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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. I will keep you and your dad in my prayers, that he finds some relief... I have never heard of that particular problem, but that doesn't make him less uncomfortable or your mom less upset. Call your doctor and explain, maybe there is something that they can prescribe to give your dad some relief.



  2. Heather,

    I didn't dare plan more than a week ahead for the first year. Then it was a year, and I thought, now what? I spent the next two years waiting for the other shoe to drop... I am finally getting used to the idea that I might, just might, make it through this... I too was a IIIA.

    Life will never go back to what it was, as now we are aware of being cancer survivors, and I think I will always be looking at least a little over my shoulder.

    I can understand where you are just starting a new marriage and a new life would be uneasy about planning as any new bride otherwise would....

    Hon, it's only been a year. It will get better. I too get antsy around scan time, and I am pretty well useless between the scan and the surgical appointment... I schedule them as close together as possible, and try to keep a grip on what's real and what's a "dark imagining".

    My surgeon told me the further out I get without recurrence the less likely I am to have one, but I keep feeling like my luck is going to run dry.

    Just keep in mind what is real or factual risk, and what is borrowing trouble. There is a real difference, and on thinking you will know what it is. I take pain meds for the stiffness/soreness, and I take antianxiety/antidepression medications to keep me even keeled.

    Heather, my prayers are with you, and my best wishes... I wish I could give you a big hug when you feel so badly. Truly.

    PM me if I can help.

    I wish you only the best , my friend.



  3. Bettina,

    Know that you are loved, and in my prayers,

    I extend my hand in caring and friendship

    across the water.

    Take care of yourself,

    pm if you like.



  4. Dear Jeanne,

    I am not that far from Burke, just over the Md. state line.

    Please pm me if you want to talk more or email about this.

    Courage is not the lack of fear, but acting in spite of the fear. I too felt the nightmare that got worse when I woke up. I realized I had a choice. I could hide under the bed (metaphorically) where each second became 500 years long, or I could get up and face the monster.

    I got up. I faced the monster. It was not easy. I was terrified. I had no husband or extended family close by. I did have a friend who went far out of her way to be my advocate, and I truly will be grateful to her as long as I live. It was still the roller coaster from he!!, and much of it went right by me because I was numb.

    Being diagnosed with cancer was one of the most isolating things that ever happened to me. It does set you apart, forever, for better or worse. Life, especially your perception of life, will never be the same.

    Take a deep breath, and be gentle with yourself. You have had a terrific shock to the system. This is not going to go away, or get better fast.

    Understand your diagnosis, and your treatment. Ask questions, and participate fully in your treatment with the rest of your treatment team.

    Believe in your treatment. Successes happen every day, and there is no reason you should not be one of them.

    Turn to us here for support, as we will in turn turn to you for support. I see that as one of the responsibilities of surviving, is to provide a shoulder and an ear for fellow cancerites.

    Know that from the time of diagnosis you are considered a survivor. Not a victim. Occasionally a patient. Always a survivor.

    Find the small blessings in each and every day. Taken together, they add up powerfully to heal your spirit.

    Believe, and have faith, in whatever you believe in, be it God, medicine, a greater power, yourself, for faith will sustain you through this fight.

    And know that while you have cancer, cancer is not the focus of your life. Live your life with cancer, don't let cancer become your life.

    And remember, we all do the best we can. We get discouraged sometimes, we get depressed sometimes. We are only human.

    But thankfully, we have this board, and the prayers of others who understand what this is about. This board is also a source of support and advice, and a lifeline to friendship when you feel most alone in the world.

    Jeanne, know that you are cared about and that you are in my prayers.



  5. You've had a lot of stuff to endure, Shelly, and my heart goes out to you. I pray for you to find the strength you need to cope, and I pray for your dad too. Sometimes life s#cks, and it seems so unfair that you've recently lost your mom too.

    Just know we're thinking of you, and that you're in our prayers.



  6. Mo,

    Prayers that the Topetocan (sp?) covers all bases.

    At least the NSCLC is slower.. and it looks like you're getting on top of the SCLC......

    Keep the faith, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.



  7. Gay,

    God bless you and Dean both, for you have brought insight and friendship and love to us here. You are a beautiful couple, and I'm glad you are with us now.



  8. I know my bp was elevated slightly on chemo, and most of the time I was in treatment. It wasn't "High" but high for me. .. like 155/92, when I normally had bp about 110/72. Your oncologist is aware of it,and has put your dad on meds for it. When you talk to the oncologist, ask if there is anything else about elevated blood pressure, ie signs and symptoms that could indicate a problem, that you should know about. It's good that your oncologist has already noted and prescribed meds to keep the bp down.

    Prayers for you and your dad.



  9. Aye, Norme.

    Look forward and Rejoice!! indeed...

    Can't change the past.

    Can live in the present, and affect tomorrows....

    Every day I get up and put two feet on the floor is a good one.



  10. I know someone who has primary peritoneal cancer, who is being given an experimental drug that has been in trials for colon cancer. Could this be it? Apparently peritoneal cancer is a very rare thing. Any info would help.


  11. Kate,

    Miracles happen every day.

    Tell your dad he needs to eat, to fuel his walking, which is just going to help his legs get stronger. Fairly simple, if fueled by hope. He has to want to eat, want to walk to get his legs stronger, and want to take the next steps.

    One day at a time.

    One foot in front of the other.

    One baby step at a time.

    And keep your eyes on the goal --

    No reason since miracles happen every day your dad shouldn't be one.

    God bless your father, and bless also his attitude, which contributes so much to his recovery.



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