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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Frank and his wife had been married for 40 years and also celebrated their 60th birthdays. During the celebration, a fairy godmother appeared and said that because they had been such a loving couple all those years, she would give them one wish each.

    Being the faithful, loving spouse for all these years, naturally Frank's wife wanted her and Frank to have a romantic vacation together, so she wished for them to travel around the world.

    The fairy godmother waved her wand and boom! She had the tickets in her hand.

    Next, it was Frank's turn and the fairy godmother assured him he could have any wish he wanted, all he needed to do was ask for his heart's desire.

    He paused for a moment, then said, "Well, honestly, I'd like to have a woman 30 years younger than me."

    The fairy godmother picked up her wand and boom! He was 90!!

  2. When God created man, he gave him 20 years of sex. Man asked God for more, but God said 20 years was enuff. When God created monkey, he gave him 20 years.

    Monkey said to God, "I only need 10 years".

    Man heard this and spoke up "God may I have the other 10 years?"

    God said okay.

    God then gave 20 years to the lion.

    However, lion spoke up and said that 10 years was plenty for sex.

    Again man spoke up and requested the other 10 years.

    God gave him the extra 10 years again.

    God then gave the donkey 20 years of sex, but again the donkey thought 10 years was enuff.

    Man spoke up again and requested the other 10 years.

    God gave him the other 10 years.

    This is why man has 20 years good sex, 10 years monkeying around, 10 years lion about it, and 10 years making a jackass of himself.

  3. Upon reaching his seat on the airplane, Frank is taken aback to see a parrot sitting next to him. Soon enough, however, he gets used to it. When the stewardess comes around, he asks her politely for a cup of coffee.

    Suddenly, the parrot squawks "Get me a whisky, you X#$#$!"

    The stewardess recoils, then rushes off to bring back a whisky for the parrot. She forgets the man's coffee.

    The man quietly points this out to her while the parrot drains its glass. She apologizes and starts to leave again. Again the parrot sounds off, "And get me another whisky, you @Q$#Q$!"

    Shaking and upset, the girl returns with another whisky for the bird. Still no coffee for the man.

    Taking a page from the parrot's book, Frank man tries a different tack.

    He growls, "I've asked you twice for a coffee! Where the hell is it? Do I have to go get it myself, you dumb &^^Q@$?"

    Within moments, he and the parrot are seized and flung out of the plane by a couple of huge stewards.

    As they plummet towards the earth, the parrot turns to the man and squawks, "Jeez, buddy! For someone with no wings, you're a pretty nervy sonofa@$Q$@!#!"

  4. Chicken Coop

    A little boy and a little girl go every day to play in a chicken coop. One day the little girl comes up to the little boy and says, "We can't play in the chicken coop anymore."

    The little boy asks, "Why not?"

    The little girl answers, "'Cause I'm growing feathers."

    The little boy stares at her in disbelief and says, "No way. Show me."

    So she pulls down her pants. He thinks about it for a little while and decides it's not that big of a deal, so they both decide to continue playing in the chicken coop.

    A few weeks later the little boy comes up to the little girl and says, "We can't play in the chicken coop anymore."

    "Why not?" she asks.

    "'Cause," he says, "I'm growing feathers, too."

    She looks at him in disbelief and says, "No way. Show me!"

    So he pulls down his pants. The little girl's eyes widen, and she says, "You're not just growing feathers, you're also growing a neck and a gizzard!"

  5. Daddy Dearest

    There are some children in a class naming animals and they come across a picture of a deer.

    So the teacher asks Bobby,

    "What is this animal called?"

    "I dunno," claims Bobby.

    So then she says, "I'll give you a hinti--t's what your mother calls your father.

    The boy thinks for a minute and then says, "Oh that's what a son of a@#$#@ looks like!?"

  6. Just another question:

    If the mass in your lung wasn't cancer, what was it?

    If it was a met from breast cancer, it was still cancer, right? But if it wasn't a met, what was it???


    I think 1-800 LAWYER might be call in your future.


  7. Wow! I don't know what to say. I am going through something similar and I do so understand feeling relieved to have some other kind of cancer and not lung cancer. I have a feeling mine is lc, but when my PCP recently put a hint of doubt in my mind, I was ecstatic.

    Hard to imagine being happy over a cancer dx.

    I hope they get to the b ottom of this.

    love and fortitude


  8. Whew, where to begin........

    Kansas state law and all state laws that I know of allow insurance premiums to be raised to cover the risk involved. In Kansas there is a distinction made between different types of small businesses--those with over 100 employees and those with less than 100 employees.

    Insurance companies are in business to make money, not to spend more in healthcare than they take-in in premiums.

    Kansas law says, if a company has less than 100 employees, the premium can only go up 20 per cent a year. There is no cap for businesses with over 100 employees. Thus, the premiums would raise to cover the full extent of the risk. Let's say I died, would the premium go down ??? I doubt it, but I don't know.

