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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Heather

    Sorry to hear about the mets. I hope you don't mind that I found some humor in your post's title. When I read it I thought, "Thank goodness her brain in on top of her body where it belongs."

    Of course the sentene could also be read as suggesting your mom's brain slipped and now rests atop her lung.

    Language can be such a funny thing, especially to old English teachers like me.

    Seriously, I pray that answers are sought and found.

    Best to you both. Again I apologize if I am out of line. It's probably the lack of sleep cos I can't blame any meds.


  2. Shelly,

    Of course don't leave. We are your family. Many of your family have asked you to get some counseling so you can continue to be the heart of this extended family and your at home family. I am not sure what stops you from doing that, but pls reconsider, if not for yourself, then for both of your familes. The emotional toll the roller coaster you have been on can't be healthy for you.

    We love you and pray that your sister and you have full lifetimes to share.


  3. Pamela

    If people wonder why I dont get treatment, it is partly because of stories such at your dad's. I suppose if the treatments offered me a fairly good chance of cure or Lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng term remission, I would consider. But that is not what the offer is. The supposedly will extend my life by a few months. Though there is a great possibility that I end up a little old woman in a wheelchair without treatment, I t hink there is a greater possibility of doing the same thing quicker with treatment.

    Has your dad had chemo? or is this just from radiation? I take many supplements, could take more

    I take one medication and have tried some for pain that haven't really worked so I quit them and am basically med-free. No oxygen. I've slowed down and don't like to do stairs but mostly other than the days when my legs hurt more than normal, I am ok, not great, but still ok.

    Even the nurses and dr thought I would be in "bad shape" by now, but I wonder if that is because they are used to seeing people who have done treatments. Oddly, they don't seem happy that I am doing so well. Still like to tell me it won't last long.... NIce of them, huh?

    I am not advocating that anyone choose my path. There are some days when I THINK I want treatment but then I think again. I don't trust the medical profession to be more than dispensers of medicine and to be so without thought to the consequences. Especially for lc.

    I will pray your father regains his strength in spite of the medical profession.



  4. After waking up this morning: On the Job Training?

    Lol, I must have worked this out in my sleep. I'm doing some important work at night lately, huh?

    Anyway, a night light is a good thing. A very nice thing. Think of how many lives it saves and how many nerves it calms.

    I think you ARE a night light, Fay. I cant thnk of a better metaphor for you.


  5. Grace

    I think Becky may be wrong. Bad people are so bad they don't expect bad things to happen, only good people who sometimes do wrong feel like something bad could happen. Bad people don't have much of a conscience. That's why they are bad.

    What I think is that not enough bad happens to bad people. DOn't know if you remember the Joel Steinberg case in New York--he was the lawyer who beat his adopted daughter, Lisa, to death and he had a live in woman who was so battered and abused she didnt do anything aBOUT IT. Happened in the late 8os, I think.

    Well he got out of prison today. He's aged 67, I think they said. I am 49 and HE will outlive me. That seems wrong. Babiesand children suffer and die. But that blankety blank lives. The child he killed for

    staring at him" was 7.

    Ok so you probably didn't want a rant.

    Your Doctor sounds like so many Doctors and I hope you find a good one. They are out there. People tell me they are.

    best wishes.

    Glad you got to spend a long time with your father.


  6. Grace

    I think Becky may be wrong. Bad people are so bad they don't expect bad things to happen, only good people who sometimes do wrong feel like something bad could happen. Bad people don't have much of a conscience. That's why they are bad.

    What I think is that not enough bad happens to bad people. DOn't know if you remember the Joel Steinberg case in New York--he was the lawyer who beat his adopted daughter, Lisa, to death and he had a live in woman who was so battered and abused she didnt do anything aBOUT IT. Happened in the late 8os, I think.

    Well he got out of prison today. He's aged 67, I think they said. I am 49 and HE will outlive me. That seems wrong. Babies die, children, and that

    &()*_*(#% lives.

    Ok so you probably didn't want a rant.

    Your Doctor sounds like so many Doctors and I hope you find a good one. They are out there. People tell me they are.

    best wishes.

    Glad you got to spend a long time with your father.


  7. Cidny

    Glad you are doing well. The humidity sure doesn't help much does it? We have had so much rain that going outside feels like a steam bath without the relaxing aspects.

    I keep you in my thoughts. Sure have missed you.



  8. Renee

    I am sending a load of good thoughts and fortitude your way. Pls know that you have many here standing beside and behind you and your husband. Ask for whatever help you need.



  9. I concur with Betsplacce. However, maybe instead of a leave of absence he could go on short term disability. Most all employers have that as a benefit. Not all offer long term disability, however. You could have him check with his human resouress person or check wth his benefit package that he received at hire. You could do the checking for him. Does his employer know of his DX?

    Would it be possible to go on part time?


  10. Outside,

    I sure don't know an answer to your question. I hope you have been able to participate in your daughter's care since the last time you posted. Do you know what other treatments she is having now? Or just finished? Sometimes treatments can cause the lungs to become congested, and congested lungs are more prone to infection. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.



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