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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Neither my husband or I was impressed, but at least she gave us both something to "talk" about., as in HER faults, lol.

    She had NO personality. Did not give me any meds!!!!!!! She ordered tests. I had ANOTHER chest Xray and more tests to follow. I SO wanted another Dr. who is there but who isn't taking new patients. She acted like she was afraid to touch me!

    Oh well, she only mentioned smoking ONCE!


  2. This is pretty neat.


    It takes less than a minute.......

    Work this out as you read.

    Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!

    This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun.

    Go ahead

    1 . First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would

    like to eat ribeye steaks. (more than once but less than 10)

    2. Multiply this number by 2 (Just to be bold)

    3. Add 5. (for Sunday)

    4. Multiply it by 50. I'll wait while you get the calculator...............

    5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1754....If

    you haven't, add 1753 ..........

    6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

    You should have a three digit number .....

    The first digit of this was your original number (i.e., how many

    times you want to have Ribeyes each week).

    The next two numbers are ...........YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)


  3. Thanks all

    My anxiety is building, as you can imagine.

    If I had an appointment with an old Dr., I can assure you I would have thought of some "fear" I had about him and would have posted IT, LOL.

    The last guy was old and kept saying how young and bright I was to have ruined my and my family's life--direct quote--so I am thinking maybe I will appear OLD and stupid to this doctor, LOL. I will be sure to bend and hobble more and hope that helps! Unfortuanatley, the hobble is a little more real than I would like to admit!

    I love you ALL and will do my best to actually meet this appointment. I do need meds, so that is an added incentive!

    love and wishing I had some of that fortitude


  4. Kim

    I am so sorry you lost your mom. I hope you find comfort and peace knowing that your dear mother lives on in your memories.

    You have been a dear friend to so many of us here.

    love and fortitude


  5. I hope this means there will be a new little version of our "Andrea" soon.

    I hear there are can be some emotional side effects from this drug, so tell Brian to BEWARE! (as in PMS!)

    I am glad it turned out to be nothing to really worry about.

    Keep us posted, but not too posted, if you know what I mean! LOL. One of my friends was doing fertility treatments and I swear I heard more than I ever wanted to know--not about the medicine etc, but about the let's say, intimate details!

    love and fortitude


  6. Karen,

    Me, too! I think it is really going to be scary this fall and winter if any of us have to go into the hospital--or anywhere, for that matter, scarier than ususal, as far as the hospital!!! . Maybe I am just being paranoid but.....

    Well, I wish you luck and hope you don't have to take too much time off or drive all around for a place to get the shots.


  7. It is weird how the cyber community grew to become another social organization, complete with its own "rules" and etiquette. It seemed to have been almost immediate. Those of us who "came to it" in the middle had and have a lot to pick up.

    I can still remember the time someone "said"--"You don't have to yell!" I was really confused, lol as I hadn't been saying a word!

    The weird thing is that it didn't take long for me to also begin to see caps as "yelling." It happened subconsciously, I guess.

    Basically, I have learned to be careful of caps when I am giving any kind of advice, opinion or directions.

    The other thing, are the tons of abreviations that somehow became standarized. LOL, for example meaning, "Laughing out loud"--even if you are just smiling.!

    I'm not big on emoticons--there needs to be many more of them for me, because the standard ones don't fit right. I think there are really hundreds of them, I just don't know the key strokes.

    And last but not least, is what I call, "reading typo." I seldom proofread things I post--I revise the content sometimes, but for some reason, I just don't proofread like I would in other situations. I guess "typo" has become it's own language!

    I also have forgotten how to spell. I have relied on spell check so long, I honestly have trouble spelling and I usually won the spelling bees!

    Ginny is right about the white space. It does help, especially those of us with, let's say, "old eyes."

    I am just rambling, but I really want to say, I am glad you are here and don't worry, we all have a lot to learn.

    love and fortitude


  8. Rich

    We just got a good deal of rain here after nearly a month without it. I am sitting looking out my window, watching the grass grow!!! It literally seems to be growing so fast I can see it grow!

