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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Joni

    It really is shock that is keeping your legs moving even though they feel wooden. It really is shock that allows you to go about the things that need to be done because you are the person who needs to do it. I am so sorry for the pain you must feel and the abandonment, too. That happens. Just do what you think Robert would want you to do about the people.

    As for the fear about Alex. That is so normal. After all, he was what you have left, of Robert and of your life. And you are so close to the loss and so devastated that the fear of it is so great. How could you feel any different now? It will lessen with time. I wish I could say it goes away totally, but I can't.

    Joni, I hope you have the dearest of friends and family members to hold you up when you feel you can't stand.

    I wish you peace, fortitude and comfort, wherever you can find it.



  2. Thanks for the update. I can't help but do a little crying, but don't tell Terry. I am glad he is out of pain and that your little one got her wish: you brought her a cousin!. I know you will take good care of her and help her through this most trying of times. I love you all.


  3. Cindy,

    I'd say some really great news, dude. Got my computer not a year ago and I suspect it is outdated already!

    I pray your daugher heals quickly. Glad you got to see your son, and as for your little one, who isn't all that little anymore, I hope things work out for the best, whatever that may be. As moms, we probably have the same "working out for the best plan" in mind, but it may take her a little while to see things in a similar light. I agree as to not letting things get to the point that you can't talk to her. It would probably just make things worse.

    By the way, as far as punk boyfriends go, there are several guys on the board who have offered to break the kneecaps of some others, so they may be willing......

    Seriously, it's good to know we will be hearing a lot more from you now that you are once again connected. Glad those tests are great. Any idea what is causing the effusion?



  4. Cindy,

    I'd say some really great news, dude. Got my computer not a year ago and I expect it is outdated already!

    I pray your daugher heals quickly. Glad you got to see your son, and as for your little one, who isn't all that little anymore, I hope things work out for the best, whatever that may be. As moms, we probably have the same "working out for the best plan" in mind, but it may take her a little while to see things in a similar light. I agree as to not letting things get to the point that you can't talk to her. It would probably just make things worse.

    By the way, as far as punk boyfriends go, there are several guys on the board who have offered to break the kneecaps of some others, so they may be willing......

    Seriously, it's good to know we will be hearing a lot more from you now that you are once again connected. Glad those tests are great. Any idea what is causing the effusion?



  5. I am kind of surprised they did surgery on your small cell or maybe they didn't know what kind it was before they went in? Pls check with your onc as to the type of lc you have and listen to what he has to say about chemo.

    It's all kind of stressful and confusing, but knowledge is power.

    love to you


  6. Becky,

    Don't know if this helps or not but I tonight I stopped at a couple of green lights--hope that counters whatever effect your not stopping on red has had on the universal balance of things.



  7. While searching today, I found an interesting web site with lots of information. The other thing about it is that this organization of pathologists will decipher your pathology report into plain English. The pathology of your tumor, not just whether it is small cell or non small cell, is very important not only to your prognosis but to your treatment, from what I understand.

    Here is the link to any who are interested. They do charge 50.00 per report; however, they also provide a load of FREE information on the site, so that it might be possible to get your path report and decipher it yourself.


  8. While searching today, I found an interesting web site with lots of information. The other thing about it is that this organization of pathologists will decipher your pathology report into plain English. The pathology of your tumor, not just whether it is small cell or non small cell, is very important not only to your prognosis but to your treatment, from what I understand.

    Here is the link to any who are interested. They do charge 50.00 per report; however, they also provide a load of FREE information on the site, so that it might be possible to get your path report and decipher it yourself.


  9. Hebbie,

    Thanks for that good information. Have you tried the mushrooms?

    Anyway, I went back up and found the herbs that are in the mixture from the patent application.

    The herbs are as follows:

    Preferred compositions of the invention contain the herbal ingredients Sophora tonkinensis, Polygonum bistorta, Prunella vulgaris, Sonchus brachyotus, Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz, and Dioscorea bulbifera.

    I am getting myself so confused looking for this, so I imagine anyone reading the thread is just as confused as I am....more so....

    Is it because they are doing trials on something that someone is also trying to get a patent on that they are using all kinds of confusing terms and differing names for the same thing? Trying to protect their interests?

  10. I was sitting here thinking of Joni's Robert, JerryE, and especially for those whom they left behind, when this song came on my Yahoo Launch, and I thought I would share it with all of you because it gave me great comfort.

    When I Look To The Sky by Train

    When it rains it pours and opens doors

    And floods the floors we thought would always keep us safe and dry

    And in the midst of sailing ships we sink our lips into the ones we love

    That have to say goodbye

    And as I float along this ocean

    I can feel you like a notion that won't seem to let me go

    Cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me

    And you make everything alright

    And when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me

    And I can always find my way when you are here

    And every word I didn't say that caught up in some busy day

    And every dance on the kitchen floor we didn't dance before

    And every sunset that we'll miss I'll wrap them all up in a kiss

    And pick you up in all of this when I sail away

    Whether I am up or down or in or out or just plane overhead

    Instead it just feels like it is impossible to fly

    But with you I can spread my wings

    to see me over everything that life may send me

    When I am hoping it won't pass me by

    And when I feel like there is no one that will ever know me

    there you are to show me

  11. Echinacea is a great herb. For the past two months every time I felt the least bit of congestion, I take it for about a week-10 days and my lungs clear completely. I may have overdone it this week, because my I had some severe swelling, mostly in my legs. Anyway, I highly reccomment its use, but with some precautions to keep in mind.


    Upset stomach and an unpleasant taste may occur. If these effects persist or worsen, notify your doctor. In the unlikely event you have an allergic reaction to this product, seek immediate medical attention. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include: rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.


    THIS PRODUCT: Follow all directions for use on the product package. If you are uncertain about any of the information, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Prolonged use may lessen the effects of this product. It is recommended that this product be used for no more than 8 weeks at a time.

  12. I take several herbs and I am all for them. However, the other night I may have experienced a somewhat dangerous side effect from one. The medical community, for the most part, does not know much of anything ab out herbs (and apparently don't know how to look them up on the Internet), so I am posting a link to a site that has many herb side effects on it. It doesn't have them all, and doesn't have the one I think may have caused my legs to swell to elephantastic proportions (Echinacea) but it has many of the ones cancer patients often use:


  13. Becky,

    I don't know what's up with the brain (maybe it is reacting to your knickname and taking it literally) but it could be stress, (nah you don't have any of that!) and it could be hormones. That kind of thing you describe happens during menopause so maybe your hormones are out of whack due to your thyroid condition or meds.

    By the way, ever wonder how or why the word "men" is a part of menopause? I am just now wondering......

    Glad to see you back. It's been a sad sort of week around here.


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