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Everything posted by paulette3

  1. How wonderful!! I'm so happy for you Paulette
  2. paulette3


    Hi Dave, I'm so glad you've graduated to 1 yr checkups and I hope they continue to be good for a very long time! You live in my home town. I was born in Greenville and lived there until 1972 when I moved to Charlotte NC. I still visit now and again as I have relatives there. Paulette
  3. 25 REASONS I OWE MY MOTHER 1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE. "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning." 2. My mother taught me RELIGION. "You better pray that will come out of the carpet." 3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL. "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" 4.. My mother taught me LOGIC. "Because I said so, that's why." 5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC. "If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me." 6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT. "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident." 7. My mother taught me IRONY "Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about." 8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS. "Shut your mouth and eat your supper." 9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM. "Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!" 10. My mother taught me about STAMINA. "You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone." 11. My mother taught me about WEATHER. "This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it." 12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY. "If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!" 13 My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE. "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out." 14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION. "Stop acting like your father!" 15. My mother taught me about ENVY. "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do." 16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION. "Just wait until we get home." 17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING. "You are going to get it when you get home!" 18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE. "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that way." 19. My mother taught me ESP. "Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?" 20. My mother taught me HUMOR. "When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me." 21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN adult. "If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up." 22. My mother taught me GENETICS. "You're just like your father." 23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS. "Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?" 24. My mother taught me WISDOM. "When you get to be my age, you'll understand." And my favorite: 25. My mother taught me about JUSTICE "One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!"
  4. Oh my!! What beautiful beautiful flowers! Paulette
  5. I lived in New Jersey for 7 years and loved not having to pump gas. Now in NC I have to pump my own. Judy - if you look at your gas gauge in your car it should have a little white arrow pointing to which ever side of the car your gas tank is on. Paulette
  6. paulette3

