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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Cat,

    Well, until informed otherwise, I am going to pray that if there is cancer, it is only a little bit left in the lung, and that surgery will take care of that.

    I wish we lived closer too. Just one more thing that isn't fair.


  2. Cat,

    I know you know this, but you aren't quailfied to read the results, so try, try to rest until the report is ready. When is your next Dr appointment? Have you found another Dr, one you trust more?

    I know it's not fair that you have lc. As a long-time smoker, I dont think it's fair that I have it either, though my case is a harder one to "defend," agreed. My whole life, I have been raling against inequity. Even as a child. My father would always say the same thing. "Who said life was fair." I hated that answer and still do. But it is really, unfortunately, the only answer, I am coming, finally, to accept. I still don't like it, but, what choice do we as only human have?

    I have more to say, but maybe I will pm you. I have so many tears right now, for all of our loved ones.


  3. Sharyn,

    Your dad can't help but be worried, and since he cant see inside his body he only has a few indicators that he can go on. One is his weight. I am kind of the same way. I weigh myself a lot. I fear losing weight as that can be a sign of something. But since your dad is older than I am and has had many treatements his weight loss could mean many things, and not progression.

    Anyway, this might be something that is worrying him and you might check with his doctor.

    Praying for you all.


  4. I will try to answer and I might be wrong, but from my understanding, they can often tell by the shape of the mass. If it has irregular shape it is more likely to be cancer. Also they can tell by the pace in which it does or does not change is size. Also there are many benign things happening on nearly everyone's kidneys and liver. Those who read scans know what these things look and act like, I would hope. However, it is also a fact that without a biopsy, the doctors are giving educated guesses. Hopefully, they are giving well-educated guesses.

    Hope this helps.


  5. Well, Cat, I can tell you that cats are pretty useless in this regard. Couple of weeks ago while I was on chat, I burnt water, and the bottom of the pan. My cats slept through it. It did cause me a bit of a breathing problem, which seems to have had no effect on them. They snored away.


  6. Ginny,

    I dont know what to say either. I will pray for what is best, which is all anyone, in any circumstance can hope for. There are many hopes left, Ginny. After there was little other "harm" or help that the medical profession could do for or to my father, he lived several months and could well have lived more, with what I would call a good quaility of life. In some ways hospice tried to get in the way of that. So I urge you to be assertive and clear with the hospice you choose. I know it is not popular for me to say this about hospice. I am not against it at all. I just think one needs to be aware of certain issues. I am not going to go into them publicly. One thing in your corner is that you are so knowledgable and have been through so much with your dear Earl, that I believe you will be able to have a healthy hospice experience if that is what Earl and you decide. I worry about people who might be in an emotional state and who blindly will follow what they are told.

    Thinking of you both.


  7. Can someone tell me what sentence #2 and #4 mean. I copied this the other night from a reputable source on the internet, but unfortunately didnt copy he web address

    "A wide variety of neoplasms may arise in the lungs. While many

    lung tumours are overtly malignant and others are definitely benign, some fall both histologically and in their clinical behaviour between these two extremes. Pulmonary tumours may be classified histologically or according to their presumed tissue of origin. However, it should be borne in mind that histopathologists do not always agree on the classification of an individual tumour. Carcinoma of the bronchus is by far the commonest and most important primary tumour of the lung. "

  8. I have had that trouble off and on for about a month. I always assume the website is down, but when I finally get on, I see that there were posts made when I was unable to access it. It usually happens for a few hours and then I am able to get on. It's probably happened three or four times to me. Don't know what that means. I thought is was something on my end, but if others are having similar happenings, I do wonder why, now.

    I was unable to get on once yesterday, but then within 30 minutes I could get on. There were some posts yesterday, but not as many as there usually are.



  9. Jen

    I didnt' mean to scare you or worry you needlessly. I just wanted to make sure that you were assertive with your doctors. They are hard to talk to, I know. And what seems harder is for them to listen. Not all of them, I'm sure. But many doctors are that way.

    Is this your first abdomen CT? Did you have one initially? Oh well, keep us posted. Let me know if there is anything I can do.


  10. Yesterday was a slow day on the board. I hope that meant everyone was having a wonderful day. But I felt pretty lonely not seeing a lot of posts. You can't imagine how important this family is to me, too. And Jane, thanks so much. I doubt you are a wealthy person and for you to give so much is more than I can ever repay.

    I urge all of us to send what we can. Let's not just stop because Jane stepped forth. Let's all step forth because she did!


