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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. I was supposed to have PFTs done on Friday, but when I went I was running a fever and coughing so they wouldn't do them.

    Since my SOB has gotten so much worse lately, and my tumor likely started in the right main bronchus, could a PFT tell specifically that there was more blockage there?

    I guess a better question would be, can PFTs spot a focal obstruction?

    Thanks again for your time.

  2. Oh Kim,

    My heart is breaking reading your last few posts. I wish I had some knowledge or other ability to help you and your mother, who it is clear you love so much.

    There IS only so much you can do too. While your mom is in the hospital, I think you can and should rest as much as possible.

    love and fortitude


  3. Lisa.

    While I understand that SOME of what you are going through is because of cultural differences, I am sure that doesnt make it any easier--for you or for Ahmed, whose loyalties are being tried beyond what a well person could handle, let alone someone battling this disease.

    His heart is with you and his dear son--that is clear. I hope there has been resolution of the "other stuff"- It is heartbreaking that this has happened. I know I can't understand anyone behaving like his family has and I know how much this must hurt Ahmed, you and your son. It must feel like a betrayal.

    While others have urged you to call the police, I would be hesitant to do that, but I would perhaps call his case manager if he has one or a social worker. I think it might hurt Ahmed if you called the police.

    The police rarely can do more than harm family relations under such circumstances. Though, I suppose if they attemp to kidnap him, I WOULD call ANYONE, including the police.

    I have been so worried about you all. No matter how his mother and brother are acting, I am sure their hearts are breaking too. And your poor son, that is his grandmother and uncle... And of course his love for you and his father is stronger than any love he has. I wish they could stop for his sake.

    I hope you have been able to get Ahmed medical attention in spite of what is happening.

    I know it's not much that we are here, online, but I hope you can find support with us as you face the "madness"

    My love and extra fortiude to you all.


  4. I am so sorry, I forgot that I stopped posting with my profile when I began to receive copies of my records almost two months ago.

    It is a very long story and I have come to find out there are inconstencies in my record.

    I will cut out the Dec 2002 thru Feb 2004, but needless to say my DX was missed during that time, even though I was "closely followed" for a severe arrythmia and parathesias--med checks, trips to ER, chest xrays etc., lung function tests, EKGs etc. as late as Dec 2003.

    Symptoms of intermittant HPOA (mild arthralgias, severe parathesias and severe burning pain) and mild SOB at DX. Clubbing at least since Dec 2002--nothing but PFTs and Chest Xray upon noticing the clubbing.

    Feb 2004 DX--was told Adeno Stage IIIB but could not rule out bone mets completely (onc though did say bone mets unlikely--PCP disagreed--though both had me in grave in 6-9 months. Bone scan showed increased uptake in both shins, forearms, mandible, hips, pelvis.

    Pet Scan showed lesion and three possibly four lymph nodes involved consistent with CT.

    Sputum cytology showed first inconclusive, then adeno. Another sample taken showed adenosquamous. (I was told adeno).

    Surgical opinion inoperable verified by second opinion.

    Onc told me that he could give me chemo but I would likely be ill from it "until the day I died"-- "most people go ahead with it, though." This sentence came after about 10 minutes of him talking about stage IV breast cancer--he was extremely confused, fumbling around and then rude-. Told "highly aggressive" form of Lc.

    Chest Xray in April showed less than 1mm growth.

    Chest Xray in Aug showed 1mm growth.

    Chest Xray in November virtually unchanged.

    Began to experience some mild fatigue early summer and extreme SOB on exertion.

    After August Xray, and not feeling well got to thinking maybe not so aggressive tumor (based on size) and decided to change Drs.

    Has been a nightmare with HMO and Drs all along, but in some ways worse with this new Dr. (who you might have read me rant about.)

    For example, never have had brain scans and had trouble getting bone scan in August--ironically, they did approve bone and Cat Scan in August, but I was not notified and the clinic did bill for scans I never had.

