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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. I am working on an article and would like to know the following. Please only answer this poll if you were a current smoker at DX OR had smoked at least 20 pack years (1 pack a day x years smoked= pack years) and had quit smoking within 10 years of DX. You may answer for a loved one if you know the answer or can find it out.

    Pls also only answer if you were age 39 or older at DX.

  2. Thank you all for responding by PM or on this thread.

    I am working on the questionaire. I have noticed a few similarities and am wondering if there are others out there with the following symptoms, who might be willing to participate.

    1. Night or day sweats

    2. Joint pain

    3. fatigue between 2 months and 1 year before DX

    4. general malaise between 2 months and 1 year before Dx

    5. long standing discomfort near the area of tumor in either chest or back.

    6. parathesias (hands and feet falling asleep)

    I am still looking for anyone who is either Stage IIIa or IIIb or IV who had no symptoms ONE YEAR before Dx and who has evidence of normal to above normal pulmonary lung function tests a year or so before DX.

    Even if you don't think you would be willing to be interviewed for the article, but have had any of those symptoms prior to DX or any other non-speciific symptom, pls let me know but that you would prefer not to be interviewed.

    Thank you again for your time!


  3. Well, I don't know that it would hurt to try to lower an acidic level. One thing the guy did say is that very few people are too alkaline especially these days with all the food additives etc.

    I wonder if anyone on here has tried anything along these lines.

    Thanks John. I really don't think that this alone will cure cancer, but I do wonder sometimes if there aren't thngs that are not controlled by the FDA that can come just as close if not closer than what is now avaliable as far as chemo. It does appear that the things that are holding the most promise are not chemo- but are vaccines and the like.


  4. Fay

    I, too, hope you are feeling more centered. I am in the middle what is seeming like a deep descent, and if you find a magic ticket with a destinatin of upward, let us all know!

    I admire your strength and the above posts are testaments to the differences you have made.

    It's not an arena you would have chosen, but on your best days, Fay, you have and will continue to make some lemonade for your friends.

    I hope you have found some lemonade here as well.


  5. Heather,

    I went to one of the links that was listed on that thread and found this:

    Iodine, which is high up on the atomic scale, requires near perfect pH for its assimilation into the body.

    Iodine you may know, is one of the most important minerals for proper functioning of the THYROID. But, the thyroid doesn't get access to iodine unless the body pH is near perfect.

    With a society in a largely pH unbalanced state, one would suspect a lot of thyroid problems. Malfunctioning thyroids have been connected to arthritis, heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, depression, overweight, fatigue and more. Are you starting to see the basic metabolic picture evolving here?

    This relates to our thyroid discussion on another thread--at least someone else has seen a connection!

  6. I woke up in the middle of the night to an interview/paid advertisement with a man who claimed that cancer can be "cured"/slowed dramatically by returning the body to an alkaline state. I have heard this before. He has a book, which can only be ordered through a number that I didn't get since I was groggy. I thought it would be on the Internet but it isn't.

    Anyway, he said that most people with cancer have an extremetly acidic body and that returning it to an alkaline environment will do wonders.

    What do any of you know about this?

  7. TAnn

    My heart is breaking for you because I know how frightened you must be. I can guarantee that the full force of love from this website will gather around you as you zap those beasts. They are small, Tann, and love is large! Besides your family, you have all of us.

    I wish there were more that I could do.


  8. Thank-you Heather:

    One other thing to perhaps add to your letter is that FDA regulation could stop the recent promotion and sale of fruit and candy flavored cigerettes.

    Several of us have recently posted about this abomination in the LC in the News and in the General Forum.

    Pls take the time to write these important letters.

    The tobacco companies have already been found to have increased, over the years, the addictive substance, nicotine, in their products for no other reason than to addict smokers. There is no need to have addictive amounts of nicotine in cigerettes. They add nothing to the ciggerette--other than to ensure addiction.


  9. Dean

    You are very courageous. I know things can't be all good, so I do hope you know that you can count on many of us, if you ever need anything.

    love and fortitude


  10. John

    I have seen it a few times, so I thought I would ask. Why would it take 5 years to recruit patients. One of these trials has been recruiting since July of 1999? I have seen others that are ongoing for several years, as far as recruitment, too. How can they ever finish a trial, if recruitment takes that long?

  11. Frank

    Well first I had to get them tested for communicable diseases, then I had to get them their shots, then I had to get them a manicure, a pedicure, groomed, some wanted clothes, some wanted cologne, some wanted season tickets to to the Steelers......

    But nothing but the best for you, Frank.

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