  11. Cat,

    Is he saying that small cell does NOT light up on Pet Scans??? I don't know if that is true or not. Maybe someone else on the board knows the answer to this question.


  12. Jen

    I also want to say something else. I know that many people on the board with small cell started chemo within a day or two of the initial dx even without all the tests being done, I guess. The reason being that small cell is very agressive much of the time. I can't understand why they have delayed you again. This does not sound right to me, but maybe someone else can chime in here. I am not a dr and I am not even doing chemo, but I have read nearly every post on this board and waiting so long with small cell seems not the norm.

    If I were you and you want treatment, I would call my oncs office and demand an answer as to why others you know of were started immediately on chemo and you have had to wait so long.


  13. Jen

    You can do a search to find lots of info on liver mets that people on the board have had. They can be treated. The search function is at the top of the page. Norme's husband Buddy had liver mets. I cant remember who else, but I know that if there are only a few small lesions that RFA can be done.

    Mainly, though I want to let you know that I completely understand how you might feel. I too am in my forties. Since DX, my days have gotten somewhat smoother. But what you are feeling and your fears are completely normal. I and many others are here for you. PM me if you want and/or I can call you.


  14. Well U have me confused, too. When was your first pet scan (the one where it lit up?). Was that before treatment? Maybe you could write your medical history in your signature because it is getting kind of complicated. I hate to say it, but he sounds a bit dense--if he doesnt know the difference between the two. Even though there are similarities, they are different, from my understanding and reading. Maybe he should get on the Internet if he missed that day at med school or maybe he should keep up to date. Do you have a case manager with your HMO? Sometimes they are helpful. Other times not because they do work for the HMO after all.

    Cat, I am still here and will help any way I can. Keep strong. There are lots of us behind you.


  15. Cat,

    No that's not it. Here is some other info I found, but I am mostly interested in trying to purchase the herb mixture.

    Cancer chemopreventive activity of a mixture of Chinese herbs (antitumor B) in mouse lung tumor models.

    Zhang Z, Wang Y, Yao R, Li J, Yan Y, La Regina M, Lemon WL, Grubbs CJ, Lubet RA, You M.

    Department of Surgery and The Alvin J Siteman Cancer Center, Campus Box 8109, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Avenue, St Louis, MO 63110, USA.

    Antitumor B (ATB), also known as Zeng Sheng Ping, is a Chinese herbal mixture composed of six plants. Previously, clinical studies have shown a significant chemopreventive efficacy of ATB against human esophageal and lung cancers. In the present study, A/J mice harboring a dominant-negative p53 and/or heterozygous deletion of Ink4a/Arf and treated with benzo[a]pyrene were used to investigate the chemopreventive effects of ATB on chemically induced lung tumorigenesis. Mice with various genotypes treated with ATB displayed a significant reduction in lung tumor multiplicity and tumor load. Treatment with ATB resulted in an approximately 40% decrease in tumor multiplicity and a 70% decrease in tumor load in both wild-type mice and in mice with a loss of the Ink4a/Arf tumor suppressor genes. Interestingly, ATB decreased tumor multiplicity and volume by 50 and 90%, respectively, in mice with a dominant-negative p53 and in mice with both a p53 mutation and deletion of Ink4a/Arf. Kras2 mutation analysis of the lung tumors revealed that tumors harbored mutations in the 12th codon of Kras2. There were no differences in either the incidence or types of mutations between tumors treated with or without ATB. Oligonucleotide array analysis revealed 284 genes that were differentially expressed in mouse lung tumors as compared to the normal lung, and it was found that 114 out of these 284 genes changed their expression toward the normal levels in tumors treated with ATB. Most of the genes modulated by ATB belong to several cellular signaling pathways, including Notch (Notch homolog 2, manic fringe homolog), growth factor (FGF intracellular-binding protein, PDGFalpha), G protein-Ras-MAPK (MAPK3, MAP3K4, rab3A, Rap1, RSG5, PKCtheta), ubiquitin-proteasome (CDC34, Cullin1, 26S proteasome), and apoptosis (BAD promoter, caspase 3). These results suggest that ATB is an effective chemopreventive against mouse lung tumorigenesis. Furthermore, ATB exhibited an enhanced inhibitory effect in animals harboring genetic alterations (Kras2, p53, and Ink4a/Arf), which are often seen in human lung adenocarcinomas.

    PMID: 15021904 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

  16. I am sorry to hear that your wife is no longer with you on this earth. Pls be comforted that she lives on in the memories of you and your family. May they sustain you always.


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