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Everything posted by paulette3

  1. Jamie, I am so proud of you. You are amazing. Paulette
  2. I've noticed several of you talking about Facebook. If anyone wants to add me as a friend I'd be honored. You can find me by my name - Paulette Kilby Thatcher.
  3. Many loving hugs to you Michelle! I hope you can feel the love from this group. It's amazing!! Paulette
  4. paulette3

    I am Shameless

    Kasey, I couldn't contribute a lot but did make a donation for your walk. I'm one of the fortunate ones (so far) who was able to have surgery to remove my lung cancer but am still paying off the oncologist. Paulette
  5. 5. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE -- Romantic , warm, loving. You care about other people, can be counted on in a pinch and expect the same in return. Intuitively keen. You can be very emotional at times but a true person in every way. You like to do things for yourself and help others learn about themselves
  6. paulette3

    Yes & No

    Been arrested? --- no Kissed someone you didn't like? --- yes Slept in until Noon? --- yes Fallen asleep at work/school? --- yes Held a snake? --- yes Ran a red light? --- yes Been suspended from school? -- no Experienced love at first sight? --- yes Totaled your car in an accident? -- yes Been in a vehicle at more than 100 mph? --no Driven a vehicle at more than 100 mph? --- no Been fired from a job? --yes Fired somebody? --- no Sang karaoke? --- no Pointed a gun at someone? --- no Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? --- yes Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? --- yes Caught a snowflake on your tongue? ---yes Kissed in the rain? -- yes Had a close brush with death (your own)? --- no Ever feared for your life? --- no Seen someone die? --- yes Played spin-the-bottle? --- yes Sang in the shower? ---yes Smoked a cigar? --- no Sat on a rooftop? ---yes Smuggled something into another country? ---no Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? -- yes Broken a bone? ---yes Skipped school? --- no Eaten a bug? ---no Sleepwalked? --- no Walked a moonlit beach? --- yes Ridden a motorcycle? --- yes Dumped someone? --- yes Forgotten your anniversary? --- no Lied to avoid a ticket? --- no Ridden in a helicopter? --yes Shaved your head? --- no Played a prank on someone? --- yes Hit a home run? --- no Felt like killing someone? --- yes Cross-dressed? --- no Been falling-down drunk? --- yes Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? --- yes Eaten snake? --- no Marched/Protested? --- no Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? --- no Puked on amusement ride? --- no Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? --- no Been in a band? --- no Knitted? ---no Been on TV? --- yes Fired a gun? --- yes Skinny-dipped? --- yes Given someone stitches? --- yes Eaten a whole habenero pepper (or other hot peppers)? -- no Ridden a surfboard? --- no Drank straight from a liquor bottle? ---no Had surgery? --- yes Streaked? --- no Taken by ambulance to hospital? --- yes Passed out when not drinking? --- no Peed on a bush? ---no Donated Blood? --- yes Grabbed electric fence? --- no Eaten alligator meat? --- no Eaten cheesecake? --- yes Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? --- yes Killed an animal when not hunting? --- no Peed your pants in public? --- no Snuck into a movie without paying? --- no Written graffiti? ---no Love someone you shouldn't? --- yes Think about the future? --- yes Been in handcuffs? -- no Believe in love? --- yes Sleep on a certain side of the bed? ---yes Have a tattoo? -- no
  7. B = Bye Bye Birdie B = Breakfast at Tiffanys Okay - C is next! Paulette
  8. Eileen, I smoked for 42 years. I just quit this past April 17th - 2 weeks after I was told I had lung cancer. I don't crave them at all but I know that if I ever smoked just one I'd probably be back to smoking again so therefore I will NEVER smoke again.
  9. Never had fish tacos but my mind says YUCK! Moon Pies
  10. Yum for avocodos as long as they are made into quacamole. Meat Loaf
  11. Here in NC it also just went up. I think it's around $1.35 pack now. When I lived in NJ it was $2.57 a pack which I believe is the highest in the nation.
  12. If Walking Is So Good For You, Then Why Does My Mailman Look Like Jabba The Hut?
  13. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time in your life.
  14. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. My surgeon has told me he refers all his patients to an oncologist no matter what stage the cancer is (mine is T2 1b - only because of the size). I see the surgeon for after surgery follow up on June 2nd.
  15. Hi, I'm Paulette, 62, who smoked for 42 years. On 4/02/09 my primary doctor did a chest x-ray because I had not had one for years. He saw a suspicious spot on my upper left lung. I had a CT scan the next day which showed a large (over 4 cm) mass. The next week I had a PET scan which showed only the one spot in my lung. On 5/01/09 I had the upper lobe of my left lung removed (VATS). I just got out of the hospital 4 days ago. No cancer was found in the lymph nodes removed during surgery but the mass was NSCLC. I'm trying to stay positive and am now waiting to heal from surgery. But of course deep down - I'm scared.
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