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Everything posted by Annette

  1. Good morning - When I checked the climate on my GPS this morning it was a lovely 29 degrees. (Please replace the word lovely with the word of your choice.) I tried several times to read some of yesterdays Air - but it appears to be written in a foreign language. I may be forced to call in a tutor. I thought I was all edu-ma-cated. Maybe we need to be spoon fed the new words - well at least me since I have been warned not to copy other papers. Yes sir, professor sir. Judy - I would have thought that the running around you have to do would count for exercise. I mean Bud gets to count going to and from work - so shouldn't we get to count walking around the market - running other various errands - walking in and out of work - walking into the Burger King (whoops - maybe that one better not count, unless you behaved with some form of chicken - and I could live on hamburgers so that counts me out.) Also Judy - I did not sleep well either. When the alarm went off I thought I felt bad so I pushed it ahead 45 minutes - and of course felt worse. So instead of getting to work my usual hour early I came in on time - which means I get to brave the rush hour traffic. Sigh. Glad tomorrow is Friday. Libby - Oh my goodness - I remember, mind you my daughter is 23 now, trying to teach her. (No!) I took her out one time after she got her learners permit - when she pulled in the parking lot and stopped an inch away from my mom's car - I went in and called a driving school. Money well spent - and I thought she was such a great driver I paid for 2 rounds of the course - so all the other drivers on the road can still thank me. I consider it successful - she is still alive and we are best friends - not sure that would be the case if I had to teach her to drive. I am so lucky I didn't lose my whole post since I originally posted at the same time Ann did. I am glad I am getting in the copy just in case mode. Ann - Not that I am a dieter or even a healthy eater - but I read somewhere that you can be successful going the "cut down on things" route if you not only cut down, even a little helps, but if you actually set your utensil down between every bite. Helps you think before you pick it up again - and makes it take longer which means you actually "fill" up while eating instead of overeating. You are right - weekends are for munching on goodies - always best to start on Monday. Looking forward to reading all the posts - this has become so much fun. Annette
  2. As I thought about recent conversations by Judy and Stephanie - and remembering issues I myself had following surgery - I remembered an old favorite of mine: It was a sad time on the reservation. They were forcing all the Indians to move but there was one stubborn old cuss. They entered his tee pee prepared to do battle - and the old Indian said "BowelsNoMove" and the interlopers said - well go see your medicine man then. So off the Chief went to see his medicine man. He told him "BowelsNoMove" and the medicine man said - oh, well here take this and if it doesn't help come back and see me tomorrow. The next day the men were back to try once again to get the Chief to cooperate. Once again he said "BowelsNoMove" and the interlopers said - well go see your medicine man then. So once again off he went to see his medicine man. He told him "BowelsNoMove" and the medicine man said - oh, well here take this and if it doesn't help come back and see me tomorrow. (I could go thru it one more time but you get the picture) The next day the men were back to try once again to get the Chief to cooperate. The chief said "Bowels Move Tee Pee Full Of Sh**" And now you know the story of Chief Bowels. I hope it made you smile but didn't stop any movement....
