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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Angie

    Just do what is in your heart. Your heart can never be wrong. Let us know how your dad is doing. I know many men seem to handle things diferently, but just remember that your husband is following his heart too.

    Love to you all.

    Glad to see your beautiful faces!


  2. Carleen

    I can't stand this damn disease and what it does to us all. I pray the Drs were right the first time, and this is not cancer. I pray it loud and clear. I pray God helps us find a cure to end this suffering for us all.

    I pray for strength for us all in the meantime.

    Love to you both


  3. Oh Lily,

    I don't know what to say. I am just so sorry you are so sad. I wish you could find something that would fill up at least a tiny bit of the space that Johnny's death left in your life.

    I am pretty darn sad today, too. So I doubt I can be of much help, but I did want to let you know I am thinking of you.

    About the tape: I don't know what to do about it. I guess just ask again. Maybe she would be more willing to to just tape the part of it that has "your song" on it. That way the other parts of the tape can just be for her and her father.

    I know what you mean about songs. I love music but now I often find myself just sobbing when I hear songs that remind me of things....

    I love you Lily.


  4. The above article says:

    Patients who have been diagnosed with NSCLC and are to undergo chemotherapy with a platinum compound may wish to speak with their physician regarding their individual risks and benefits of participation in a clinical trial further evaluating these genes or other "markers" that may affect treatment outcomes

    Since this is not now routinely done but based on the article the markers make a HUGE difference, I wonderi f getting these gene tests are expensive to do and what is involved. Anyone know? John?

  5. Bo

    I remember another post of yours about bone pain and you were questioning the dx of mets. You may be right. I have hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropy (sp?) which causes bone pain, but it is NOT a met. It shows up on bone scans differently than mets do. The pain, in my case, comes and goes, mostly goes. Are your fingers clubbed? IF they are it could definately be a sign that your bone problems aren't mets. The other thing is that my PET scan lit up everywhere becuase of the HPOA. It may be a long shot, but I only say this because if those aren't mets, maybe you are a candidate for surgery.


  6. Hi

    Sorry to hear of the new problems. I hate to disagree (LOL) with your Doctor, but several people on the board HAVE done other treatments for brain mets AFTER WBR. David C has had WBR and just yesterday, he found out he has brain mets and his Doctors are going to do other treatments.

    I was raised 12 miles north of Kansas City, so I am just wondering where in Missourit you are.

    My best to you both.

  7. David

    You must be devastated. Go ahead and be that so that soon you can gather your strength to help Doctors get rid of the mets--. I am so sorry. I don't know what to say. I think one of the worse things about cancer is how sly it is. Dang mets sitting there causing no symptom and not even visible couple months prior--then seeming to come out of the blue....

    I hate it. Even days when a person has no strange ache or slight pain don't mean a hill of beans...

    Love to you all


  8. Joni.

    Here is a poem by Emily Dickenson that talks about what your are experiencing. After my Dad died, I really understood this poem in a much deeper way. Hope it helps.



    After Great Pain

    After great pain, a formal feeling comes--

    The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs--

    The stiff Heart questions was it He, that bore,

    And Yesterday, or Centuries before?

    The Feet, mechanical, go round--

    Of Ground, or Air, or Ought--

    A Wooden way

    Regardless grown,

    A Quartz contentment, like a stone--

    This is the Hour of Lead--

    Remembered, if outlived,

    As Freezing persons recollect the Snow--

    First - Chill - then Stupor - then the letting go

  9. Betty

    I am sending best wishes for clean scans, including an empty head, which will be just the right empty after the good news comes back--since all those lingering fears will head out..... (lots of puns in that sentence!) Some were intended but others just popped out!



  10. Gayle

    THis is heartbreaking. I couldn't help being sad and then angry at your mother's doctors for letting this get to such a severe point without doing something about the bone mets. There are no doubt people on this website who could better suggest treatments than some oncs we have been hearing about lately.

    I pray your mother and your family find comfort and peace in the days ahead. Pls keep hope alive.



  11. Peggy

    Was just about to post to see if anyone had heard from you. Sounds like good news, huh? And no pain is great. Enjoy!!! You both deserve it.

    Pls don't spare us the a-hole Dr story. It helps knowing others have assholes (for doctors), too. I see you are practicing usind the word cleanser feature of the board! Good for you!



    Apparently the word cleanser feature isn't working any longer.????

  12. Shellie,

    I am so happy for you and so glad you are here to support us. I know it must be so painful to you to come here and see more suffering. But there are good things too.

    Your sister is pretty unlucky to have cancer, but very lucky to have you beside her.



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