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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Thank God your brain is clear! Now about that cough--head to the pub and have a few shots of some quality scotch--I hear that soothes the throat and relaxes the soul.

    I love you lots.


  2. Oh my God, Addie, Addie. Get those boxing gloves on, my friend. I am running out of words to convey all these emotions we are all feeling. But I am standing in your corner with the rest of your friends and family. Okay maybe I will be sitting in your corner after my legs give out. But I am sending you all kinds of power to beat s the holy you know what out of the damned intruder. It doesnt' stand a chance of winning. It doesn't.

    So much love and fortitude


    How in the heck did it not show up on CT scans??? I don't understand. So much I don't understand that it pisses me off even more.

  3. I am sad to have to welcome you to this site because I know that you would rather not have to be here anymore than any of us do.

    We have an "Ask the Experts" forum on this board--just click on the black rectangle near the middle top of the screen and it will take you there.

    Pls ask your questions there about the CAT Scans not showing the cancer. They will surely give you an answer that might be helpful.

    I wish you both the best.


  4. Peggy,

    I really don't have a clue, but urge you and hubby to get it checked out. The bilateral leg pain I referred to in an earlier post really isn't a cramping kind of pain--at least it's not the pain I have, but from my understanding the pain presents itself somewhat differently in different patients. But I have never read of it as being described as "cramping", so....

    Mine is a burning pain and very little swelling. Angie's Dad has it and he had a lot of swelling. It also causes arthritis like pains in surrounding joints, in my case, the knees mostly.

    Love and extra fortitude


  5. The reason I said such a "scary" thing is that too many people on this board have went undiagnosed for many, many, many months and sometimes years because too many Drs do not know what few physical signs there are to LC, including myself who had these symptoms for nearly two years before dx.

    One of my dearest friends from this board had clubbing for many many months and only lived about 8 months from DX. It is an important sign.

    I also was told I had nueritis of unknown origin; r I was told I had vasculitis, arthritis, you name it. Clubbing, without cynosis, is not indicitive of heart disease, for the most part, not always, of course.

    I told her about the clubbing to help reassure her.

    Now, here is where I went wrong. I should have looked back at her previous post before responding, because now I see that she has pain in only one leg. The condition I talked about is almost always bilateral, but again, not always.

    Like I said in my earlier post, Barb, I am not trying to scare you, but wiser minds than I have said on the board, KNOWLEDGE is POWER.

    Like most pains, if they don't go away within time, insist on seeing a specialist.


  6. What kind of pain are you having? Is it a burning pain? Any swelling? Have they done a bone scan? The reason I ask is that I ha ve a paraneoplastic syndrome called Hypertrophic Pulmonary Osteoarthropy that is present in about 12 per cent of NSCLC patients--and is usually cured if there is no cancer present. It can indicate a return of cancer also. I am not trying to scare you, but you do need to know this. My pain is mostly in my shins and knees--well, it's the most painful there.

    If your fingers are not clubbed, then you probably don't have that.

    A bone scan will tell for sure.


  7. My vote goes to the pig. Hands down. Pig. Can't keep my mind off that pig. By the way, did you hear about the pig? You know, the pig. The pig. The incredible pig.


    By the way there is something else about pigs that really is sad. They are one of the brightest animals- and when they go to slaughter, they are hung on a line---pigs realize what is going to happen to them, and thus they scream on their way to slaughter. This is something else I can never forget about pigs. If you have seen it, you will never, ever get that sound out of your mind.

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