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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Carleen

    I am sorry the news isn't better and I am glad it isn't worse. And I am really sorry the pain is returning. I know someone who had partial removal of the pancreas and someone who had surgery to remove a blockage that turned out not to be cancer. Partial removal is much easier on the body, so you might check with the Doctors to find out if that is possible--or even to just remove the blockage.

    Here's hoping for better days ahead. Think of you often and your dear Keith.



  2. Carleen

    I am sorry the news isn't better and I am glad it isn't worse. And I am really sorry the pain is returning. I know someone who had partial removal of the pancreas and someone who had surgery to remove a blockage that turned out not to be cancer. Partial removal is much easier on the body, so you might check with the Doctors to find out if that is possible--or even to just remove the blockage.

    Here's hoping for better days ahead. Think of you often and your dear Keith.



  3. Terry

    You are in my thoughts and hopes. They try to promise that they can control our pain, and I truly pray they are able to keep that promise to you and to all of us.

    Much love


  4. Earlier I was Rick and so I used another way I found to get in during the prolonged troubles of last month's deal--lol. I sure thought I was a hacker, lol, when I figured out another way in.

    Seems to be fine now.


  5. I THink I remember reading that JimBen was going on a long vacation something to do with fishing.

    MAKWA and DBERRY still MIA. Sure there are others. Maybe they will show up at RY's and Mr. Ry's.

  6. Alisa

    Oh I see now about the scans. The most you can do, I guess, is rely on their expertise and their hypotheses that it is inflammation. You could have someone else read them, I guess, but SLoan Kettering is pretty much the tops.

    I really hate this for you. I wish there were genies who came out of bottles because now I have the wish I would wish for us all.

    I know your kids are young, so young. I always think mine are young and then I remember there are those of us here with really little ones.

    PM me if you ever need to talk. And maybe this is a great time to see about those Chinese herbs, just in case.

    love you


  7. Alisa

    Sorry you have somethng new to worry about, as if you didn't have enough. I guess what you are saying is they are going to do the contrast scan now? If so that is probably a great idea. Three months may seem like nothing to the Drs but to us it is FOREVERRRRR. They are probably right but probably isn't enough to set your mind at ease.

    I saw copies of Cat's contrast scans and they were fascinating and precise. From what little I could tell, but they were much easier for a layperson to read, so I bet they are very accurate for someone who really knows what he or she is looking at.

    Keep us posted. You have always been so kind to me and I hate to think you are worrying. I am so glad you insisted on getting some more accurate answers now.



  8. Cat may have taken it off for some reason. But since some of us are having trouble posting posts that somehow don't show up, it may have been that too. I see that her post that begins this thread is not an editied version of the one I read earlier. So who knows????

    Cat will let us know, I'm sure.


  9. Betty

    Whew. I know the feeling of those aches and pains we would have more than likely gnored before our "friends" paid a visit. I am dancing with my two left feet just for you and singing too.



  10. Great news. I did think techs weren't supposed to read the scans, but in this case I am glad you got some preliminary great news so that you can more fully enjoy the trip.



  11. I am going to try a less emotional response to this. I would follow my husband's lead in this. I know you are probably seeing this in terms of the way you think they may feel about you. I agree they are insensitive and rude (ok I am going to be emotiional) but let your husband lead the way. He may find some comfort in making these kinds of decisions. It is something he still has control over. In the end, you will be glad this happened BEFORE anything might happen to him. Becaue then if there are people apt to blame, you will get the brunt of it. This way it is HIS decisions, and I hope he can make that clear to everyone.

    My heart goes out to you. In times like this, even the smallest things take on significance to others. Try to look at it like they care for him and thus wish to keep a part of him. I know it's hard to do because you are in the fight. Most of us, unfortunately, have not made these decisions before we became ill.

    My love to you and best wishes for good scans.



  12. Pam

    I can hear the distress in your words. Maybe you can do this: Contact a home health care/visiting nurse organization. Medicare and most all insurance companies pay for this. He can then be assessed by a nurse who can then give you an indication of what his needs would be. She would be less apt to be emotional about her assessment. Also does your father have a living will? If so try to do what you can based on it--but I know that is not always possible. Sometimes you just have to go with what is in your hearts. YOur stepmother is probably torn. Anyway try the nurse organization.

    My heart goes out to you and your family.


  13. So many times we just don't know how to evaluate the myriad of information we find, as Cat said.

    I found a page(s) on the website that Karel suggested and I am going to post a link to it. There are many times people have asked me what supplements I take and I pretty much take all the ones on this page, coincidentally, although I found a few I wasn't taking and I take some that aren't on here. But I think for anyone wanting a start at what supplements to take these pages give great advice and they back it up with what appears to be sound research.

    I also found I am not taking large enough does of some things.

    It's a good start for those looking. Thanks Karel.


  14. Joni

    What a beautiful man you have, both inside and out. Thank you for sharing him with the board. I so wish it could have been under different circumstances for all of us.

    You and Alex remain in my thoughts. May you be surrounded by love in the coming years.

    I know you must be in great pain. No one can wish it away, but it is something you can work through but not get over. I hope that makes sense to you, now.

    my love to you


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