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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. David A

    I was just beginning to reply to your message and now it's gone. I am worried as I don't know what you are saying is a false alarm. You asked for prayers and I am going to pray them.



  2. Melinda is telling us that Don's (NowakoDA's) mother died. Don's mother is no relation to Melinda (as far as I know) other than as a member of our lung cancer family.

    I hope that clears things up. I was a little confused when I first read this post too. Melinda's mother has breast cancer and her finace's mother has lung cancer.


  3. Pam

    I am so sorry that your dad is suffering physical pain and that you are suffering emotional pain. I know my words can't take either away. Even though these words sound lame, please know that the feelings that morivate them are real and deep.

    You never have to say goodbye to your dad. He will live on and on in your memories.



  4. Ok, so they do PCI for small cell, but why not for NSCLC? Also if they do this radiation for a place where mets are more likely to occur, why not do it on the liver and/or adrenals which seem to me to be places that mets are also more likely to occur? I can see why not for bone, since that would be like full body radiation, lol!

  5. Karen

    glad things are back to a new normal. No need to apologize. Also what you said about how much harder it is for the young to forgive, that's so true. I shudder to think of a couple of people, that when I was younger I believed that while I could possibly forgive, I couldn't possibly ever trust again. But as we age, it's much easier to both forgive ourselves and likewise others. I guess we just learn that to be human is to have frailty, and that all of us do.


  6. Karen and Cat,

    Thanks for responding. I agree with Dean and you two about trying to live in the moment, being aware of my senses and letting joy overtake moments of sadness. Believe, me there are times when I am able to do that. But for me anyway, sometimes (less often than in the first months after dx) such moments are followed with a profound sense of sadness and a recognition of the uncertainty of my reality.

    For example, I am a political junkie, but I watched NONE of the primary goings on. I couldn't have picked Edwards out of a police line-up!! I kept trying to and then thinking, what difference does it make to me?

    But I watched every evening of the convention this week, am listening daily to Air America and basically being my old self--though with a heightned sense of this DOES matter to me--the future matters maybe not so much to me personally but to the futures of my children and the children I hope they have.

    For me that was and is joy! A few times I felt the pangs of sadness. Though I didn't ignore that sadness, I was able to overcome it quickly and not just turn off the TV and hide under the covers.

    Maybe I am doing better at both paying attention to the future and with letting a part of it go, if that is what is to be.

    I still get the weepies about some very dear things to me--my kids. Too weepie to think about, let alone write about. I don't know that I will ever be good or comfortable with letting go of sadness of what I am likely to miss.

    Thanks again, you two, for entering with me, a tough part of this journey.

    Your willingness to do so sustains my belief in the strength of the human spirit.



  7. David

    I don't usually want to cuss like a soldier, but when I first read your recent update a whole host of bleep-bleeps came to mind. You have lots of support here on the board and in your family. We're behind you all the way.



  8. Rob posted an article today about why Iressa works for about 10 per cent of people--has something to do with having a particular gene mutation.

    I am wondering this: There are two other Iressa like drugs in various stages of being FDA approved. Are there enough differences in these three drugs that they will or might be effective for some of the rest of the 90 per cent of patients who get no benefit from Iressa?

  9. Ray

    Darn. Sometims Ritalin works in adults the same way it works in children with ADDH/ADD. You may have either ADD or ADDH. Therefore the drug would have an opposite effect on you than the one they desired. I hope that's what it is and that you feel better VERY VERY soon.


  10. Hi

    I went through early change BEFORE DX, which now they say the cancer may have caused the early change or somehow they think the two are/were related. I feel really bad that you have another worry, but it probably is a period if it is period like bleeding. Maybe the effects of chemo temporarily stopped your periods but didn't put you into menopause.

    The other thing is this: When I was going through menopause (which of course they told me I wasn't going through because I was too young) I had very weird periods--sometimes going months without and then going months with. They did tests etc to rule out things since they were sure it wasn't menopause, so I do know that if you are going through "the change" , all kinds of things happen.

    Here's hoping it's one of the all kinds of things.



  11. I had a recent email from Dave S and wanted to pass along some of it.

    He wrote:

    I expect you are still on the website, right? If you are and you see anyone looking for me could you please let them know I'm still here and just not up to dealing with the message boards right now please?

    I am sure that we would appreciate kind thoughts and your best wishes during the rough spot he is experiencing.



  12. Maybe I am wrong, but two months seems way too long--even for an HMO. You may need to contact a patient advocate. Try the American Cancer Society nearest you. I have found that the advocate assigned by the HMO certainly does not usually have the patient's best interest at heart.


  13. Heather

    Check to see if your mother has short or long term disability through her employer. Second, even if she does quit working, they have to offer her COBRA, which means that she can keep her insurance. Yes she would have to pay the premiums. Pls contact a social worker either at your mom's onc office, the hospital or contact the American Cancer Society nearest you. They will be able to help you help your mom find some economic relief. Without income from employment, she may quailify for state aid. You really need a professional, someone familiar with all the paperwork and rules and regulations to help you through the maze. You then can concentrate on helping your mom through treatments. My heart goes out to you. Praying for strengt, peace and fortitude for you both.


  14. Katha,

    I keep coming back to this post--trying to find an upbeat way to express my sadness. There isn't a way. All I can think about is the tears in Terry's eyes and the image of his beautiful daughter who would do anything for her Dad.

    If I am having this much trouble, I can't imagine the overwhelming sadness of your family. I am glad you have each other. Take care of all of you.


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