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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Shellie

    Sorry I must have missed that you also needed a biopsy. I wish you only great news for you and your sister. It's best to be extra extra careful, so I am glad you are getting it looked at close up.



  2. They did bloodwork, but no ultrasound. There is no pain or redness involved. Just huge hard feet ankles and calves. Stiffnes yes. I walked about two miles this morning and elevated my feet and the stiffness is much better. I had sat around for a couple days. The thing about HOA and why I didn't get DXed sooner with it is that the symptoms of it come and go. For me anyway. It's weird. So I don't really know if the walking and elevation helped or if it's just another strange symptom that is going to come and go. Hopefully more go than come.

    I am also wondering, John if the parathesias I have had in my legs for over a year could be causing this.

    By the way, they did know of the connectin between HOa and lung cancer, just not the connection between my huge legs and HOA. Well one of the words IS HYPERTROPHIC. I feel like I am dealing with amatuers sometimes. Don't they get how scared a person is? I am alone most of the time. If it is blood clots or ascites, I would like to know.....


  3. Would it cause non pitting edema/swelling? I went to ER last night cos my legs, ankles and feet are/ were huge, stiff and hard! I told them of the HPOA and cancer, but they knew no connection.

    Basically they sent me home, saying they doubt it is blood clot or anything life threatening since it is both legs, feet, ankles.

    They have been kind of this way for awhle, but not like this. I also had them poke around my liver to look for ascites, but they are like 90 per cent sure it's not that., which means it probably is.


  4. I ran across this and wondered about it, seeing we often give this as advice. Maybe it's not good advice for people suffering from an obstructive disorder (like LC). But I always thought shallow breathing was bad.

    Anyway, this is the excerpt:


    'TAKE A DEEP BREATH.' HOW OFTEN ARE YOU URGED TO DO JUST that, by teachers, sports coaches, even doctors? It is now widely documented that any form of deep respiration can do nothing but harm, yet the misconceptions continue, firstly that deep breathing increases oxygenation and secondly that it is relaxing and therefore healthy. To see the flaws in these two assumptions you must first of all look at what occurs when you take a deep breath. In the alveoli (gas pockets) of the lung, the human organism regulates an atmosphere completely different to the gaseous composition of the air we breathe. Here the body requires definite concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Deep breathing disturbs this 'internal atmosphere' by causing a 'blowing off', or excessive loss, of carbon dioxide from the body.

    Carbon dioxide plays a vital role in the body's oxygenation process through its role of facilitating the release of oxygen from the red blood cells and into the tissues Therefore lowering of the body's carbon dioxide level equates directly to less oxygen reaching the tissues. Simply put, deep breathing results in less oxygen reaching the organs of the body, including the brain.

    Oxygen depletion of the brain gives a sensation of light-headedness which is often interpreted as relaxing. In numerous studies, hyperventilation has been shown to rapidly (within the first 30 seconds) slow down the functioning ability of the brain. It is also shown to reduce blood flow to the brain through vasoconstriction (cell spasm). These factors are also linked to this 'relaxing' effect. Most of us are aware of the schoolyard trick of causing yourself to faint by breathing deeply tor an extended period of time - this is only a continuance of this situation.

    Carbon dioxide, through its conversion into dissolved carbon dioxide gas, carbonic acid, bicarbonates, carbonates and carbamates, plays many varied roles in our biological processes. Apart from its function as a regulator of the respiratory system, carbon dioxide is also a vital player in the vascular, nervous, hormonal and digestive systems of the human body.

    Yet probably carbon dioxide's most important function is (through its conversion to carbonic acid) as the number one buffer (regulator) in our acid-base balance. If our bodies are depleted of this 'acid base' then alkalaemia (over-alkaline pH) develops which is known to impair immune function. Hyperventilation leads to weaker immunity and therefore poor health generally.

  5. " Proliferation and activation of the small blood vessels at the distal parts of the extremities "

    Can someone translate this for me as to what the symptom or signs of this would be.

    If I tell you the story of my trip to the ER last night, it might bias the replies LOL, so I will wait and see if anyone has a clue.



  6. Fluid on or in the lung or pluera would have other symptoms such as pain with breathing, perhaps fever, cough, noisy breathing (rales or wheezing etc.) Your mom's BP is low, with blood pressure that low, fatigue is a symptom of the low blood pressure. Low blood pressure is a sign of something, many things. so she probably needs to be checked out.

    That's what I know anyway. Pls call the Dr.


  7. Ray

    Not trying to discourage you at all. It's just that it took me sometime to realize my moods were out of hand. I am alone most of the time so I didn't have anyone telling me I was a lunatic, LOL. The good things about it were really really good.

    good luck


  8. Ray

    I was on Ritalin for about 2 weeks. It did help with the fatigue. I had some trouble sleeping though, but when I did sleep, I slept very well. I am considering going off of it completely, because it did have some side effects. Namely, drastic mood swings. I have added xanax to it, and I feel somewhat better, but more tired than with just the ritilan alone.

    Basically ritilin is a type of speed. I just wan't pleasant to be around when I was on it full force.

    Hope it works for you. My side effect isn't one that a lot of people have, I think.


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