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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. I just keep gaining and gaining. Crazy. Just want to eat. I can't wear a thing I own, hardly. BUt hate to buy cos then I'll lose and that might mean bad news, losing. It's so darn uncomfortable to wear clothes that don't fit. I am trying eating more healthy and see if I can lose a few pounds that I KNOW I intended to lose. That way I won't freak out.

    I didn't mind when I was holding steady at being overweight, but this gaining has to stop. I thought maybe it was swelling. But once my swelling went down in legs and feet I only lost about 2 pounds.



  2. Shelly

    Welcome. I know you would rather not be here, but since you have need, I think you will find much support and many answers here.

    As far as Medicaid goes. They don't jsut look at income but they look at assets, make and model of car, money in bank, equity in property, 401k and other retirement plans, even your life insurance policies. Soooo you basically have to have nothing or be drawn down to nothing to quailify.

    Glad your mom has friends nearby. Keep in close contact, (I know you will) and if you can take some time off with the Federal Family Leave Act, try to be with her when you can. By law you have to be given time off, without pay, for up to three months in any one year. The time can be taken days or hours at a time.

    love, strength and fortitude to you and your mom


  3. Shelly

    Welcome. I know you would rather not be here, but since you have need, I think you will find much support and many answers here.

    As far as Medicaid goes. They don't jsut look at income but they look at assets, make and model of car, money in bank, equity in property, 401k and other retirement plans, even your life insurance policies. Soooo you basically have to have nothing or be drawn down to nothing to quailify.

    Glad your mom has friends nearby. Keep in close contact, (I know you will) and if you can take some time off with the Federal Family Leave Act, try to be with her when you can. By law you have to be given time off, without pay, for up to three months in any one year. The time can be taken days or hours at a time.

    love, strength and fortitude to you and your mom


  4. Becky,

    I wrote about missing my old self not long ago. You were one of the few who responded -- maybe I wrote it in the road less travelled. ANyway, you might read what you wrote to me.

    Sure there are things about your old you that you miss. But you have also grown so much in so many ways-- I mean like emotionally, philisophically and spirtitually etc.

    One thing I tried to do to with some success is look at the changes IN me that I did like. I bet your list is longer than you might think. I know mine is.

    love you and hate to see you sad. I know I am sadder these days. I used to be more like the clown who always or almost always hid my sadness. Now I have to fight some to get my clown to come out. I am rambling on and I don't know what my point is, but just want you to know that you dont have to be strong OR funny all the time because we love you no matter what.

    I know it's probably hard for any of you, even you Becky to believe but I used to be someone others would lean on. I can't hardly bear to have to lean on others, but I know you will still be loved if you find you sometimes need to. Cookieman and all of us are in it for the long haul. I just know it.



  5. OK all don't verbally beat me up, but...

    I love David C as much as anyone else on the board who reads his posts and cheers him on and cries if there is a reason to cry with him and laughs when there are situations that call for laughter.

    I have never yet taken steroids, but I have heard of the effects from a few others. I know they don't effect everyone the same. But I don't think it is OK for you and Faith to have to fear and/or experience his yelling. Pls call his onc office and see if there is ANYTHING that they can give him to try to counteract this side effect. Not just for you and Faith, but for David too. I am sure he doesn't want to be doing this. I know he doesn't. You have to think of Faith and yourself too. Is there anywhere else you can stay? You need to be strong and you are doing a lot. Try to do something that will alleviate this stress.

    love to all three of you


  6. Geoff

    SOrry I missed this great news last week. Have been wondering how you and your mom are doing, and Melinda, too. How is your mom handling things? How's Melinda's mom?

    Thinking of you


  7. Dean

    I know you havent asked for my advice, but was wondeing if you had considered celbrex for your joint pain. I doubt that your hospice will provide it because of the expense, but the VA probably would. It also has anti-tumor properties which might help stabilize you. Also have you considered IRESSA as a first line drug? Again the VA should be open to this. Trials on first line have shown promise....

    Ok I stuck my nose in but just hoping you might consider these as additions to your fight.


  8. Shirley,

    I know that the lump(s) are probably benign. However, you really do need to do what will make YOU feel more in control and more secure. Boy, do I understand the frustrations of HMO networks, but there are ways to get what you want and need. Sometines you have to pay, but IF the first reports are wrong, you won't have to pay for much.

    Your posts have always given me insight and your will to survive for your dear husband and your children is strong. Do what you need to do. I hate the thought of you worrying yourself sick for six months.



  9. A few days ago, I noticed that Dan posted. He had updated his profile to say that he has ended treatment. It also said he began hospice yesterday. I know Dan is alone at this time, and I know how that can feel. I ask that if you find it in your heart, please send extra thoughts of strength his way.



  10. Welcome to the place no one really wants to be, but now that you have the need, I hope you find the support and the answers you need here. Lots of people who share the road you are on. Lots of survivors of every kind.



  11. Great news for our families. Still most of the blame is placed on those who have lc with one of his statements that only for SOME people, lc isn't their fault.

    A ways to go, but this might help all of our families in the future.



  12. Jamie,

    Ususally they send kind of a "form letter" UNLESS you have specifically identified a problem that directly impacts your situation. I posted some tips on writing letters on the activism forum.

    Regardless, even if you don't want or need them involved on a specific matter, you do need to let them know what it is you want them to do. Sometimes that will garner a more personal response.


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