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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. Ladies,

    It comes from having a 'raised consciousness".

    I feel the same way about blonde jokes now my daughter is 15 and platinum blonde naturally.

    She thinks they're funny.

    It's all a matter of perspective, and entirely natural.

    I think no one with any humanity would hold it against you.

    Funny how perspectives change, though.....


  2. I am very sorry to hear about your grandmother.

    Cancer that has metastasized isn't really very simple to deal with.

    Just show your grandmother you love her by being there for her, and by not falling apart when you are with her. She wouldn't want you to stop living your life just to weep, I am certain.

    I will keep you and your grandmother in my prayers.

    Try to be strong, dear, I know it isn't easy.

    Love to you both,


  3. Forget the statistics. They are old, based on outdated protocols.

    Your mom is in better shape than you think.

    I had much more extensive surgery, and they weren't as cheerful on reporting.

    I am still here.

    NED for 3 1/2 years now.

    Your mom and you all are in my prayers...



  4. Jamie,

    Your father sounds like he's forgotten he is a partner in the team that is treating his disease. He is not an object to be dictated to, nor is he his cancer. He is a person, with a disease, and if his team isn't dealing with him, he has every right to "fire" that team and find one that will work with him.

    Diagnosis is a terrible blow, and there are people who specialize in that sort of counseling. I have been there. It works, and it helps. even if it isn't his thing. Worth a try, at least, before he writes it off. There are also meds for anxiety and depression -- which in my book go hand in hand with being diagnosed. They're available. Take advantage of that fact.

    It takes a while to realize hiding doesn't fix anything but in fact makes it worse. Courage isn't being unafraid, it's moving forward despite the fear. In this case (being diagnosed) it means becoming proactive on your own behalf, and getting all the facts, knowing all the options, and making informed decisions.

    On the other hand, he wouldn't be the first guy to sit in his armchair and let it all go, passively, as much as that hurts the family around them.

    Dean has the right of it. Make INFORMED choices, and LIVE the life you have. Much as it would be nice to wake up from this nightmare, it just ain't gonna happen.

    There are doctors that will deal with his cancer more aggressively, but he may have to shake some bushes to find them. It's worth it.

    Miracles do happen. I am one.

    No matter what, Jamie, we're here for you, and your dad.

    Remembering you both in my prayers,



  5. Hi Phoenix,

    I was getting the first hint of cancer in an xray the end of March, had a CAT scan to confirm within 3 days. April was a succession of tests and consults, with surgery originally scheduled the first week of May. I know I wanted the darned thing OUT!! but the doctors wanted all the facts first. Hardest waiting of all, waiting to start doing SOMETHING about the beastly interloper.

    I counsel patience, knowing how hard it is. Time for distractions -- books, movies, talking to friends, I ate a lot of steaks (treated myself). It is hard but necessary to allow yourself to be distracted from focusing on the cancer. Attitude is everything, and it sure helps to keep you otherwise relatively healthy and nutritionally in good shape before you start any therapeutics or surgeries.

    Hang in there, the time will pass... it always does.



  6. Jamie,

    Your father sounds like he's forgotten he is a partner in the team that is treating his disease. He is not an object to be dictated to, nor is he his cancer. He is a person, with a disease, and if his team isn't dealing with him, he has every right to "fire" that team and find one that will work with him.

    Diagnosis is a terrible blow, and there are people who specialize in that sort of counseling. I have been there. It works, and it helps. even if it isn't his thing. Worth a try, at least, before he writes it off. There are also meds for anxiety and depression -- which in my book go hand in hand with being diagnosed. They're available. Take advantage of that fact.

    It takes a while to realize hiding doesn't fix anything but in fact makes it worse. Courage isn't being unafraid, it's moving forward despite the fear. In this case (being diagnosed) it means becoming proactive on your own behalf, and getting all the facts, knowing all the options, and making informed decisions.

    On the other hand, he wouldn't be the first guy to sit in his armchair and let it all go, passively, as much as that hurts the family around them.

    Dean has the right of it. Make INFORMED choices, and LIVE the life you have. Much as it would be nice to wake up from this nightmare, it just ain't gonna happen.

    There are doctors that will deal with his cancer more aggressively, but he may have to shake some bushes to find them. It's worth it.

    Miracles do happen. I am one.

    No matter what, Jamie, we're here for you, and your dad.

    Remembering you both in my prayers,



  7. Shelly,

    My heart goes out to you.

    None of us are going to live forever. Your dad is choosing his terms. See Fay A's note about I WIN.

    He isn't thinking of you first here, hon.

    After all, he's been there and done that already with the chemo.

    I would choke on that too, but it is his body, and the rest of us have to accept that one has the right to make the decision for onesself.

    All that you can do is gather us around you for support... and you just have to reach out to us, you know that.... and pray for acceptance.... and enjoy every day that you can.

    Sometimes life sucks, and it just isn't fair.

    But that's life.


    I'll be thinking about you.

    You and your dad are in my prayers.



  8. Connie

    I know the auto-log in feature doesn't seem to be working for me, I don't know if that is the same for everyone else.

    Maybe we've just gotten very popular, or our guests have overcome their reticence....



  9. Andrea,

    So so sorry to hear about your mom.

    Nobody from outside could possibly know the reality of what you are going through

    One step at a time, one day at a time. Slow deep breaths.....

    You need to stay well during this very tough time.

    Know that you'll both be in my prayers



  10. Tricia,

    Boy, oh boy, do Iknow how you feel! I felt the same way that far out.... had my father dump all the liquid morphine in the house I felt so badly.

    I know that was a double whammy from the surgery and the chemo/radiation. I was told some folks have serious depression for up to a year. I had mine for about 14 months...


    and I am glad I am here at this board. I am more up than I have ever been, but it was a rough rollercoaster ride to get here.

    Take all the help you need to see you through....

    and please remember that the sun WILL shine again...

    Love ya,



  11. Aw, Berisa,

    I am so sorry your dad is having a hard time of it. May his time home be calming and rational, and may he enjoy the love of his family all around him.



  12. Christy and Darrell-- Congratulations!! NED is wonderful news!!

    I am very happy for you both. Christy, have a Happy Birthday! Darrell, I'm glad you're feeling so well, but please remember you're not iron man yet. Maybe next week.

    Little rink -- vacation ! oh boy oh boy oh boy!!

    Florida no less.

    Enjoy!! Wish I was going...



  13. Thanks, Rick. Tried them all. Twice.

    Still like subsilver best.

    Thank you so much. This all was truly a gift from the heart.

    Let's hear it for Rick, who may I remind myself has a new baby in the house.. I'm surprised he had that kind of generous effort left to give to us all....

    Rick, you are amazing, and your lovely and geneous wife Katie too.

    Thanks again,



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