    Leaves still green here, but I am thinking ahead to all those leaves! Which then makes me realize these windows are a little dirty....

    I also noticed that there seems to be a tree growing out of my rain gutter, lol. As this is a rental, not sure when the last time those were flushed out.

    And then..... and then......

    I know exactly what you mean...But I don't know the answer, lol.

    I just understand..


  9. I wrote in another thread about my upcoming new appointment with a new PCP that I have tomorrow afternoon. I am already thinking of cancelling, so I need some strength (aka courage) to go through with it.

    For the past six years I lived in a very small community. I couldn't go anywhere without seeing people I knew. Having grown up in a large city, that at times seemed a little too much, lol. But there was comfort in it, too. Familiar faces and knowing that at least someone cared enough to gossip, lol!!!

    Before that I lived for 5 years in one spot-and had my Dr and I felt like I knew her pretty well. I trusted her. I could talk to her. She wasn't a stranger. I think the scariest thing for me has been all these STRANGERS! After my first experience, which I have shared with some of you, I am more afraid of the actual people who I will meet tomorrow than the tests themselves. Not the people, so much but their attitudes.

    But now I am in a new city and I know no one. I was assigned my first Dr and that didn't work out. So, now I have finally decided I need to do something.

    There were two doctors I was interested in at this place I am going and neither of them were availavble, so I just had to have who was available. She is a kid just out of med school. I dont know why that bothers me so much, but maybe because I don't want to have to comfort her, lol.

    The receptionist at the office was rude, so that gave me lots of pause....

    So basically, I just picked a building--this practice has many diferent Doctors and specialties AND they have a MRI and Cat Scan right there, so maybe I won't have to wait so long for results. Not a good way to pick a DR.

    My husband says, "Who cares who the Dr is!!!"

    Am I the only one who gets this freaked out by these details!?

    I did meet a nice dentist, lol, but darn, he can't order the tests!

    If nothing else, pls pray that I meet a kind person and that I don't get lectured about having been a smoker or that I don't get that pitiful look--.

    Maybe I am just too sensitive. I don't know what is wrong with me really, besides this nasty cancer!

    Once I get through tomorrow, I will be asking for other prayers. I hate to be so needy, but I really, really, am beginning to see myself as some kind of basket case.

    And I used to be able to put on a pretty good show of strength.


  10. Nancy

    I am sorry I missed this earlier. I pray things went well and you will get great results. I know how it feels--sometimes it is just easier to be alone so as not to worry others or to feel like I have to help them or them me. I dont know really what to do for them.

    Sorry for the rambling. I have tests coming up, too and I am just trying to either gear myself for them or talk myself out of them. Not sure which.

    love and fortitude


  11. Cyndi

    Your post made me a little teary, I have to admit. You are a wonderful person and your brother was blessed to have had you as a sister.

    I know he is guarding you now.

    love and fortitude


  12. May,

    I have an appointment tomorrow and will be having scans ordered and I have been in the panic, worry mode since I made the appointment! I switched to a PCP that has a Cat Scan and MRI right in the building, hoping that will save some worry time. I forgot to find out if they have someone who can read them right there, too!!! I think they do. I hope I like this new Dr well enough to have made the switch. I didn't really pick her, she was the first available-both of my choices were no longer taking new patients. So really, I just picked a building, lol.

    Ok, you can see that I am rambling, which just means I am in a worry mode.

    I will send you whatever non-worried thoughts I can muster!

    love and fortitude


  13. After reading this joke, I checked and no, I am not crying. I guess that makes Becky a better person than I am.....

    Down here in the low end of the middle class, nobody gets the house. Well, the new buyers get it for a steal!

    So you mean guys just sit around in the dark in their new apartments until they find themselves some arm candy to change the bulbs????

    Am I over analyzing this joke???? My shock emoticon isn't working today! I hope some man can fix it for me, lol.

  14. David,

    I am guessing this will keep you down for, like ---- a day or two! You are incredibly strong, but please rest for as long as is suggested to you! Hope to see you back soon and that the ouchies go away quickly!

    love and fortitude


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