    In a very large company, when a handful of people have a serious medical condition, the ratio of well people to sick people is greater and thus the premums aren't effected to the extent that exists in a small company.

    I asked the question because I am wondering if it would be hard to prove ADA discrimination if my illness is going to effect their premiums even though my husband is no longer working there.

    Or maybe they were betting on my husband finding employment and thus they would get him and me off of their insurance.

    Or maybe they did think that my husband would not be able to travel and would thus be less effective. I don't know.

    My husband smokes. There were battles in that company already between smokers and non-smokers. Maybe that had something to do with it. Maybe the non-smokers didn't want to pay higher premiums.

    The premiums we paid out of pocket for husband and wife were already 45.00 a week. Let's say the premiums went up 50 per cent.

    The company which is struggling financially, we know, would pay, I estimate, an additional 200,000 a year in premiums. And each employee would pay another 20.00 a week.

    Would this have happened if I had breast cancer?

    These are thoughts that go through my mind.

    When I finally did go through the HMO in late March, I discussed this with the case manager who did tell me that his company's premiums would likely go up AND that at the time when the premiums offered the company were brought forth, the insurance company COULD tell the employer the reason--and thus at that point the HMO could and probably would disclose my illness.

    My husband's company's contract year with the HMO begins April 1 each year.

    Ry, prehaps your HMO is a pool of other small organizations and that may be why you say your premiums wouldn't go up.

    I hope this answers everyone's questions.

    Karen: Thanks for the heads up on them paying the COBRA. I keep telling my husband he better get this in writing, but for some reason he believes them--I don't know why men have such trouble seeing through people, but I had these yahooos figured for skunks a long time ago.


  9. As you know, within three weeks of finding out my dx, my husband was let go.

    COBRA is available to us.

    The employer said they will pay our COBRA for two months. Then when my husband confronted them saying, "You need to assure me that what you did had nothing to do with my wife's illness, the boss got real nervous and mumbled something a bout call him if he hadn't found work by Jan 1 and they would pay another three months of COBRA for us.

    The company's renew date with the HMO is April 1st. My quesition is this:

    While we are on COBRA, does my illness still count toward the employer's risk? Or are we off of their risk since we are COBRA?

    I hope this question makes sense.


  10. I was also wondering about this. I know that when my husband travelled on businsess at his last job, he built up a lot of points that give him "free rooms." I wondered if maybe there was an organization that people could donate their "points" for people with cancer and who needed lodging.

    I never got around to doing a full search on that--and have thought about trying to start such an organization.


  11. Connie

    I have had a PET Scan at Dx, in Feb. The cat showed one mass and three enlarged lymph nodes in the hilar area. Four places in my lung lit up on the PET. The sputum cytologies showed first inconclusive, adenosquamoous and finally adeno.

    The bone scan showd uptake in my forearms, shins, pelvis, ankles, and hips and mandible consistent with the HPOA--but the report could not definatively r/o bone mets. The onc did rule out bone mets and said the radiologist had to say he couldnt rule them out to protect hmself.

    The liver and spleen were enlarged but no lesions were noted. (This is one of the things Skinny pointed to as perhaps being cosistent with the differentials).

    I don't think the DX is as inconlusive as she makes it sound. In August, I was again urged to have a bronch to both get a samlpe and to see what if anything needed to be done about obstruction in a main right bronchus--or extinsic compression of the trachea after my breathing got worse.

    In Sept., my husband took two trips, one to Scotland and one to Puerto Rico--after which time I decided to change all my Drs and there you have it.

    I researched all night and none of the differentials she suggests seem to acount for all of clinical or radiological findings. Then of course there is the cytologies.....

    The link below talks about the things she brought up yesterday. I cant really understand it, but apparently my blood work at DX showed a

    monoclonal gammopathy. She is testing again for it, but from what I can gather, this monoclonal gammopathy would not account for the wide varieties of areas that show up on my bone scan. The differentials are ustually more focal in nature.

    http://www.questdiagnostics.com/hcp/hcp ... latov.html

    It was kind of a nice two hours yesterday....

  12. Cheryl,

    I just wasn't sure if you were still going into work or not.

    I believe you have the right to work until YOU decide you want to take disability. However, have you ever thought of going out on your own? Perhaps you could work at home, taking clients? It's just a thought.

    I wish you well in your battle. My husb and has not decided whether or not to get a lawyer even though it seems pretty obvious my DX was the precipitating factor in him getting let go.

    He has 6 months to decide. I told him that if he didn't sue, I am going to the press. His company supposedly won some National Small Business Award--if nothing else I think some embarrassment is in order. Plus, maybe it will stop some other company from doing the same thing.

    Wish you well.


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