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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Just some questions:

    Why is she in bed 24/7 if she is alert? Why does she need around the clock nursing if she is alert and has good vitals? I guess I am not understanding her symptoms or why she was taken off Iressa, if it kept her tumors stable. Have you talked to her Doctor? I am not being nosy, but just asking the questions that maybe someone here will want to know to be able to help.

    I am sorry we had to meet this way, but glad you found us. No need to lurk, unless you want to. I usually add prayers for lurkers, too.

    I hope someone can give you more help than I .

    Keep us posted.


  2. Jen

    You have a beautiful family and no surprise cos their mom is beautiful, too. I just want to let you know that lots of good thoughts are headed your way for Day 3. Even if you cant sleep, rest.



  3. Carleen

    So happy to hear from you. SOunds like good times and I will say extra prayers for the scan. You never left my thoughts. I was just so hoping life was going well and I was mostly right.



  4. Bonnie

    I am just sitting here crying. You were one of the first people who responded to my needs. And there's really little I can do for you except pray for all of this to turn out wonderful. I know it's hard for your husband to have to slow down, but slowing down can be healthy too. I pray for your daughter and for you to find answers to all.



  5. Cat

    I am assuming they are going to do surgery to remove a part of your lung--not just to look at you?? Why else would they do surgery, if not to remove the lung??? If there have been too many rads, then the lung won't heal and they can't take it out without major problems.

    That's what I assumed they would do surgery for: take out the part of lung to help assure no reoccurance.

    If not, then they will just monitor to see if anything grows or give more chemo as a defense against possible reoccurance.

    With your crazy onc, it's hard to tell....sort of laughing..


  6. Sorry we had to meet this way, but glad you found us. I am wondering a few things. What was your relationship like before your daughter got ill? There may be underlying reasons they aren't asking or accepting your help. Maybe there are issues that need to be discussed. Also, maybe your daughter feels guilty about her cancer. Maybe she blames herself and thus needs to be assured that you love her. I don't know, but I do know that we tend to beat ourselves up over this monster. I am one of those, so I know. I don't have any family who lives near, but I don't really want any of them to come either. Mostly because I don't want to burden anyone. So maybe she is worried about that. I just know that there must be some reason for them to be doing this alone and if you really want to help, then maybe you need to find out what the real reason is. Just a thought. I would just make sure she knows how much you love her.

    You don't say her age or yours. Does she have children?

    Best wishes to you. I know you love your daughter dearly.


  7. Cat

    Not sure what your therapist meant. I wouldnt trust anything your onc said. Also if it's NSCLC why do they want to do WBR? I still say maybe a surgeon would be good to talk to, making sure he knows EXACTLY what was done to your lungs/chest area.

    As for that blood test that sometims shows cancer activity. They should be doing it, I think, but also know it's not always accurate with lc. False negatives are possible.


  8. Peggy,

    Guess I need to apologize publicly. When I read your post that said, "No hallucinations for me, thanks," I took it to mean that you wouldn't do any medication that might lead to that kind of side effect. Thus my post. But what really caused my post, is a conversation I had earlier in the day, with someone else who was telling me what I should and should not do. It is hard sometimes for me to hear from a healthy person what he or she would or would not do. One never knows until the time comes. I wasn't really angry, I was just saying, don't say "never", cos you just don't know.


  9. Becky

    I cant believe three months have passed already! Had no idea you were set to be prodded and poked. But now that it's over, and the news is good, it was one less set of worries for me lol. SOOOOOO very happy for you.


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