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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. Stephanie,,

    I am truly sorry about your mother's passing, but I am glad she avoided all the suffering that was to come.

    She was a decent woman and a good friend to so many.

    I am glad you were able to be with her.



  2. Dear Curtis and family,

    Please accept my most sincere condolences on BeckyG's passing.

    God must have wanted her special to take her so young.

    I will remember you all in my prayers.

    Hugs and kisses especially to your daughter.



  3. Welcome, Dusty.

    Sorry to hear about your sister. TBone is well loved here and has adopted us all into his extended family. While I regret the circumstances that lead you to us, please stay and enjoy some of the warmest, friendliest, caringest folks you'd want to meet anywhere. Please come frequently and stay awhile. :)



  4. Dean,

    We are blessed in that we know we will be leaving, so the smallest things demand a greater attention today... like the first jonquils or forsythia of spring... the first blossoming pear tree... the birds coming home to nest.

    Dean, my friend, thank you for walking with us on this road awhile... because it is the journey that is so special.

    Thank you.



  5. I betcha something like that happened to her, that she went through the same thought process with someone close to her.

    It makes sense......

    That's why last year I was pricing the long term federal disability insurance, which is expensive if you don't put the five year cap on it.


  6. Beautiful, Dean.... just beautiful.

    I hope you're compiling all these poems in a safe place,

    so maybe someday a small volume could be published.It

    would be very nice for gay, and others of us to have, and you

    could assign the profits to whatever worthy cause you choose.

    You are more of a master wordsmith than Ihad realized, Dean.

    God bless and keep you. :)



  7. TAnn,

    The whole time I was being evaluated and later treated for cancer I had a slightly elevated temperature, usually about 99.5 -- 100.2. I don't recall them being much higher, but I could be wrong. I also remember not running fevers much over 101.5 as a kid.

  8. That's it. While Ry is on 'vacation' we'll plan to tp the hospital.

    PS Can we wait until it gets a little warmer???


    Prayers, always.


    Very glad this serious matter is in hand. Endocarditis is NOT trivial.

  9. Elaine,

    Angie put it well.


    Life is too short for bs and negative emotions.

    Enjoy the journey. Smell the flowers.

    Of course, you're in my prayers.

    Hang in there...



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