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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Nina

    I know it's hard to remember, but you are actually quite lucky that it was just money they were after. But, what is really so awful is that they took more than money, they took your sense of security and the belief in the safety of your own home. I hope that feeling fades with time. A security system is in order--be it bow wow or other.

    So sorry this had to happen. It's a strange old world sometimes.

    Love you lots


  2. Jamie

    Someone recently posted an article that said the stats on lc hadn't changed. I think that's what my cancer brain read. Hope I am wrong.

    One thing though: The stats were new, but still didn't take into account most of the changes that have happened in 2000-2004.


  3. Oh Margaret, so sorry to hear the latest development. Ginny said basically what I would say as far as WBR vs stereotactic. As you know every case differ. I do agree with you that it is not a decision to take lightly. I wish you peace and the wisdom to make the decision.



  4. Jane,

    Jane said it well. Anger is normal, but it doesn't really help unless it's directed at the cancer itself. I am glad you are using the anger to try to get the best possible care for your loved one. Just try not to let anger consume your days.



  5. Kim

    I don't have any advice for you, but I want you to know that I understand. Being short of breath is a scary thing. Pls talk to the Doctor about it. God loves us all whether we go to church or not. He lives inside us all, is what I think anyway. So it's not hard to find him. I am also not religuous person in the traditional sense of the word.

    let us know how things go.



  6. Bruce

    I agree. It's all too amazing to be happenstance. Look around. If all that surrounds us were an accident or a coincidence, there is no other accident or coincidence that comes close to being this well-tuned.

    I like the way you put it.


  7. Peggy,

    This is great. There has been so much sadness and even though I CAN think of good news we had this week, it seems sometimes too easy to only remember the bad. Rough morning here, so I welcome your post.

    Iressa can work for years. That's a lot of time for them to find other stuff.

    I love you lots


  8. Oh Joni

    I read this early this morning. I havent really stopped crying yet. This is heartbreaking, for the three of you and for all of us. I wil Pm you.

    I don't understand this horrible disease



  9. Gosh I sure haven't heard of this side effect that I can remeber. SOrry. But more sorry that Charlie is in pain. Very sorry.

    GIve him our love


  10. Betcha he's still driving around--when he gets home, his wife's gonna have to scrape the babes off him--lol.

    Anyway, we should all have such car troubles! Wonderful news!


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