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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Larry, Don't tell me "they are coming to take me away..ha ha he he to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time ..." I bet you know that song.....

    To be frank, Larry, you have given me an added respect for conservatives. I respect everyone. but now just a little more. I have had the tendancy to think that conservatives were basically close minded. Are you sure you don't have some liberal/Democrat tendancies????? LOL.

    Yes I do love you..... And I am going to look for some more jokes for you as this presidential race heats up...


  2. Sheesh, Fay, your medical file must be as tall as you once were. So sorry you have had to deal with so many different medical conditions. I can't even imagine.... It shines a light on what I know of you, and I surely hope that many days lie ahead where you have nothing but good health.

    Shining a light--hey that just reminded me of you and the beginning of radiation. Did you start today?

    Are you now a nightlight?

    Ok, I assume you are, so I am now singing "You Light Up My Life"-- can you hear it? I hope not, it sounds horrible, quite frankly....


  3. You would think that cancer pain management would be a priority, but you would think lots of things that just ain't so.....

    Terry, I am so glad you posted and saddened that you couldn't do as much celebrating as you might have liked. That does suck. (I love using words that the posting computer chip automatically deletes.. it amazes me!!!). I found one that got past it, hah. Won't tell you which one, though.

    And Angie, you are welcome to make me a blackberry cobbler any ol time you want.....


  4. You would think that cancer pain management would be a priority, but you would think lots of things that just ain't so.....

    Terry, I am so glad you posted and saddened that you couldn't do as much celebrating as you might have liked. That does suck. (I love using words that the posting computer chip automatically deletes.. it amazes me!!!). I found one that got past it, hah. Won't tell you which one, though.

    And Angie, you are welcome to make me a blackberry cobbler any ol time you want.....


  5. Fay,

    I was only responding to what Cat feels, too. Please relook at the context that the post referred to. So glad though that you clarified your feelings.

    I also see that I should have added the quaifiying word, "some" or "many" or "most" or "a few" to the word "people" in my post, so that it did not seem to include everyone.

    Mia Culpa


  6. Cat,

    You are probably right, no one is going to be reasonable about our posts about the pain we felt on the deletions So all my writing and urging for reason was for naught. People may not care much about our feelings, Cat, but they do seem to care about your tumor (still not sure what it ismade of, are you?) and perhaps they still care about your feelings about your tumor. So I guess be thankful for that.

    I do think Fay knows of ways to fight HMOs. Usually the threat of publicity is good and might help. Sometimes you have to go beyond the threats. I wrote several scathing articles about Indian Health Services on the Rosebud Reservation. You think our healthcare is bad? Anyway, some changes were made. Hopefully not all superficial. I was a pretty brave journalist, so who knows now what will happen now that I am not there keeping close eyes on them.

    You may be my only friend, but you've probably never had a more loyal one than I. So whatever I can do, all you need to do is ask. I have fought many things and suvived. shi_, I have survived on my feet with Lc longer than I was given and I am still on my feet, so I must have some resolve in me.

    Anyway, hear Fay out.



  7. Lily

    Maybe we should do a sticky poll:

    Anger, fear or indifference.

    Aki is a kid, who is suffering, that we know pretty much for a fact. Please don't make his suffering any worse than it already must be.

    I don't know if you read Pam's post on this matter, but I urge you to find it.

    Aki seems to me to be someone who feels quite deeply. SOmetimes people's silence is not indifference. Sometimes people not doing anything is because they don't know what to do or they don't feel they have been welcomed to do anything. Lots of reasons people do or don't do things. Mostly, it boils down to the fact that people are human.

  8. Much has been written on this board. You could do a simple search of the key word, Neurotin (sp) and find what has been written.

    I remember people saying it is a powerful drug. I took it for a couple weeks and decided it was not for me.


  9. Denise,

    First, I regret that you are facing this situation, that anyone is facing this kind of situation. But you are. And your mom is facing a different situation than you are. I don't want you to take this wrong, but you need to remember that your mom is facing something different than what you are facing.

    You said it yourself. You only think you know what you would do if you were her. You don't know what you would do. You don't. Denise, everyone dies. Life is a process and so is death. Your mom may live for years, but the odds are she won't.

    I watched my father in law in his last months. He so wanted to talk about things that were important to HIM. He wanted to talk about death and afterlife and his hopes and wishes for his family. Everytime he tried to talk. someone would stop him. It was one of the hardest things I ever saw....They would tell him to stop thinking that way. Fight. etc. He knew more about what was happening inside him than any of us. But because we weren't ready to hear what he had to say, because we were so filled with fear, we shut his voice down. To my knowledge he never did get to have the kind of talks he needed and wanted. I don't know that for sure, but I am pretty positive that was the case.

    I regret I didn't go to him and talk. But the truth is, he was not my father, and it was not me he wanted to talk to.

    Your mother is being brave. You might not see it, but she is being brave in the way she knows how. Because she doesn t want to eat, does not mean she is not fighting.

    People think I am not fighting because I have refused chemo for now. That is not the case. I fight every day for the dignity to live whatever life I have left in the best way possible. Even if it is just coming here and offering what little I can offer.

    There are more weapons than any Doctor or medical person has to fight with and these weapons are less toxic. I am not saying that she shouldn't do treatment, I am saying she is the one that needs to decide what to do. She should not have to feel like she should do something because someone else wants her to do it. It is her body and her life.

    My father in law was suffering end stage congestive heart failure when he was DXed with colon cancer. He did not want to have an operation to remove the cancer. He was adament. But his family urged him on and he finally agreed, not for himself, but for his family. He was sacrificing again for them.

    In the middle of the night before the surgery the next morning, he suffered a heart attack and died in his sleep. I like to think he took back his life and his decisions, and made them his own. I don't like to think as the Doctors said, "The thought of surgery scared him literally to death."

    To me that was one of the most heartless things a Doctor has ever said.


  10. Jim

    I don't know if anyone has told you lately, but you are soooo cool. Thanks for sharing your good news. Happy fishing to you. Go ahead, dance, dance on water. Ok so people don't dance on water, but fish sure seem to sometimes!



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