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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Nell

    Good to hear from you, my friend. I take 2400 mg of nuerontin and I have no noticeble side effects. It can be given up to about 3600 a day, I think. I am thinking of upping mine as I am not getting relief. But, as you know all people react differently to medications. I think someone on here said that they got confusion while taking nuerontin. It only really helps nerve pain, which is usually a burning type of pain or sometimes an electrical kind of pain.

    Hospice can be used for more than six months; the projected prognosis has to be six months or less--but that doesn't mean that a person can't leave hospice care or that if a person lives beyond the six months that hospice care can't continue.

    IMO, it's just silly what the Dr said about a pain management Dr not being able to help--that is what they are trained to do!!!

    You all are in my thoughts daily.

    love and fortitude


  2. I dont know if tumors shift or not. I guess that would depend on how they are attached and to what. I would also assume the density of a mass would be something that would be crucial because tumors are three dimensional--they aren't flat. So a measurement of perimeters isnt the complete picture.

    Who knows what they go on, lol!

    My scans always show precise measurements of the effected nodes.

    It amazes me the differences in the types of readings people get.

    I have a CT scan from 20 years ago that is a full page--and there was nothing wrong with me.

    Now that there is, the report is barely a half a page.

  3. There is a new study out about women and how they feel about their asses!

    I thought the results were pretty interesting:

    1. 85% of women think their *ss is too big ...

    2. 10% of women think their *ss is too little ...

    3. The other 5% say that they don't care, they love him, he's a good man, and they would have married him anyway.

  4. You need to check you insurance policy. Mine states NO costs associated with a trial will be covered. I posted a link last week about this in the financial forum. Besides checking your policy you need to check state law in you state. A handful require costs associated with trials to be covered.


  5. I think it might be legal. There are companies that say in their ads that they won't hire anyone who smokes. I think it is legal for a private company to have the kind of employees they want to have to represent them.

    But we shall see.


  6. I guess depending on stage and to a certain degree all stages I think there is spritual distress. Even people who I have talked to who are deeply religious are afraid of the unknown--as in what will it be like after death.

    Also the thought of dying itself causes distress, more so than being dead, I think-and on many levels, personal and its effect on family and loved ones--the dying process, I mean.

    Maybe these are covered in your categories, I just couldnt tell.

    Thank you for the important work you are doing.


  7. I am getting used to it. It took me awhile--but now I think the type looks bigger than it did yesterday, which was my major concern. Old eyes. The type is still small on the forum front page, but the type is larger on the messages, which is where the type needs to be larger.

    It's weird though that others are seeing things I don't see. For example, the avatars are no larger than before on my screen and I see at least 15 lines of type on the messages. And my screen is only a 15 inch flat panel.

    I have no idea what CindiO is talking about because I dont see anything highlighted in silver.

    The white is a little bright, but I dimmed my screen and that helped.

    Overall it's a professional job and looks it! Thanks Rick and Katie.


  8. My current inusrance does provide coverage for costs associtated with clinical trials (even though the state of Kansas does not require the company to cover these costs), but my new insurance does not.

    Some states require plans to cover these costs, but most states do not.

    The link below shows all the states and what they require.

    If your states does not require your inusrance to cover these costs, perhaps you could write to your state legislators asking them to introduce a bill that would make this crucial coverage available to all citizens of your state.

    http://www.nci.nih.gov/clinicaltrials/d ... rial-costs

    The following link will lead you to information that shows that the costs of covering clinical trials is not more expensive than other treatements, information you could use when you write your letter.


    Thanks in advance


  9. There's no way I am getting into any machine at seven in the morning, Christmas carols or not. I would have to be there the night before and camp out. For that you win the BIG prize and I am hoping that prize is a clean and pea free brain. You and Dave have enough in common without adding peas to the mix.....lol.

    I will be thinking of you and singing Frosty the Snowman for in your honor.

    love and fortitude


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