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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Thanks.

    Of course my mind goes first to the worst thing: Ascites or liver mets. ANd always on a weekend. Can't go to ER, no way would the HMO pay for that visit. Been on celbrex too long to get a new side effect accoring to on call nurse. Just some more wonderful thing to worry about.

    The Ritilin really did a number on me emotionally, so I am tapering off and doing some xxanax to counter it until then. It did help the fatigue though. Hardly slept a wink for some days and on others slept a few very sound hours in a row.


  2. I have gained about 15 pounds this past 6 weeks. Today I can't come close to getting in to pants I wore two days ago, even though I weigh what I weighed then within a pound.

    Meds: 10 days of Ritilan (bad side effects) ibuprofen and celebrex. That's it. Took xxanax this AM.

    How can I tell if I have fluid in my waist area? I know I don't have it in my legs, as far as pitting edema goes.

  3. You make a good point, Larry.

    I stayed away from what most people think of as a church my whole adult life, pretty much. I really missed church though... the singing, the comfort of the ceremonial aspects and the calm. But the closer "inside" a church I got, the more stuff I didn't like, I saw. Always wanted to be old enough to be wise, and maybe I would change my mind...


  4. Frank, its letters that stand for something else, but to be an acronym they also have to form another word. For example

    NED stands for No Evidence of Disease and it also stands for Normal Energy Distribution according to the acronym search engine I just found.

    Normal Energy Distribution kind of fits in our circumstance in a strangely accurate way, huh?

    On the other hand, letters that don't form another word but still stand for something else are just called abbreviations.

    Thus UCLA is an abbreviation for Univ of Calif at Los Angeles etc etc.

  5. Nah, not elaine, she would be h e double hockey sticks to live with, always correcting his acronyms and such.

  6. Brothers--not cousins. Since you are from the south, my friend, you think everyone is a cousin, lol. Or else it's that you think about your cousins a little too much.

    Love you


  7. As to massive: Your's is not massive comparatively speaking to some on the board. I think MaryAnn'es weighed something like 20 pounds. Karen from California--her's was 19 cm., I think that is what is in her profile etc.

    I only say this to give you hope. Ok? And to try to help you get that damned surgeon's hideous words out of your head.


  8. Oh I see people aren't touching this thread today with a ten foot pole.

    So let me try...

    I must ditto the sisters. Fay I hope you understand how Cat and I felt when our words were erased. We didn't have the option you do and Cat didn't have the option the second time around when the thread was again deleted.

    I think this is VERY unfair to Ja Na, who is after all just barely an adult. Even though my posts on this thread were an attempt to help people understand that the behavior of JaNa was not damnable, I am sorry I even participated. To me, this thread comes under an attack on a member. One is a member once one has signed up, last I knew.

    I also want to say this: Having been around people who are ill most of my life, there is a bit of self-centeredness about people who are ill. This includes me, and this includes FayA based on what she wrote above. I am not saying that it is wrong to be self-centered given our circumstances, but I am saying that people who have never been ill don't quite know what it means TO BE ill. I hope you know what I mean. People who are ill talk a lot about their last treatments, surgery, etc etc. I imagine, based on my own thoughts, that they also think about these things quite a bit, too. I think it is natural to do this, a part of the self's way of survival.

    I'll let these chips lay where they lay.

    There's a great song: Suite Judy Blue Eyes and the appropriate lyrics are:

    "This does not mean, I don't love you, I do. That's forever and for always."


  9. Well shucks, Fay, apparently you're only lighting up a small portion of my life. I think I can fit all those syllables into the tempo (is tempo the word I am looking for here. I have cancer brain, ya know) of the song.....

    Ok I know my humor is weird.

    No advice, I know you will do what is best for you, Fay A.

  10. Ginny

    As far as the Food Channel: With my dad it was the Weather channel. Constantly. Family members thought my dad "wasn't there" but if you would sit and watch the Weather Channel with him, I could usually get a conversation going about--you guessed it--the weather. It would then lead to something else, usually.

    He also spent time with my daughter watching Law and Order reruns. He seemed to love the company of her. I know she cherishes that time with him. No, my dad wasn't always there. But he always was my Dad. Even when he would say something off the wall, it was always something that my dad would say if it was my dad who was off the wall, if you get what I mean.

    Even before he was in kind of bad shape, he would watch the weather channel a bit more than most people would, which is an understatement.

    I know you are looking for someone to help out. Pls find someone who will "be" with Earl, when you can't, not just someone who will occupy some space around Earl.

    I know you probably don't want my advice. But you have it anyway.



  11. Ok, Well that clears that up. Not. I guess the good news is that it still could be and probably is mostly necrotic.

    And to him, the surgeon dude, I say: Boy, what a MAN, you are.

  12. Ca

    Of course I have no answer to your chemo timing question. I just don't know why you keep saying your tumor is huge when you have been told it may just be the remenants of your original tumor.


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