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Everything posted by paulette3

  1. My thoughts and prayers have been with Katie and Randy this week. I hope the days pass without too much pain. {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} for both of you. Paulette
  2. Geri, I'm over here doing the happy dance!!! Paulette
  4. I woke up bright and early this morning and looked around and everyone is still sleeping. Did y'all have too much to drink on that bus drive?? I can understand why Becky is still sleeping - she was worn out with all that driving! Oops -- gotta go --- guess I'm the dog (and roo) walker this morning! Paulette
  5. Melanie, That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us! Paulette
  6. I'm on the bus!! Got my pina colada ingredients with me! Who has the blender???? Paulette
  7. Randy and I are still holed up in a greasy spoon on I-40 near Hickory NC. Hurry and get here soon, Becky, before Randy takes over the cooking! We need the yucky grease for the bus! Paulette
  8. I can wait by I-40 near Hickory NC if I know when you'll be this way. I'll pack my laptop (to keep in touch with those MB members who aren't going), lots of pina colada mix and rum of course! Paulette
  9. Susan, Thanks so much for letting us know. I was getting really worried about both her and Bill. Paulette
  10. Congratulations to both you and Thomas, Denise!! What a wonderful way to start the New Year off right! Paulette
  11. I've always said that if reincarnation was possible I wanted to come back as a rich woman's poodle. Paulette
  12. Good morning all! I woke up to a chilly 18 degrees in North Carolina. Brrrr!!! If we're going to Hawaii - by bus or any other way - I definitely want to go! Can we camp out at Neds?? Paulette
  13. WOW!! Our very own Katie has hit the 13,000 mark with her posting. Congratulations Katie! I don't know what we'd do without you to lead the way. Thank you so much for all you do for all of us who are battling lung cancer. We love you! Paulette
  14. Melanie, That's great that you're having your CT scan soon. Please do keep us informed. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Paulette
  15. WOW!!! Congratulations Michelle!! Paulette
  16. Good morning all. It's a chilly 24 degrees here in North Carolina this morning and only suppose to get to the mid 40s later today. Judy - I'll keep your daughter in my prayers for a successful surgery and quick recovery. Paulette
  17. Ann, I didn't have a sore arm after my H1N1 shot so hopefully you won't either. I had no side effects at all. They could have shot me up with water for all I know . Paulette
  18. Done Randy! I sincerely hope it helps! Paulette
  19. Barb, I'm hoping and praying that Bill will not have to have the drain but if he does I'll also pray that everything will be okay. Sending you hugs [[[[[[[[[barb]]]]]]]]]]. Paulette
  20. Congratulations Mike! What a wonderful Christmas present! Paulette
  21. paulette3

    woulda been

    Randy, I know Deb is looking down at you and telling you she's having a fantastic birthday in heaven. And I know she's so proud of you! Paulette
  22. RandyW, Randy, who joined us Jan 27, 2005, has posted 7000+ times. Congratulations Randy!!
  23. jaminkw, Judy, who joined us on Dec 28, 2007, has reached 2500+ posts. Congratulations Judy!
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