    Bill Has Died

    Barbara, I am so sorry to read this this morning. My thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend. Paulette
  7. It's currently 51 here in North Carolina with a high forecasted for low 60s later today. We've had a good bit of rain the past couple of days so the ground is really saturated. I have some bulbs blooming which gives me hope for spring, of which I'm soooo ready for! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Paulette
  8. Oh my Ann! I laughed out loud at this one! Paulette
  9. Woman accused of wrecking car while shaving March 08, 2010 12:16 PM As authorities nationwide warn motorists of the dangers of driving while texting, Florida Keys law enforcement officers add a new caution: Don't try to shave your privates, either. Florida Highway Patrol troopers say a two-vehicle crash Tuesday at Mile Marker 21 on Cudjoe Key was caused by a 37-year-old woman driver who was shaving her bikini area while her ex-husband took the wheel from the passenger seat. "She said she was meeting her boyfriend in Key West and wanted to be ready for the visit," Trooper Gary Dunick said. "If I wasn't there, I wouldn't have believed it. About 10 years ago I stopped a guy in the exact same spot ... who had three or four syringes sticking out of his arm. It was just surreal and I thought, 'Nothing will ever beat this.' Well, this takes it." If that weren't enough, Megan Mariah Barnes was not supposed to be driving and her 1995 Ford Thunderbird was not supposed to be on the road. The day before the wreck, Barnes was convicted in an Upper Keys court of DUI with a prior and driving with a suspended license, said Monroe County Assistant State Attorney Colleen Dunne. Barnes was ordered to impound her car, and her driver's license was revoked for five years, after which time she must have a Breathalyzer ignition interlock device on any vehicle she drives, Dunne said. Barnes also was sentenced to nine months' probation. Barnes and Charles Judy were southbound in her Thunderbird at 11 a.m. when they slammed into the back of a 2006 Chevrolet pickup driven by David Schoff of Palm Bay. His passengers were a man and two women; the latter were treated for minor injuries at Lower Keys Medical Center, FHP spokesman Alex Annunziato said. Schoff had slowed to about 5 mph to make a turn when the Thunderbird hit him, traveling about 45 mph, which was within the speed limit, Dunick said. Barnes allegedly drove another half-mile, then switched seats with Judy, who allegedly claimed to be driving, Annunziato said. "She jumps in the back seat and he moves over," Dunick said. "It was like the old comedy bit, 'Who's on first?' " Burns on Judy's chest from the passenger-side air bag deploying belied their story, Dunick said. The air bag in the steering wheel did not deploy, he said. Troopers charged Barnes with driving with a revoked license, reckless driving, leaving the scene of a wreck with injuries and driving with no insurance. Judy was not charged. Barnes faces a maximum of a year in jail if found guilty of violating her probation due to the wreck, Dunne said. "My phone has been ringing off the hook all day, and I know there's a funny side to this, but it's also deadly serious. This is a scary road and a lot of bad wrecks are caused by dumb stuff like this," Dunick said. "It is unbelievable. I'm really starting to believe this stuff only happens in the Keys."
  10. Barb, Thanks for posting this article. I was a long time smoker and quit as soon as I was told I had lung cancer. I know some people don't quit but I can't wrap my mind around that. I'm not even tempted at all any more - because I made up my mind that I'll never smoke another cigarette again. Paulette
  11. **THIS OUGHT TO MAKE ALL GRANDPAS FEEL WARM & FUZZY** ** A six year old goes to the hospital with her grandmother to visit her Grandpa.** **** ** When they get to the hospital, she runs ahead of her Grandma and bursts into her Grandpa's room ..** **** ** "Grandpa, Grandpa," she says excitedly, "As soon as Grandma comes into the room, make a noise, like a frog!"** ** "What?" said her Grandpa.** ** "Make a noise, like a frog - because Grandma said that as soon as you croak, we're all going to Disney Land !"**
  12. It's 32 degrees here in North Carolina this morning. We have a storm coming up from the Gulf of Mexico but it seems to have our weathermen baffled! They can't decide if we're getting rain, snow or nothing. I guess we'll know tomorrow when it gets here. Have a great day all! Paulette
  13. Melanie, How wonderful for you! I, too, had no lymph node involvement and clear margins but my oncologist recommended 3 rounds of chemo because of the size of my tumor (5 cm). I'm so happy that you're recovering so well. Paulette
  14. ts (Stephanie) has hit the magic number of 300 posts! Wow Stephanie! Thanks so much for being here for many of us in so many ways! Paulette
  15. Happy Birthday Judy!!!! Paulette
  16. Congratulations Patti!! As of today you've posted 3000 times! You're such an inspiration and help to all of us! Thank you so much!! Paulette
  17. Melanie, I'm wishing you all the best on your surgery. Someone else said to use the pain medications before you hurt too bad and they are absolutely right. My surgeon told me that you recover much faster when you don't have the pain so I listened to him. And like someone else said - the breathing exercises are important. Good luck and can't wait to hear from you afterwards. Paulette
  18. This is my first time doing the air so bear with me. It's another cold morning here in North Carolina. It was 18 degrees when I got up. But it's suppose to go to the mid 40s today and hopefully will melt the ice on the roads and most of the snow. All schools are closed today because of the roads. I wish for everyone who has scans/tests this week the best! Paulette
  19. Good morning all! It's a balmy 13 degrees here in North Carolina and we have 6 inches of snow with ice on top of that. I moved south from NJ to get away from all this! Judy, Ned and Murial - I'm keeping all of you in my prayers for wonderful scans! My turn is coming in about a month (early March). I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. Paulette
  20. I think the reactions to finding out you have cancer, surgery, chemo is probably as varied as there are people. I thought I handled all of that quite well. As far as I know for now the cancer is gone. But about a month ago( 4 months out from my last chemo) I realized that my emotions were all over the place. I've always been an emotional person but I could control them. After all I'm 62 and have plenty of experience controling them. But I realized that either I was crying over little things or I was snapping someone's head off. My poor husband and daughter kept telling me that something was wrong. I finally went to my family doctor and told him about it and he put me on 20 mg of Celexa once a day. He wants me to stay on it for 3 months and then we'll see. He said when you go through major trauma the chemical balance in your body gets out of whack. (I'm sure he used more technical terms but that is what I got out of the conversation) This pill worked wonders for me. I don't feel it at all - I don't feel drugged or anything like that. I just don't feel the way I was feeling. It's so great to feel good again! Paulette
  21. Oh wow! That is wonderful Nick!! Paulette
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