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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. Cathy,

    Sorry this chemo didn't do it. There are others on the shelf, and if the taxotere doesn't do it, there may be more things to try before Iressa. New medicines coming all the time.

    Have you looked into clinical trials of the newer chemos?

    You're in my prayers.

    Hang in there!!



  2. Wait for me!!! I'm coming too.... Michigan or bust......

    Heck, every crew needs a sidekick or straightman.

    That's me. With my loss of short term memory, I laugh at the same jokes over and over and over....

    I'm feeling WELL, and want to get into trouble tping whosis house late on a school night. (feeling truly wicked)

    So, hold up, I'm coming..!!!

    (been living alone with an 8 year old TOO LONG...)

    Isn't this the time of year to celebrate Bacchus or Dionysus??



  3. At one year out I was amazed I was still here.

    Then I thought, now what?

    I hadn't thought beyond that point.

    I figured I'd better now.....

    Second year was a lot better, although still tentative.

    Managed to stay out of hospital with no pneumonia or bronchitic problems.

    Still got resp infections several times.

    By the end of the second year I was much more able to look forward and plan, however tentatively.

    The third year was good. Feeling great about everything. would be nice if I had a spouse who adored me, but being a single mom with a job I can handle and a house I don't own isn't a bad place to be. I am actually anticipating the good things the future holds for me. Ifigure from here Ijust might make it.

    Turning the pages of the calendar is the right idea. Time passes.

    The hypochondria will pass. The feeling good, and that it's okay to feel good, will come.

    God bless and keep us all,



  4. Erin,

    my physical therapist told me radiation was the gift that keeps on giving.. and giving.... Radiation leads to the development of toughening, something like fibrosis, which makes air exchange harder. Radiation is also focused on a certain body part, and any rogue cells from that time outside the field of radiaton are unaffected. The chemo is supposed to take care of them, but the chemos are generally evaluated in a particular place, ie lung cancer in lung. So it is possible for something to slip through. As far as lymph nodes, I believe also blood stream can carry cells. I was told to watch for mets to brain, bone, liver, although I have seen a lot of adrenal gland involvement.

    Lance Armstrong worked with his doctors so as to avoid radiation completely, I am not sure if he opted not to do any chemo. That's why he is breathing like an athlete in competition today.

    That's the best I can tell you, I know it is woefully incomplete.



  5. I shared a room in August 2000 with a young lady who had a surgery very similar to yours; I hope her outcome was just as good.

    Jodi, you are blessed to be here, just as I am.

    May we put the time given us to good use.




  6. I also recommend pre medicating for nausea. Also if you're doing cisplatin or carboplatin, ask your dr about ethyol to protect your hearing. I had terrible pain from noise and other artifacts after the first round of chemo, but the dr offered me the ethyol (amifosdine) to prevent that for the rest of the chemos and it worked very well.

    Good luck.

    Bring a good book!!

    and maybe a snuggly lap robe, afghan, or other blanket.

    Take care,


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