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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. That IS a standard question whenever you get contrast with a scan.

    Any contrast or dye needs to be processed out by kidneys. I have to get urinalysis for kidney function before I get my CT scans every six months. They dont' ask about kidneys, they just do the test, and I ask them.

    Geez, life is too much sometimes. Kidneys.

    Are we all like that? I guess we are.....

    and I wouldn't have it any other way (taking things for granted) but I would like people not to have to leap to worry unnecessarily.

    Prayers for all things good, and to not worry.



  2. bean_si,

    You're no stranger than I in my radiation skivvies envisioning the tumor flaking away from the bone like chicken stewing in a pot.

    I like the fairies better.

    I am at one or two a day, and nicotine gum. It's been four years, and I only lasted 8 months post surgery before a heavy depression had me to where I didn't care if I smoked or not.... and addiction being what it is, this is where I am now.

    We all do the best we can.




  3. Please do something about the bowel obstruction NOW. Next step is perforation, and that's what almost killed me. The morphine slowed my system down so that my intestines essentially filled with pus and collapsed, then I perforated. I had to have an emergency colonostomy within 9 hours of admission, had last rites and all.....

    This is a serious problem with people who have to take morphine for cancer pain.

    AND, let me remind you, I am STILL HERE 4 YEARS LATER.

    That's a lot of time to write letters about a lazy oncologist. If he isn't helping, it is in the oath to do no harm.

    AFTER you take care of this immediate problem, then start gearing up to go for the oncologist who wasn't straight with you. But first please see that your son is taken care of.

    Sorry I sound a little frantic, but THIS almost killed me !!

    Prayers for your son and yourself...



  4. Haylee,

    I understand your concerns.

    By all means mention the seizures!

    Mention everything, and let the doctor determine what is significant.

    That's what they get trained for.

    They can't help if they don't hear about a particular problem.

    If the doctor doesn't feel it's cancer, then please don't let your fears run away with you. "Don't borrow trouble"... it'll still be there tomorrow if the evidence starts to lean that way, and I'm sure they'll tell you.

    Ask for the brain CT -- actually for brain they usually do MRI, as I don't expect the seizures should be entirely discounted.

    Good luck to you, and please, don't scare yourself silly. Wait and see.



  5. Debbie,

    I feel horrible that you have this added to your grief right now.

    I have heard good stories, now I'm hearing the horror stories.

    I guess we as patients ALWAYS need a strong advocate who is proactive on our behalf. God help those without family or friends to fill this role!

    I hope and pray you get help that is helpful, and gentle, and full of the kind of grace your family needs at this time.

    You're in our prayers..



  6. Andrea,

    Praying that God will lend you and your dad the strength to see this through in love without the guilt... and praying that your mom is not in pain. Sending you hugs to let you know you're not alone, we're all with you in spirit. It's a sad thing to face, it is.

    God bless you for being a loving and devoted daughter.




  7. Shelly,

    I think you might investigate antidepression meds and/or counseling yourself -- especially counseling. You've been through the mill, hon, and the anticipation is making you crazy and ill at heart.

    Be kind to yourself, and try to see some small positive thing in the world every day -- a bud, a blossom, a child's smile.

    Depression is the worst sort of black hole to fall into....

    I care about you too much to see you just slide into that pit....

    PM me if you like, but please talk to someone about this....




  8. You got em......

    They never get better......you still worry just as much.......


    Take it easy....



  9. I still get CTs of the chest, ab, and pelvis.

    I also get an MRI of the head and neck, because my pancoast tumor grew almost up to my ear, and that's the most likely place for mets.

    Don't get pets(never) or bone scans (just at dx).

    Now getting scans (with contrast) every six months...



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