hot spots, itching and sweats!

    Hang in there, this strange stuff ought to pass too...



  2. Hello Heather,

    I am glad you have found us. This is a warm, caring family of people all coping with the effects of lung cancer on the lives of themselves or their loved ones.

    There are others here better qualified than I to recommend state social service programs or American Cancer Society benefits that might be available to your mother.

    You and your mother are in my prayers,


  3. Welcome, Carla...

    Sounds like your dad is an optimistic kind of guy. That's great!.

    I'm glad they got the spinal surgery out of the way first, it's one less complication to face now as things begin to get complicated.

    Visit us frequently, this is a great bunch of people to help you through the emotional roller coaster of cancer treatments and doctors visits.

    They're the extended family I otherwise do not have.

    Prayers for your dad,


  4. I dare to disagree.

    Cisplatin is very hard on the ears.

    After my first chemo I was screaming with pain, and losing hearing at the same time.

    Had Ethyol with the remaining treatments.

    Protected what was left of my hearing, I don't need a hearing aid. I didn't scream in pain for the remainder of my chemos.

    And the rad/chemo package killed the tumor dead -- nothing left alive in what they took out. 99.9% dead, rest didn't look very good. Died in the dish.

    I think the doctors who discourage the use of ethyol should sit and listen to someone whos had max cisplatin dosage scream with ear pain before they choose to not recommend it.

    If I had had it from the beginning I wouldn't know how good it actually was. The first time it knocked me out, after that was okay.

    Check, check, and double check. Ethyol was originally supposed to protect the kidneys, but also protected my hearing,

    Keep an open mind.



  5. Norme,

    My heart weeps for your loss.

    God grant you the strength to carry on, until it's time for you to meet Buddy at the bridge.

    Powerful image, that.

    God keep you in the palm of His hand, watch over you, and protect you during this time of grief, of wounded spirit.

    I love you, and you are in my prayers.

    Until you return, then,

    Your friend,

    MaryAnn :cry:

  6. David,

    Hang in there. Fatigue and frustration play into one's fears many a time. Do not allow your anxiety to magnify this beyond what it is. Worrying can't change what it is, anyway, it can only get you all upset. Could it be a benign fibrous tumor? or do you know it's a met from the original?

    Wait until you find out, and then figure out where to go from there.

    I know the kids, much as we love em, can be at their worst at the worst times! They know how to pick em...

    Know that you're in our prayers,



  7. I may point out, David, that one of the reasons you had such great results being a one lunger is that you, like Lance Armstrong, didn't have radiation.

    Radiation causes lungs to lose elasticity, and if you have irradiated lung tissue, it is somewhat unlikely you'll be running up 150 flights of stairs before work...

    That said, I agree with everything you said, David. Exercise, maximize lung function, you'll feel better, your energy level will increase, you will sleep better , eat better, etc on down the line. Also works wonders in fighting depression and other kinds of blues.

    Bless you David for sticking with us, when after so long you certainly didn't have to. You have a giving spirit and a great heart.

    Keeping you in my prayers too,



  8. Ouch! a torn bicep sounds painful. Good luck in surgery.

    Cindy, I hope your 'lump' turns out to be nothing to worry about.

    You are both in my prayers,



  9. Terrific news, Ann!

    Would you consider having a port put in to spare your veins? They are not only used for chemo and iv, but for blood drawing as well. I know it saved me a lot of grief, as by the end of chemo my once beautiful veins were pretty well shot.

    Congratulations again on the shrinkage!! May it all be good news from here.



  10. Dear Howard,

    I am very glad that you have had the past year in relative good health. I have been on morphine for a number of years now, which enables me to go about my daily business and work etc.

    I had a pancoast tumor, which is exquisitely painful, growing under the shoulder blade and up my neck, having eaten through my ribs and chest wall. When the morphine couldn't contain the pain, they put me on something called a Fentanyl patch, which delivers transdermal constant medication designed for serious pain that is considered "opioid resistant". You might see if that fits the bill for pain control after the morphine dosage creeps too high.

    Your body will adjust to the morphine. Beware, however, that once you're hitting the 100 mg ++ per day range ( I was in the 300-400 range) the peristalsis in your intestines begins to slow down, and can get you in serious trouble. I wound up with a colonostomy after a perforation occurred, because the whole intestine collapsed from the medication.

    This seems to be one of those things the doctors forget to tell you about.

    You are an honorable warrior, meeting this on your own terms. Please know that there is no reason to suffer unnecessarily. There are many many things that can be done to alleviate pain and retain quality of life.

    I wish you well on your journey, and I admire your spirit.

    You and your family are in my prayers.


  11. You're right. It won't be long and it will be longer than you knew.

    Losing my hair was the only time in the past 40 years I was brave enough to experiment with short hair styles... mostly because I knew either they weren't going to last ( all fall out!), or else I figured what was the worst thing that could happen -- I'd have to cut it all off and be without significant hair for a while? :lol:


  12. As of yesterday, I remain a member of the empty head club. :D

    Likewise, cyst on liver and blank spot in hip marrow remain stable.

    Lung xray remains clear.

    CT scan reveals some small amount of pleural effusion near the stiff prosthetic chest wall, which is perhaps inflammed and irritated a bit.

    Doctor called for another CT next month, at which point he will decided if they'll surgically tap the effusion for cytology.

    I'm guessing it's just going to resorb in the meantime.

    Four years since diagnosis, almost.

    Going as well as can be expected.

    This is good news....



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