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Posts posted by Elaine


    I'm glad to hear you've found things you like to do. Me, I can be lulled with the Home and Garden network. For some reason those decorating

    shows keep my interest. I figure if I got a TV guide, I might actually change the channels....

    We recently added a cat to our two (our son's, which I found peering up at me with big green eyes, in my flower/weed bed when I lived on the rez), which has upset the balance around here--more cats than humans and one cat more in the neighborhood and in the house has caused a few turf wars, some of which are hilarious to watch.

    As for birdfeeders: somehow luring birds into yards with cats doesn't seem fair.

    The other morning, I heard the birds crying loudly in mourning and distress: yep, our little guy, Cody, who has until now been an indoor fellow, caught himself a bird.

    Cody is a Maine Coon. I didn't know there was such a breed, so when I saw him, I thought it was God's joke of a cat: that the little guy had been pieced together in heavan from spare cat parts. If you aren't aware of what they look like, look them up on the Internet. Ours is a little more scraggly than the show cats, you'll find, but you can get a picture.

    What was what looks to be a pure bred Maine Coone doing on a South Dakota reservation, I'll never know, but he is a cat full of shennanigans. Always a pleasure, but the other cats get tired of his games quite readily. But he plays on..... God love him.


  2. Cat

    You need to contact your case manager and inform them of these bills. The hospital and your ex-onc can't do this, knowing you are HMO without referals and approval from your HMO. I am so confused as to how and why this was done.

    Congrats on the Senator, I think it was Senator.


  3. Peggy,

    I too want you to know that I welcome your views and that they do help me as I travel on the road in my search. Before DX I was in a search to understand, and the need for that understanding has become more critical for me.

    I am never saying that I am right or that my beliefs or understandings are any more valid than others. Well if there are such things as devil worshippers, I don't think I would be very apt to be so open to them. But I would hear them out. Mostly I think I don't know. When I talk to God, which I do every day, I ask him to forgive me my humaness. I ask him to forgive my fraility and hope for his understanding that my mind is a suobborn mind and that some of my inabilities to go along with the way I was raised is because of a sincere desire for a more Godlike world.


  4. Jay

    Welcome. I know none of us really want to be here, but since we have the need, this is one of the greatests places on the web to be for support and answers.

    Perhaps one of the hospital or onc social workers can be of some help to you as you try to figure out what to do about your situation. My onc office has social workers, and I think many do.

    My heart goes out to you.


  5. Well there used to be a post from Peggy, and she must have removed it. In it, she wrote that God and Satan are both people because the Bible says they are people.

    I know that the Bible speaks of God having a voice, but am not aware of it saying God has a body.

    I won't deny that God has a voice, but I will say that I nor no one I know has ever heard it. I see God "speaking" in many ways.

    Oddly enough, many people who say that God literally told them to do something or another, wind up in mental institutions or on medication.

    My husband told me that President Bush says that God told him that he was to become President. He read it somewhere; I must have missed that one. Anyway,.....

    Peggy, as for Jesus, I, too believe that he was a person.

  6. Here's a tip to everyone:

    Now might be a good time to contact magazines and/newspapers to do feature stories on lung cancer.

    The press is like everything else. It's copycats. If one does a story, others will do one too. Albeit they will try to find a different angle.

    Go for it, guys. Get your stories told.

  7. Rick and Peggy and all:

    Ok. What was happening to Peggy and Cat and others, was not happening to me UNTIL NOW. Weird, isn't it. But anyway everytime I logged on this evening, the log in appeared not to take and then did take and then I had no posts in the posts since last visit.

    Some little cyber fairies are up to mischief?!


  8. Larry

    As far as there being a red guy with horns and a pitchforl standing at the gates of a firey hell, I don't think so. I hope I am right. Like the in the thread where the original discussion began (remember that????) I said I was raised to in a religion that took every word of the Bible literally. Thus, those teachings remain in the back of my mind. However. I do believe that there are many metaphors in the bible. One of them is hell.

    The bible talks about hell as fire and it also says hell is the absence of God. If God is good, as I believe he or she to be, then the absence of good is evil.

    We have a tendancy to use personification when we speak of God or of Evil(Satan). As far as I know, God is not a person, but is a force. Just as evil is a force, as in an energy.

    Both forces are entwined within the human, within all that is living--in all of us, is a struggle between the two. When good wins, when we humans do good, God is being displayed through us, and when we fail, Evil to varying degrees is displayed.

    I do thnk that within some people, evil prevails. I've met them. Their evil creates negative energies that attempt to overide the positve energy of God. Thus far, unsuccessfully.

    That's the short version of what I believe I believe. As far as after death, I still struggle with that. Other than the fact that when I look around me, I see that nothing disappears, everthing is transformed. I believe after death, that I too will be transformed. What that means literally, I don't know. But my energy, call it soul, I believe will exist in some manner.

    As far as your experience, Larry, I also think that there are people who are better able than others to see the energies around things. You may very well be one of them.


  9. Andrea

    So sorry. I am glad you don't have lung cancer, so that's something to be glad about. Just remember as far as you know your mom is living with NED. It's that :twisted: IRessa that's to blame. But when you find out Iressa works, you can call it :D Iressa.


  10. Denise,

    Is there any way your mom can come home? Somtimes they will let you out for a day visit? (sounds like prison, but you know what I mean). Maybe that would help.

    Anyway, I think you are right to follow her lead, but maybe getting out of the hospital will give her a boost so that she will lead you to help her keep fighting.

    Sure thinking of you and your mom.


  11. I recently posted a post saying that Iressa has also shown effectieness as a first line treatment. David A was on Iressa and now he going to start a new chemo, so Iressa is definately not a last ditch effort. It seems oncs are trying it all over the place, first, second, third, fourth.... Anyway wanted to put your mind at ease about that.

    Oh yes, and Andrea's mom and Becky took it as a way to hopefully prevent recurrance in people who are NED.

    Overall soundsl like mostly good news for your dad.



  12. Cat's recent post about her letter to the Senator and the fact that he did reply is the reason I am writing this post.

    I have worked in advocacy for many years in one way or another. I learned a couple of things that may help those of you who are interested.

    First, summer is the best time to write letters to congresspersons, state and federal. They all have summer interns, which increases their staff, and raises the possiblity that your letter will catch the eye of someone who will then advocate for you with the congressperson or the regular staff.

    Frame your letters with a personal story, your story or the story of your loved one. Don't just fill your letter with your opinions and statistics. Tell a story of a person that represents what it is you are requesting. Congresspersons hear rhetoric all the time, so it goes right by them. The story of people and their suffering under current policy(s), however, have a much greater impact. In addition to telling your story, you must also imply or prove that YOUR story is indicative of the stories of others, so that you are presenting them with the fact that your case is not unique and that many other constituents are or may be facing the same or similar circumstances.

    Election years are also a great time to write, especially if the congressperson is up for election. They do want votes and their staff is also larger during election season.

    If you are trying to be heard by a journalist, someone who can bring your issue to the press, then by all means tell a story. People care about people and not numbers and opinons. You are more apt to get the attention and the interest of the media if you have a story to tell. Again, in addition to telling your story, you must also imply or prove that YOUR story is indicative of the stories of others, so that you are presenting them with the fact that your case is not unique and that many other readers are or may be facing the same or similar circumstances.

    It's still summer and this IS an election year, so have at it folks.....



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