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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. I had a student with a learning disability. The state was supposed to get him one of these devices (don't know if it is the exact same as what you are talking about). He went and tried one out, and it worked for him!

    Unforutunately, the state didn't come through in time for the semester end. So I never really saw what he was able to do with his.

    He, however, swore it worked!


  2. Bruce,

    You make a good point, and I will ask others who were not stage IV to post if they had lost weight. I know that Okideb, who was stage I says she also had unexplained weight loss prior to her surgery--she had a long wait between discovery of the lesion and her surgery and I was thinking maybe she lost weight from stress--but if others are having weight loss too, it is something to look into.

    Thanks again.


  3. Great news, Fay. Impressive list of NON-CANCER and NON-CANCER related pain! Pains "we" can deal with--"pains" you can say, "Hah" to and feel more readily assured. Pains that don't go bump in the night. Pains that.. well you get the idea!


  4. Katie,

    Some tumors have been shrunk to zero. I don't know what that will mean in J's case other than it will have shrunk to NED and that is good! Who needs surgery with NED around the corner!

    I am sorry you are having a bad time right now, but I pray things brighten and lighen up soon!

    love and fortitude


  5. If you answer "yes" to eight or more of these questions, you may want to consider restricting your future calorie intake:

    * Has your neighborhood grocery store ever offered to send for you with a limo?

    * After ordering lunch at a fast-food drive-through window, has it ever been delivered to your car on a hand truck?

    * Within the last month, have you burned out more than two refrigerator bulbs?

    * Do people often decide to follow you up on the next elevator?

    * Has your fork ever suddenly come up missing?

    * Have you ever broken out in a cold sweat when you realized you were more than a mile from the nearest Taco Bell?

    * Is there a restraining order against you from the Association of All-You-Can-Eat Restaurants?

    * On a recent Caribbean cruise, did the captain order you to stay in the center of the ship?

    * Do your picnics in the country involve renting a U-Haul?

    * Does the left side of your car seem to bottom out a lot?

    * Does your street always seem to have more potholes than other streets?

  6. * By the end of the party, he's got every damn kid doing the "pull my finger" trick.

    * Clown car must be started with breathalyzer device.

    * Props for his "disappearing" trick: a moving van and your wide-screen TV.

    * Scares the holy hell outta the kids during the "Severed Limb" trick.

    * Tells the kids he killed Barney in a blood match in Newark.

    * Didn't bring any balloons, but manages to twist your dachshund into other animal shapes.

    * Prefaces each trick with, "here's a little number I learned in the joint."

    * Wears a T-Shirt that says, "Drug-free since March!"

    * More interested in squirting seltzer into his Scotch than into his pants.

    * A sad clown is one thing -- a clown who spends the entire party with a gun to his temple is another thing entirely.

    * Only balloon animals he can make are a snake and a "snake on acid."

    * Price list includes "lap dance" and "around the world.

    * All the balloon animals are ribbed and lubricated.

  7. I have a feeling that since no one has used the hurricane shaped one, your might be getting that one. Be sure to ask, next time, for the Mickey Mouse ears shaped one.

    Have fun!


  8. Yea, English makes no sense when it comes to spelling. The reason is that the English language is about the only language to have borrowed heavily (until recently when all other lang have borrowed words from English) from many different languages. Thus the reason spelling is so hard.

    Now, I am sure you really didn't want a lecture on this, did you?

    I tried to be brief--don't want to put the "students" to sleep!

    Feelling a bit better today, thanks!


  9. I wasn't offended. I am kind of being in my overly direct mode of communication tonight, lol. I wish that for all of us, too. I really do. I also think that the technology is available to do a great deal RIGHT NOW. I think a lot of the money that goes into research might be better spent on doing some screening. That may not be a popular opinion but I think it might be money more better spent than coming up with more toxic drugs that don't really offer cure.

    Some of the research is good. --Vaccines and other genetic stuf. But I don't think a drug is going to cure late stage cancer, ever.


  10. No early screening will ever be 100 per cent able get a cancer that is curable. However, if you looked at one of the other polls, you will see that over half of PCP did not order ANY yearly tests of their smoking patients. Some studies say that the deaths from lung cancer could be drastically cut per year by early screening.

    Survival time also increases. Japan does screening. Look at their LC stats.

    This coupled with regulating nicotine and other known lc carcinogens could go a long way. telling young people not to smoke, is not enough. Too many will go ahead and do it anyway. Too many rebels, I guess or some would say self-destructive people or addictive personalities.

    Oh well, SOMETHING has to be done, and we all agree on that.

    love and fortitude


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