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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. I too think of them frequently.

    I send lots of love and warm fuzzies their way, esp at bedtime.

    So mucy prayer must certainly be felt.



  2. Berisa,

    So sorry tohear of this turn of events.

    I hope he is not terribly uncomfortable...

    I will pray for that miracle, and may your dad's fighting spirit not leave him....



  3. There is a treatment for that kind of bone 'disintegration" fracture where the doctors surgically squeeze in a cement like substance that fortifies the vertebrae and helps with compression and stress fractures. Assuming that it's compression fractures, see if the doctor would talk to you about this procedure. It's good for bone, not disc, compression fractures.



  4. I took Zofran the entire time, I think 3 x a day, and I believe I had iv premed of zofran and lorazepam. I also had lorazepam 1 mg 2 x day it's good for nausea and anxiety as well. Didn't do compazine at all.

    I know exertion or pain would accelerate the nausea. I spent a lot of time in the recliner. I did see many people with the anti nausea wrist bands, that isn't expensive and couldn't hurt to try.

    I ate very small meals, but tried to keep something inmy stomach all the time. I was also taking prilosec, which helped with the nausea some.

    HAng in there, cookie, one foot in front of the other. The only way to get past this is through and out the other side. Remember, it's GOOD for you!

    Be thankful we're alive now and not 80 years ago......

    When all else fails, lose yourself in reading a good novel or watching a rental video and take naps. Lots of naps. And bubblebaths.

    Bless you, hang on, you're in my prayers.



  5. Melinda,

    Please tell her oncologist that this other doctor is trying to dissuade your mother in law from receiving life-saving treatments. He needs to be able to discuss this guy's point of view and credentials with her. If not the oncologist, then perhaps one of his nurses or a social worker from the hospital.

    Your mother in law is very suggestible right now, and very confused. She it seems would rather talk to someone she believes in rather than look at all the science. Quite frankly, guys like that scare me, because it isn't their lives at stake. What good is an intact brain if you're DEAD????

    I hope you can get somewhere talking to her, and persuade her to follow up with the oncologist about foregoing treatment altogether. I personally think it's a very bad idea. BUT it is her life, and if she choses to listen to some snakeoil salesman, she cannot be forced to have treatments.

    I wish you luck, and send prayers that this resolves well..


  6. Hi Deb--

    I felt the same way when I hit the one year mark. I couldn't believe it, and as I hadn't looked any further than that, I kinda was puzzled....

    "guardedly optimistic" is a good word choice, so start off that way....

    miracles do happen. People do go into full remission with NED which could be considered even a "cure" (I don't want to jinx myself with that word... lol).

    Aint' it grand to be alive??



  7. David,

    Enjoy the pulmonary therapy in the hospital. I always took full advantage of it and voted yes for the 3 am session. It's good for what ails ya!!

    Feel better soon , kiddo!!

    Thanks for the update, Ry.



  8. Nushka,

    I wound up hospitalized twice with bronchitis and pneumonia. That kind of infection does hit pretty hard after lung treatments and chemo.

    It does get better, you do get stronger, and gradually fight them off more effectively.

    Meantime, if coughing interrupts your sleep, try Chloraseptic throat Spray. It will numb the cough centers on the sides of your throat so you can at least fall asleep. Very useful medication -- over the counter. Comes in red AND green!

    Feel better...



  9. Berisa,

    I'm sorry your dad is now dealing with infections. Nasty business.

    What you can do for your dad is what you ARE doing -- be there.

    Love him.

    I will pray for strength for both of you....



  10. Hi Deb,

    Just to let you know, miracles do happen. I have an acquaintance with Stage IV adeno nsclc, and after treatments ( and unbridled optimism) he was found NED eight months later.

    So don't worry about ancient statistics and wet blanket predictions.

    Just focus on beating the beast.



  11. Fay,

    Whatever you decide, I wish you the best possible outcome.

    It sounds like the lung damage, which I would have been more concerned with, is minimal with whole radiation.

    I also believe in overkill, because sometimes as much as you want to you can't back up and make the other decision instead.

    Prayers at you...



  12. Carleen,

    Glad to hear from you. Sorry there was any progression, but you have all your treatment options lined up like big guns, and you're set to go.

    Prayers have wings....

    Love to you both-



  13. Rachel,

    Marvelous!! NED!!

    The radiation scarring will likely cause discomfort for a good long while, but I know what you mean about the disease looming large. It took me until 1 year to look forward instead of over my shoulder...

    Enjoy your new status as you continue to recover your strength and energy...



  14. Bless you for your enthusiasm, Andrea. Since you can't slay dragons yourself, you're putting your energy to good use doing something you CAN do. I can respect that. Ah, If I had half your energy..... lol.....

    Nice work.



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