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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Cat

    Sorry late posting to this. You know most of us want you to leave this Dr and not look back. One thing to remember, however, is that your tumor has shrunk and has not spread, so for that you can be thankful. So what really matters is what you decide to do in the future.



  2. Shellie,

    We know you are supporting us even when you aren't posting. Staying away some might help you, also. None of us want to be the cause of more stress in your life. I am keeping your sister in my thoughts and praying for the best. From what Iwas once told, the fact that there are more than one place of "concern" may mean it is benign. SO I will hope the info I got several years ago is true in your sister's case.



  3. BJ

    You should let the Dr know about the dizziness, especially if you haven't had a brain MRI. Symptoms of brain mets differ depending on the location of the tumor. I don't mean to alarm you because even stress can cause dizziness, but you should inform them.

    keeping you in my thoughts


  4. Curtis

    Kansas City is my hometown, but not sure I will be there this weekend as I made a stop there yesterday.

    It's a beautiful city and i am sure you will find lots to keep you occupied. Glad to hear Katie had a wonderful week of birthdays.


  5. TBONE:

    HI. Glad to hear from you. I am wondering what the size of your lung tumor was when you were dxed? Also it may have been inside a bronchus which is why it may not have shown on the xray. But anyway, what size did the CT scan say it was? Just curious.


  6. Welcome Home!

    I am still a little confused ab out Robert's DX, and sorry to hear you really haven't had that all cleared up either.

    I am also shocked to see that Iressa is being given as a first line chemo? Is that what I am reading in your profile? Has he had other chemo?

    Well, now that I have quizzed you, lol, I also want to say I hope there are no more chest tubes in the future and that Iressa works wonders.


  7. Peggy,

    I know this is a hard time for you, but knowing that you did all you could do with love will get you through it. I promise. YOur dad was and still is surrounded by love. Know he lives forever in your wonderful memories.



  8. Cat

    This seems like pretty darn good news. But I don't understand exactly why no surgery. If the lung is damaged by radiation (given in error, to boot) then what's the big deal about taking out the lung or lobe since it's already damaged. Maybe you need to see a thoracic surgeon. Maybe that's the next step.

    I hope the Dr, does come.

    You sound better today too.



  9. Cat

    This seems like pretty darn good news. But I don't understand exactly why no surgery. If the lung is damaged by radiation (given in error, to boot) then what's the big deal about taking out the lung or lobe since it's already damaged. Maybe you need to see a thoracic surgeon. Maybe that's the next step.

    I hope the Dr, does come.

    You sound better today too.



  10. I know it's a slow day on the boards and all, but... I will have to agree with David.

    If I find any sunshine sitting on my shoulder, I will know who to blame...lol

    Have a nice weekend


  11. Your post makes perfect sense. But I also sense that you are beating yourself up over the past. Please don't do that. You did what you could for your father. Everything you did was because of your love for him. There is no way of knowing if things would have been different. Who knows? He may have lived less time or with less quality of life. You will never know.

    As a parent, I can say this. I would not want either of my children feeling regret for anything that happened while I am ill. I want them to be happy and live happy lives. I hope I have and will continue to prepare them for the inevitablity that most children do outlive their parents. Of course there are always Becky's beer trucks...


  12. The site was down??? lol. I only checked a few times an hour. Finally on the second day of withdrawals, I hacked my way in. Pretty good for a computer illiterate, huh? I don't know how I did it, but I somehow got into my mailbox, but it was a like a mailbox from the past! It had new mail in it, but it was the old mailbox because it still had the option to send e-cards, which we no longer have! I don't know where I was, but I was in my mailbox. ConnieB can verify that. lol.

    So that's my story.


  13. I do regret we had to meet this way, but I am glad you found us. It's a hard thing to talk about, this cancer thing, especially with those who we love so dearly. It must be hard having Scott away now. I will keep you both in my thoughts.


  14. Cat

    Somehow, I missed this earlier. Great news that you are getting in tomorrow!


    I didn't mean the giving up wanting as a negative thing. SOmetimes, as humans, our wants are more like demands--or are selfish as in they don't take into consideration what IS or what must be. If we had our way, many would wish that there be no death, but that would defy the circle that is life, the process that is life, the lessons this life teaches. I want no suffering. But without suffering existing, how could there be joy? How could we know it as joy?

    I truly do believe in miracles: Evidence: each minute there are births, each minute a human passes into the unknown where all knowledge exists.

    I just don't want to go there now, for many reasons. One being that I don't feel worthy of it. I know so little, now. I feel I didn't see through my obligations.

    The selfish reasons I don't want to go are many, too.

    Also, I am human and I don't want to suffer nor do I want to cause suffering. Ironically, all suffering is because we are human. What a jumble soup philosophy is.

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