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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. All the girls want NED! Reminds me of Junior High when all the boys wanted the same girl!

    Even the boys want NED! Which in a way, is another kind of way at looking at junior high.

    I bet you were too happy to even care about old what's his name--doom and gloom!

    Good for you!!!!

    May NED and you have a life long committment!


  2. I had never heard of this so I looked it up--it sounds wonderful. The main site is down--someone hacked into it--how horrible! It looks like there is one near where my daughter is. I wish there were one everywhere!

    Looks like it is back on-line and the foul language has been removed.


  3. Heather--

    I think that is one thing that most people don't know--the cough thing. In my other poll nearly half of lateish and late stage had NO cough. Often this is because the tumor is in the periphery of the lung--but not always.

    I have a central mass--and had very little cough. I know non-smokers who cough more than I do --daily.

    Oh well. lots of sterotypes to dispel. I think even some Drs hold those stereotypes.


  4. Hi

    I am being a little remiss lately, so I am late in welcoming you, too.

    I am glad you have found strength and answers here, and have now decided to post.

    My kids are far from me too--I have two young adults also.

    love and fortitude


  5. Joni

    I dont understand it either. None of it. I am not a great person, but when people talk about what goes around comes around, it makes me mad because I never did anything to desreve this and your Robert didn't either. I know who you are talking about and I hate them too.

    So I guess I am no help to you. I am only a reminder. Pls know my heart aches for you and all you have been through.


  6. Dean

    Lately words are failing me. I don't know if today's words are any better or not. I just want you to know that you have brought comfort to so many here.

    Please let us know if there is something we can do for you now. Whatever it is, I am sure the hundreds of us could come up with it. Please stay in contact with your VA doctor to make sure you are getting all available relief and strength building treatments. I miss you and Gay.

    love and fortitude


  7. Addie

    I have written at least a half a dozen responses to your post and deleted them all. I keep thinking of the old addage, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything."

    So to and about your Dr., I am not going to say anything.

    To you, I am going to say--you are too special to let anyone get you down like that without good cause--which would be "facts" and not some "supposition."

    It really pissed me off to read about your experience!

    I am thinking of you always.

    love and fortitude


    (I might be mistaken, but I have a feeling, I DID say something about your Dr.! )

    Oh well, so much for trying to turn over a new leaf. But if you knew what I had previously written, you would call me a SAINT!

  8. Welcome to the place where we all blame everthing on cancer or chemo--that is when we aren't blaming the Drs!!! :)

    Your two year survival is certain to be an inspiration to so many!

    Thanks for joining this place that no one wants to be!

    love and fortitude


    Post of a picture of yourself in those panyhose, will ya?

  9. Stephanie

    Do you know who your mom's lawyer is? Since your step dad was married to your mom, and if no will was filed, he doesn't have to file it--he could say there is no will. In that case property automatically goes to a surviving spouse. First, you need proof there was a will. Check with your mom's lawyer. I imagine she did make one. But I would start there.

    Glad to hear from you.

    If I am wrong, I am sure someone will correct me. States do differ.

    Estates under a certain amount don't always have to be probated and in assets that were in both her and your step dad's name automatically go to him.

    If you are wanting items of importance to you, I would try talking to him or a family member, and then if that doesn't help seek an attorney.


  10. Another one for women:

    I don't care= I sure as heck do care! And you better figure out what it is I care about! (Which restaraunt, which movie, etc.)

    Another one for men:

    What would you like to do or where would you like to go?= I know what I want to do or where I want to go, and you better guess the right answer!

    Which is why, "I don't care" is often the best response.

  11. While some of accused me of "blaming" tobacco companies for my addiction, I still believe that I believe in a shared responsibility. Here is a link to those of you so inclined to not only become literate in medical jargon but in legal jargon as well :? .

    I hope the link works because I had to sign in to get access.

    For those who don't want to wade through them all, I will point you to a couple cases I found interesting as to the fraud tobacco companies have been accused and/or found guilty of:

    Williams v Philip Morris Incorporated (focus on hiding information, messing with nicotine levels, and promoting a false sense of security)

    SHARON PRICE and MICHAEL FRUTH v Philip Morris Inc (focus on the promtion of "light and low tar cig as safer, when in fact they seem to be more dangerous--is this why women are more susceptible to LC?)


    PS It looks like the link won't work so you will have to go to the home page and register--and then do a search of US litigation. It's a short process and easy to do. If you have trouble, let me know and I will try another way in for you.


  12. Forgive me for butting in here, but I am going to do it anyway.

    One thing that has bothered Cat (she has written about it before) and others of us is this:

    Can the Pet/Cat Fusion Scan tell the difference between necrotic tissue and active cells?

    Some of her Doctors have said it is basically necrotic while others speak of it in terms of active cancer--.

    How will she or they or anyone know whether to continue treatment now?


  13. Dear Friends,

    USAction is speaking out against Senate majority leader Bill Frist’s new asbestos bailout proposal that favors the asbestos companies and their insurers who knowingly poisoned hundreds of thousands of workers. The new proposal would take away compensation that’s already been promised to hundreds of thousands of asbestos victims and give it back to the companies that poisoned them in the first place.

    USAction's Latest Anti-Asbestos TV Ad

    http://www.fenn-group.com/usact/Hallibu ... media.html

    Watch our latest asbestos TV advertisement and then take action. The ad features Halliburton, a company that could still be “bailed out” of the settlement it has reached with at least 300,000 of workers and their families. The commercial also focuses on how legislation in the US Senate favors corporations over the workers that were knowingly poisoned. The ad has aired nationwide.

    Take Action!

    Tell you Senators to not support the asbestos bailout proposal.

    Call the Capitol Switch Board at 202-224-3121.

    Don't know who your Senators are? Find out at

    Call your Senators today and tell them to support asbestos victims, not the companies that poisoned them!

    In Solidarity,

    Jeff Blum

    Executive Director


    *You received this message because you or a friend signed up to receive E-Updates from USAction. To be removed from or added to this list, please email mbauschard@usaction.org.

  14. Dear Friends,

    USAction is speaking out against Senate majority leader Bill Frist’s new asbestos bailout proposal that favors the asbestos companies and their insurers who knowingly poisoned hundreds of thousands of workers. The new proposal would take away compensation that’s already been promised to hundreds of thousands of asbestos victims and give it back to the companies that poisoned them in the first place.

    USAction's Latest Anti-Asbestos TV Ad

    http://www.fenn-group.com/usact/Hallibu ... media.html

    Watch our latest asbestos TV advertisement and then take action. The ad features Halliburton, a company that could still be “bailed out” of the settlement it has reached with at least 300,000 of workers and their families. The commercial also focuses on how legislation in the US Senate favors corporations over the workers that were knowingly poisoned. The ad has aired nationwide.

    Take Action!

    Tell you Senators to not support the asbestos bailout proposal.

    Call the Capitol Switch Board at 202-224-3121.

    Don't know who your Senators are? Find out at

    Call your Senators today and tell them to support asbestos victims, not the companies that poisoned them!

    In Solidarity,

    Jeff Blum

    Executive Director


    *You received this message because you or a friend signed up to receive E-Updates from USAction. To be removed from or added to this list, please email mbauschard@usaction.org.

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