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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. I'm glad Bob is home. This surgery isn't trivial, and I know he hurts, but he MUST move -- the worst thing in the world for post-thoracic surgery is pneumonia. Plus, he needs to grit his teeth and not hold his torso rigid. I asked for and got a sling, otherwise I couldn't stand the pull at my shoulder. I strapped everything down before I went dancing down the hall.

    I'm glad Bob has good friends to help him through this roller coaster ride.



  2. Ray,

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the prayers.....

    you have no idea how much it means to me.

    Thanks again,



  3. Carleen,

    Of course prayers.

    Sweats and chills -- I had them before diagnosis, thru chemo, and I think I still got them but less after surgery. I thought not a lot about it.

    Don't let it creep you out.

    Do tell the doctor about the numbness, something is pressing on the nerve somewhere.



  4. Fay,

    More appropriate words I cannot imagine.

    I think the loss of BeckyG and JudyB simultaneously blew all of us away.

    I know it did me.

    Whether 3 D or message board,

    when you hang out with people with active cancer,

    you lose some friends. It comes with the territory.

    Doesn't make it hurt one whit less.

    My prayers go out to JudyB's family,

    and especially to BeckyG's husband and daughter. She was way too young, and her daughter is sooo small. About the same age my youngest was when I fought back from the surgery.

    She would have stayed if she could.

    God called her home.

    Now she's a 24/7 angel for real.

    Rest well, my friends, your toil here is finished.

    You remain in our hearts, our minds, and our prayers.



  5. Good for you, Andrea,

    You have to take care of yourself and your husband first.

    Your enthusiasm and energy and willingness/desire to DO something are commendable.

    Wait a year or two until you can have the infrastructure in place, with insurance, for an event like this. Perhaps some major corporation/civic organization would foot the insurance for you.

    Please, don't beat yourself up. I don't think ANYONE will be angry with you. I know I am not, for sure.

    God bless you for caring.



  6. My routine upper left lobe/neck radiation wiped out half my thyroid. If I had had any other thyroid problems, I am sure this would have made it worse. My oncologist believes I should be able to function normally with half a thyroid.

    Just my two cents.



  7. Bob,

    My prayers are added to everyone else's here.

    Please fight your way back to vertical......

    We miss you.



  8. Pleural effusion is not necessarily cancerous. My surgeon found limited amt of pleural effusion on my left/surgical side, and followed up on it a month later. He said there was not an increase, maybe a slight decrease, he saw no tumor, and he didn't want to breach the integrity of the chest and risk infection the prosthetic rib cage. He said not to worry about it, likely it will resorb. Most of the time, he said, it is a consequence of irritation/inflammation.

    No reason to worry, you've got enough on your plate,



  9. Thank you for posting this.

    I admired Becky and was always pulling for her, in my heart.

    God won, we mere mortals cede.....

    God give Curtis the strength to take care of that beautiful child,

    who lost her mother waay too soon.

    God bless and keep them all.



  10. I had two double bags of red cells prior to starting treatment to counter severe anemia. I felt so lousy, that although I'm sure the transfusions helped me feel less miserable, it wasn't the tonic for me it was for others.

    Still, brought my counts up to almost normal range, so I could breathe....

    Transfusions can be very very good things,



  11. Hello Margaret and Jim,

    The treatment Jim is getting is the same rad/chemo I had, except with a surgical break in the middle . The tumor was all dead on removal.! I did have two more rounds of chemo afterwards. I have been NED since....

    Best of luck to you.

    Hang in there,

    one step in front of the other.



  12. Ry,

    I hope you're getting better and ready to come home.

    Please feel better soon....

    Karen and the rest of the crew -- it is a delight to meet people for a nice dinner like that, just proves there are faces to match with the names.

    Ry, when you DO get home, I'll be ready to party.



  13. Karenb, I am so glad for your father!!

    As for follow up chemo, don't wait for the doctor to ask. Ask him, Be proactive. Too many people have not had follow up chemo and paid with their lives.

    Tell him I am delighted for him!!! It takes a while to sink in.....




  14. KC, I am so very sorry that your dad is gone....

    It sounds like he loved you very much, and tried to spare you pain even to his last decisions.....

    I know you will miss him.

    God bless, and take care of yourself and your daughter.

    You'll be in my prayers.



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