    Can't go back to old Drs, can't change PCP except before the end of month and wouldn't be effective till first of month anyway.

    There were many factors that went into my not doing treatment but I never completely ruled it out. One being there are two people on this board who went to same practice and what the Dr said would happen to me, happened to them.

    Though once I began to actively seek it, I have gotten nowhere.

  5. True, people who came here before there was a nation came for many reasons (as do and did people who came after there was a nation)-- some because of religious persecution and probably the majority for economic reasons.

    The Purtians, who did mainly come here because they had been persecuted in England, were who I referred to in an earlier post.

    "Although victims of religious persecution in Europe, the Puritans supported the Old World theory that sanctioned it, that of the necessity of a uniformity of religion in the state. The Puritan procedure was to expel dissenters from their colonies, a fate that in 1636 befell Roger Williams and in 1638 Anne Hutchinson, America's first major female religious leader. Those who defied the Puritans by persistently returning to their jurisdictions risked capital punishment, a penalty imposed on four Quakers between 1659 and 1661."

    As for the first ammendment, the only clear thing about it that we know is that a "national" religion was what was being prevented. Madison and most other Americans joined him in considering that the major goal was to forestall any possibility that the federal government could act as several Colonies had done by choosing one religion and making it an official "national" religion that enjoyed exclusive financial and legal support.

    The establishment clause of the First Amendment meant at least this: that no one religion would be officially preferred above its competitors. What ever else it may -- or may not -- have meant is obscured by a lack of documentary evidence and is still a matter of dispute.

    Even the 18th century diests, Franklin, Jefferson and Adams, while they did not necessarily believe in the exixtence of Christ, thought that founding the nation on religious principles made sense in order to keep moral order.

    It is a misnomer to suggest that there is or has ever been a total separation of religion and state--not so. But a separation between Church and state, yes. There is a huge difference.

    Like Lisa, I have no problem with religion, but I do have a problem with an organized religion --called a church or even a group of churches, trying to relegate legislative or judicial doctrine. It seems destined to be exclusive and infringe on the freedoms of many others.

    No one can stop anyone from praying--in school or anywhere else. Organized prayer, on the other hand, especially when led by a specific group or Church.....and especially in schools--read children--is more than just a little scary to me.

    On the other hand, I think thoughtful and non-religious discussions of ethics and morality DO belong in the shcools--maybe we threw the baby out with the bathwater.

  6. Collie + Lhasa Apso = Collapso, a dog that folds up for easy transport.

    Pointer + Setter = Pointsetter, a traditional Christmas pet.

    Great Pyrenees + Dachshund = Pyradachs, a puzzling breed.

    Pekingese + Lhasa Apso = Peekasso, an abstract dog.

    Newfoundland + Basset Hound = Newfound Asset Hound, a dog for financial advisors.

    Terrier + Bulldog = Terribull, a dog that makes awful mistakes.

    Bloodhound + Labrador = Blabador, a dog that barks incessantly and gives away your secrets.

    Malamute + Pointer = Moot Point, owned by.... oh, well, it doesn't matter anyway.

    Collie + Malamute = Commute, a dog that travels to work.

    Deerhound + Terrier = Derriere, a dog that's true to the end.

    Bull Terrier + Shitzu = Bull Sh. A dog with king-sized yard presents.

    Retriever + Irish Setter = Resetter, a dog who comes in handy when you have to change your clocks.-- Hey, Curtis, a dog for you!

  7. It looks again like my scans are going to be delayed because the clinic billed for Scans in August even though I didn't have scans then.

    My Dr said not to worry because there is no clinical indication of spread nor did any of the bloodwork she ordered indicate spread. And I have had not weight loss. Chest Xray from August is same as in Nov.

    What bloodwork could she be talking about? Is weight loss really an indication? How about progressive fatigue? She didn't order a CEA unless it was in some other panel.

