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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Can SOMEONE explain HMOs to me. I thought the whole point is that IF you go to their dang Doctors and their dang hospitals, that they would pay for it all, as long as you got your referral thingies filled out. I am finding out that's not the case. WILL SOMEONE EXPLAIN!

    I know that there are copays. Also wondering if this is normal: They can drop me if I am more than 60 days late with copays. Do other people also have lists of certain injectables etc that their HMO won't pay for?

  2. Sheesh and someone removed my F word grammar lesson--the one that was sure to be an attention grabber in basic English classes, especially with the guys who sat in the back row and THOUGHT they were going to sleep through another semester of English. No way with me teaching, lol.


  3. I think I understand, Peggy. I hope you still check in daily for a minute or two. I know many of us need your posts. as you offer many things for us to think about and are encouraging. We care about you and your husband, too and please keep us posted on that.

    Here's a whole bunch of fortitude headed your way.



  4. I wonder if they do the switches because they have gotten a better deal on one or the other from the drug companies? I know Don's Lucie had a switch from one drug to another with no real explanation.

    If so, and the patient isn't getting the same good effects, then this is near criminal, in my book.


  5. From one Elaine to another:

    I am sorry to hear the latest about your mother, but I am glad that they have found the root of the problem and are treating it accordingly.

    Had to use that salutation; if not it was too much like talking to myself, which I have been doing a lot of lately.

    Love to your mom.


  6. Sending prayers. I think there should be a special circle in hell just for those who thought up the hideous idea of HMOs. Can you tell I have problems with HMOs?

    By the way, in some states it is a law that even HMOS have to cover clinical trials as if they were in network. Check your state law and if it's not in the laws in your state, then write to your state legislators. In my state they have to pay, but they don't have to cover travel and living arrangements while there etc., which seems reasonable.

    However, here's the way they seem to be trying to get out of it here: The oncs say they don't know anything about clinical trials except the ones they are connected to. Let's put it this way: Wichita isn't exactly getting your top of the line trials. More like Trial Lite, it you get my drift. Or maybe Trials for Dummies.

    Well all I meant to say is that I am praying for you and that I understand. SOrry, I vented. Lol.



  7. If this is a case of people misunderstanding someone's (mine and David A's) sense of humor, I apologize. Again.

    Darn the written word. Take me for example. I just got a happy rush from listiening to a Tears for Fears song called Everybody Wants to Rule the World. Probably a close look at the lyrics would find little to nothing to feel happy about. Go figure.


  8. Robin

    I didn't mean to pry, but wanted to know more about the symptoms so maybe others might recognize them. I guess its either neurological, systemic weakness or radiation necrosis as you suggest. It is bothersome that the Doctor isn't being more proactive. Is this her primary Doctor or the onc? Do you have other options as to doctors? Someone who might try to get to the bottom of what is happening? I am glad she is in no pain and that you can be close to her.

    My love to you both. I hope someone on the board can offer some other suggestion. Pls consider another Doctor.



  9. I went to 98Rock webpage and found this information about MommaL's Husband:

    Lopez 's health update:Lopez got a very promising pet scan on Monday June 28th showing even more reduction of the cancer cells in his body.This was EXTREMELY good news and he is celebrating like the rest of us on his vacation.(updated July 1st @ 12:36pm

    Great news!


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