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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. NIH was wonderful to me.




    Nutritional supplements,

    prescription medications.

    One year of PT.

    21 days in the hospital, first class care.

    14 hour surgery.

    Cannot say enough about the surgical group and support team.

    Money is tighter under the new director, but if you're fortunate enough to be enrolled in any clinical protocols here, you are in good hands.

    My surgeon was world class.

    Also, NCI has information about cancer treatments and trials all over.

    It is a resource not to be overlooked.

    Just my two cents,


  2. Hey Bob,

    Enjoy your fishing trip. Just remember how to get home, okay?

    I know what you mean about respiratory viruses, but it gets better after the first couple years..... I've found it so anyway.

    If you're doing the morphine ask the dr about extended release , they come in 15 mg tablets, not sure if it's smaller, but it works great for keeping the pain down. That and Vioxx work for me.

    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Send postcards!!



  3. Hello Ann and welcome!!

    It does my heart good to see the strong family support T-Bone has.

    That is strong and powerful medicine that money can't buy.

    Your family is beautiful, btw.


  4. Shelley,

    The hand you've been dealt really stinks.

    Going to take more than ice cream, bubble baths, and long naps to deal with this one.

    You are allowed to let yourself off the hook. Put being kind to yourself as your number one priority for the moment. Be your own best friend for a bit.

    When I used to get like this, I'd visualize.... I'd lay my head in Mary Mother of God's lap, and close my eyes.... cover myself with her mantle up to my chin ( sometimes even up over my head). and rest, just try to rest. Let it all go. And sometimes I actually found rest, and sleep, and felt stronger when I woke up.

    Faith kept me going long past where any mere human strengths would have taken me.

    Point being, whatever works for you.

    Just remember, we love you. And -- we been there.

    Go do something nice for yourself.



  5. I understand only too well, Elaine. Only too well.

    I was fortunate enough to have one good friend who helped me through the worst of the surgeries. I made sure I was legally separated from the ex before the diagnosis, so that intent shouldn't be the problem.

    I thought about crawling under the bed, but then realized every second would be about 500 years long.... and that was no way to live. May as well get on with it.

    It was for the kids that I fought as hard as I did. I wasn't finished here yet.

    It was faith that kept me going. I said Hail Mary's over and over and over again. Also sat in the bubble bath and cried . But I just kept putting one foot in front of the other, with God's help, and did what I had to do. Losing was not an option.

    The other part of this is distraction -- good novels, rent good movies, go for walks , see if your church has a visiting program. Part of how you do with treatments depends on nutritional status as well as frame of mind, so eat well ( I used to find sirloin scraps on sale). Think about volunteering somewhere, perhaps the library, as long as you are strong enough .

    And, when you fall into the black pit of despair, we'll help you crawl out again, and face the whole mess, and keep going. We have been on this roller coaster from hell, you are not alone.

    Remember, you are loved, and you are part of our family..


  6. Hello, Kelly,

    Welcome to this family of loving, caring people. We will be here to listen to you, and hold your hand as you embark on this rollercoaster of emotions in your family's fight against cancer.

    I am sorry you need to be here, but I am glad you found us.

    Your mom and your family are in our prayers.


  7. Bonojo,

    PM me with the full list of ingredients, and I can sort through some of it for you. While I am not a nutritionist I am a biochemist and I know the fancy names for sugar and fat.... lol...

    The advice about a nutritionist is a good one.

    I'd be glad to help if you'd like me to take a look.




    Much as I like the hat you must be hallucinating, because about 70 miles north of you it is 20'F outside. And water? Brrrrr...!!!

    I'd rather be someplace warm, but this is where home is......

    Gotta love it.

    Stay goofy and cheerful,


  8. Welcome, Mayos!

    Now you have clean scans you can remember that cancer, while it is a part of your life, is not the sole focus of your life.

    Thank the Lord for He is good.

    I am glad you were accidentally diagnosed early.

    It happens to too few.

    May you have many more clean scans in your future.



  9. All that stuff slows down your intestines, so you're not digesting well.

    Me, all through chemo and all, many months, I wouldn't say I was "hungry", but I ate. Make sure you get plenty of fiber in there, and exercise -- walk -- to keep things moving.

    I perforated my bowels and had an ostomy because the morphine slowed everything down waaay too much.

    I'd put the appetite down to the whole treatment/ chemo/ med thing, and eat anyway. Remember the fiber to keep moving things along.

    I hope you feel less concerned, and maybe you'll even be hungry again.


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