    The only test I could see she ordered remotely connected to LC is LDH. It was normal as was SED rate and blood counts.

    I feel like I am getting more runaround. Being sent for Pulmonary Function tests and pain management.

    Onc not until December.

    Despair is settling in and she is suggesting this (depression) and pain is accounting for the fatigue.


  8. As if people can't tell, I have been in a lousy mood the last few days. I am going to rant again.

    This isn't the first time I have heard of oncs comparing a lung tumor to the size of a cig pack!! To me that is unbelievably--not even sure what word I want to use.

    I just can't imagine an onc comparing any other tumor to anything cigarette related.

    Their choice of metaphor does not seem to be a coincidence. I think it's low, real low.

    Today I was researching on a website created for med students by some Rad onc. There were case studies, one of lc. Of course, even a idiot like me can tell when the patient will have lc even without looking at the xray. The case histories alone tell you--smoker of a gadzillion cig pack years, and loss of weight as if that alone is how lc patients present.

    Anyway, when you click to the "answer" it starts out, "Stupid bas---d...."


  9. As if people can't tell, I have been in a lousy mood the last few days. I am going to rant again.

    This isn't the first time I have heard of oncs comparing a lung tumor to the size of a cig pack!! To me that is unbelievably--not even sure what word I want to use.

    I just can't imagine an onc comparing any other tumor to a anything cigarette related.

    Their choice of metaphor does not seem to be a coincidence. I think it's low, real low.


  10. I sure hope techs aren't the people routinely reading cat scans and xrays. I sure hope a radiologist is reading them. Or maybe not, lol, since maybe the techs have a lower miss rate than the radiologists.

    I agree with the others, though I think the majority of Drs, sadly enough will agree with your Dr. Wait and see seems to be the current trend, especially if you're in an HMO plan--and the catch-22 is that without a referral from the "wait and see" Dr., you will have to pay for not only the second opinion but perhaps any tests that the new Dr. orders.

    I hope you can get the answers you need sooner rather than later. I do know one thing, however: radiologists are prone to mention the worst case scenarios in their reports due to liability situations--and I am glad they do, or else who knows how long Drs would wait.


  11. The original posts says:

    It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be "politically correct".

    I say:

    Since the constitution was written over 200 years ago, political correctness has nothing to do with the separation of church and state. This ideal is the bedrock of our constitution and thus all Supreme Court decisions on this topic since then.

    Ironically, many of our forefathers were, in fact, religious zealots who had about as much tolerance as I imagine the person who wrote this e-mail forward.

    If this is to be a pluristic nation in theory and fact, then we may in fact have too much correlation between church and state and not too little.

    Examples given upon request. ....

    Over the course of the last 200 years plus, until recently, our constitution has come closer and closer to turning theory into practice. In some ways, it seems to have been at a snail's pace, since the words of the constitution seem fairly clear.....

    Like a wise woman I know always says, "There has been prayer in school as long as there has been math tests."

    Curtis is right on the money-- as far as what this email forward would cost in dollars--the middle and working poor already bear a heavy enough tax burden thank-you. Plus the whole concept of this "proposal' makes no sense.--unless it proposes that govt workers work seven days a week, 365 days a year. Heck, why not 24 hours a day, too!

    Let's start with the president who took more vacation days each year in office than any other! ( Okay, call me bitter, lol.)

    I know too many people who don't take part in the religious practices that this email forward clearly relegates to the forefront. Let them and their children be. It's hard enough to be a minority in this country, be it religious, political, racial, gender or men who don't like sports.....


  12. I googled second hand smoke and lung cancer and came up with over 423,000 matches.

    I then googled lung cancer and stigma and came up with 100.

    Unless Rose is a medical or research graduate student, I still say that plenty is being written on second hand smoke and lc--and little is being written on other topics that effect those of us with LC or those who will get lc in the future in a climate (pun intended) similar to the one that exists now. Thus, unless she is writing this "paper" in order to further concrete and new information about lc and second hand smoke, I see no point in rehashing the knowns.

