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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Bruce

    I was hoping to see you on in time for you to cast your ballot for October.

    You guys need all the help you can get!

    Insurance problems? Yech! They prefer to insure those that never need them.


  2. Frank and Mr Ry

    I am thinking that for next month, you and Frank should each post a picture of you, and your.......cowboy hats.....

    Then we can let the readers decide who has the funniest..........


  3. Addie

    Watch out! If Debi gets wind of this, she just might have you chicknapped and sent via UPS to someone on her "deserves a chicken" list!

    You, too, Fay.

    Of course if I were a chicken (which I am--a whole other sort), I doubt Debi could afford the shipping. Which is good, I don't really want to end up on Frank's porch. (not that Frank deserves chickens--Ha!)

    Don't forget to peck out the chads on your ballot today!


  4. Well, as my kids tell people, today is mom's favorite holiday, Election Day, LOL.

    If you are still undecided, I urge you to check out the policies of each candidate on health care and health insurance.

    May all votes count, today!


  5. Kim

    I am saddened to hear of your loss. Your mother is a beautiful woman. I read the many posts on her guestbook and what a special person, mother, wife and friend she was. I hope you can find comfort knowing that she lives on in the memories of her loved ones.

    You are a testament to her greatness. My God bless you, your father and all of your family in this difficult time.

    love and fortitude


  6. As you may have read, I am writing a feature article on the stealth of many lung cancers and arguing for early screening.

    I just read a study that reads in part:

    The seven-year baseline study was led by Claudia I. Henschke, MD, who organized the Early Lung Cancer Action Project in 1992. Henschke’s goal was to see whether chest X-rays or low-dose CT scans were better at detecting early lung cancers. In all, 1,000 symptom-free volunteers who were at least 60 years old and who were at high risk of lung cancer were enrolled. All patients had a history of cigarette smoking. Each received a chest X-ray as well as a low-dose CT scan.

    Among the 1,000 participants, 233 patients had a positive result (one or more nodules present) and 767 had a negative result (no nodules or cancer detected) using the CT scan. The chest X-ray was significantly less reliable. Using a chest X-ray for screening, only 68 of the same patients had a positive result (compared with 233) and only seven cases of cancer were detected, compared to 27 by CT scan.

    I also have read that early lc is especially difficult to detect in women by chest xray.

    My questions are:

    Besides the smallness of some tumors, what are other reasons that chest xrays don't pick up as many tumors? I do know that chest xrays can't really see tumors/nodules when they are confined in a bronchus or in the rather unique instances where the tumors are confined to the trachea.

    What other places can lc tumors be hiding from xray? And why in women, especially, are they hard to pick up on chest xray?

    LOL, I think I had another related question and I can't think of it!

    thanks again!


  7. Certainly, he is still wrong.

    Now the reason he is all alone in the woods and not with a nice woman like me or Cindi or Debi or Becky is because he still hasn't admitted that he is wrong.

    Once he does, a nice woman will give him directions out of the woods. He will still be wrong, of course, but he will not be alone in the woods where some bear chasing man named Frank is liable to mistake him for...a how shall we say it... a "honey pot".

  8. What does the term "frozen" mediastinum" mean?

    Would there be symptoms from this? and if so, what?

    Why would a frozen mediastinum" make one not a candidate for surgery?

    Thanks for all you help.


  9. I knew I would get your attention with the HEADLINE.

    It's time to vote! Which of the two genders gave you the most laughs in October?

    If you haven't been following the Just for Laughs Forum, take a peek before you vote.

    It might just brighten your day. It does mine!

    September was funny too! So go back and get loads of laughs!!

    It helps the cure!

  10. Cat.

    Sounds like a miracle in the making!

    Now I wish you would let me know how to suddenly find a wonderful medical team at the bottom of my barrell right here near the geoprahic center of the United States.

    I mean if you can do it, then there's hope for me, too, huh?


    But I did always wonder-- because I thought that besides a plethora of plastic surgeons, that Fl also had many good oncs. Glad you have found not only one, but a team!

    Rest up, fight up and leave a forwarding when you move.

    For the selfish part, I was hoping the two of us could help each other through treatment because I am hoping to get started on something that at least will make me feel better.

    I have found, like you found, that there are questions in regard to my pathology. I never even thought of that, strange, huh?? I merely got second opinions of the operability.

    Wishing you well.

    love and fortitude


  11. Well Frank,

    It's Oct 31. Spooky, huh, how the month flew by! I got my last minute jokes in the last couple days- Just in time for Halloween and the election on Tuesday. AND as it just so happens--in time for the monthly tally to see who reigns supreme: men or women. Of course Ry, Debi, Cindi, Becky, Amy, Nina, Fay A. (probably left some regulars out, sorry) and I already know the answer to that, but in the past, we have let you guys dilly dally around with Pinkerton et al.

    However. I got to thinking that maybe the most democratic of all would be to run a three day sticky poll and let the readers decide: who was the funniest for the month of October. I think this is just as important, if not more so, than which of the two "losers" win the presidential election on Tuesday. :D:D

    So in the spirit of the election season, let's give it a try!

    The polls on here only let members vote once and there's no chads to worry about, so come on Frank, let me do a sticky poll, okay?

    After all, I still haven't heard a word about that spread sheet you've been workin on!


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