    This is the same advice I would give any student writing about any topic--find a new angle, don't write something that has already been done to "death."

    On the bright side, I applaud her for choosing a topic that impacts her own life situation.

    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=se ... gle+Search

    http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl ... tnG=Search

  13. I see nothing in the original post that mentions prevention. I see Rose asking to talk to anyone who got lung cancer from second hand smoke.

    I stand by my post. Who on this board can pinpoint second hand smoke as the cause of his or her lc and if so, why don't all people exposed to a great deal of second hand smoke get lc?


  14. I am not sure how in heaven's name a person would know if second hand smoke caused his or her cancer. Yes, there are quite a few people on the board who are "never smokers"--about 10-15 per cent of all lcs arise in non-smokers--many of whom are young women.

    If only 85-90 per cent of smokers get lc, then surely there is something besides smoking that causes it. Since only a miniscule per cent of non-smokers get lc and only a small per cent of them have a significant second hand smoking history, then .......

    No one on this board that I know of thinks that smoking is a healthy or wise thing to do. Likewise no one that I know of thinks that casting a simplistic blame as to the cause of lc is a healthy or wise thing to do.

    Most of us would agree that if smoking disappeared then eventually the rates of lc would be drastically reduced--but it would not be eliminated; thus, we would not have found THE cause of lc.

    As a former English professor, I am going to give you some unasked for advice. There are already hundreds, if not thousands of college papers written on second hand smoke. Why not write a paper on something that will truly inform your "audience" about lung cancer?

    As a person who read hundreds of college essays a semester, I can assure you I appreciated unique and informative papers, so it could help your grade, too.

    I thank you for your time and attention to a "silent" and stigmatized disease that needs and deserves more accurate and thoughtful attention.

    If you wish to have us help you come up with a different topic, I am sure many of us would help you brainstorm.


  15. Coffee (n.), a person who is coughed upon.

    Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

    Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.

    Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.

    Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.

    Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightie.

    Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.

    Gargoyle (n.), an olive-flavoured mouthwash.

    Flatulence (n.) the emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.

    Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.

    Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.

    Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified demeanor assumed by a proctologist immediately before he examines you.

    Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddish expressions.

    Circumvent (n.), the opening in the front of boxer shorts.

    Frisbeetarianism (n.), The belief that, when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck there.

    Pokemon (n.), A Jamaican proctologist.

  16. 1. Calculate the smallest limb diameter on a persimmon tree that will support a 10 lb. ‘possum.

    2. Which of the following cars will rust out the quickest when placed on blocks in your front yard?

    a. 66 Ford Fairlane

    b. 69 Chevrolet Chevelle

    c. 64 Pontiac GTO

    3. If your uncle builds a still that operates at a capacity of 20 gallons of shine per hour, how many car radiators are necessary to condense the product?

    4. A pulpwood cutter has a chain saw that operates at 2700 rpm. The density of the pine trees in a plot to be harvested is 470 per acre. The plot is 2.3 acres in size. The average tree diameter is 14 inches. How many Pabst Blue Ribbons will be consumed in cutting the trees?

    5. If every old refrigerator in the state vented its charge of R-12 simultaneously, what would be the decrease in the ozone layer?

    6. A front porch is constructed of 2x8 pine on 24-inch centers with a field rock foundation. The span is 8 feet and the porch length is 16 feet. The porch floor is 1-inch rough sawn pine. When the porch collapses, how many hound dogs will be killed?

    7. A man owns a house and 3.7 acres of land in a hollow with an average slope of 15%. The man has 5 children. Can each of the children place a mobile home on the man’s land?

    8. A 2-ton pulpwood truck is overloaded and proceeding down a steep grade on a secondary road at 45 mph. The brakes fail. Given the average traffic loading of secondary roads, how many people will swerve to avoid the truck before it crashes at the bottom of the mountain?

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