  3. There was ice on the car this morning but at least the snow missed us for the most part. Places were closed all around us though. I don't know why just feel like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and not my chipper self - hope I'm not coming down with a cold that would be perfect timing for air travel north on Sunday. Judy MI - that is absolutely horrible - no matter what the politics of the office - the volunteer world runs on .... volunteers - good grief talk about shooting themselves in the foot - what if you found something better - where would they be then. There are so many good causes looking for volunteers it makes you wonder if that is not part of their problem - they politic themselves out of people. Homework, Judy KW, what homework - I thought Eric was a professor here to teach us. I'm sitting at the back of the class and I'll take notes, maybe, but research - is the answer on FB - maybe I'd find it but otherwise I'm going to have to copy somebody else's paper - who did the homework? I can't really comment on the hours and hours of further treatment - I've been so very lucky after two surgeries. But I pray for everyone here and hope that my worrying (which I'm very good at) helps in some small way. I've witnessed some strong heavy weight fighters here that's for sure. Bud, exercise, me - hmmm - thinking - hmmm - if it wasn't a workday I might even have to take a nap from all this brain exercise. Seriously though - I think the back hurting is because I'm a slug - I sit at my desk most of the day and on my couch most of the night. I have been trying to walk more frequently at work but overall - I'm thinking - a couch potato has nothing on me. I live in Richmond so there is no real good area for cycling - traffic is horrendous - so if I wanted to go that route I'd have to get a truck or something to actually go to a park or path somewhere - for all that I'd do just as well donating money to a gym. LOL. If you would be so kind as to keep that cold weather up in Canada I at least thru next Wednesday I'd be grateful. I'm so not looking forward to next week in St. Paul - they need to move this meeting to somewhere warmer. (Summer in St. Paul is not too hot - the state bird is active - the mosquito!). Yes I know I complain a lot don't I. I'm such a girl. Annette
  4. I can't fix things if the internet goes away - - but if you highlight everything (or hit {CTRL + A} then hit {CTRL + C} before you submit and your post goes away - it should be retrievable by starting a new reply and in this box hitting {CTRL + V} I was on a conference call to St. Paul this morning. They were happy to tell me it is expected to get to a high of 6 degrees on Sunday and about the same Monday and Tuesday. If the plane isn't one big icecube (which scares me the most) on Wednesday when I get here I will think we landed in the tropics at about freezing. Where is that global warming - I would like to use some of it now please. Annette
  5. Morning All - - it is "snleeting" here, below freezing but not by much. It is snowing in parts of the area and sleeting in others - it will be an absolutely wonderful rush hour this afternoon - I am so looking forward to it. I just realized I only have a short time to write since I have a conference call in 15 minutes that I have to jump on. Judy - busy day and I totally understand about the wackyness of doctors. I have had one very honest one in this, my surgeon - and he said well I'm done with you - no sense in you seeing me and the oncologist. I was supposed to go back and see the pulmonologist and get all those breathing tests - but why bother - I know I am not at my best - exercise would help and everyone here knows how hard I am supporting Bud, Judy and Libby in their exercise efforts - I should get some credit for that. I am trying to walk around the office a little more - have more trouble with my lower back that that's worth though. So I am just gonna minimize the number of doctors I see. If it's not broken I am not gonna fix it. Lilyjohn - I didn't even think about not seeing Randy on the games for a while - I read his posts on FB so I knew he was around. I'm sorry you are giving up all the games but I certainly understand - they keep me busy like crazy. Now my mom is playing them and I am helping her with this and that so I'm stuck with all of them again. Once she decides which are her favorites I'll drop down to one or two that I really like or I'll play one for a bit then another. I just enjoy them - they relax me. I'm glad you are home and had a safe and enjoyable holiday. I hope everyone is having a productive Tuesday, Annette
  6. Somewhat slow morning here compared to recent Airs. I am pretty busy at work so that may be the case for others as well. We are expecting "weather" this evening - and not one of the weathermen are saying the same thing so when it happens I'll decide what to do. Well I am thinking "stay inside and warm silly" - that will do. So we are near freezing today - and depending on which way that goes we will either get snow or rain/sleet. I'm reading some pretty boring papers at work today - and since I stayed up pretty late watching DVD's I'm paying the price today. Need toothpicks to hold my eyes open. I think Texas is in for some weather too - I saw some snow on a friends ranch - so I'm thinking the exercise team (Judy and Libby) need to really try and stick to their schedule - we wouldn't want anyone to get out of shape. Even I am trying - I have to walk to the front of the office to scan papers and the machine is so good and trustworthy you have to do it 2 pages at a time - so back and forth I walk. For me that is very much exercise and it is why I am rambling on here - can't sit at my desk and type to all the important folks here if I am walking around scanning 2 pieces of paper now can I. Priorities - very important. Lungevity #1, FaceBook - well honestly tied for #1, weekends, many other things too long to mention, then work. Sigh - - better get back to it. (Did you ride or drive today Bud? Hope to read everyone soon, Annette
  7. I am having a lazy day inside just playing games - FB Addict! My mom, who lives across the hall from me, called and woke me up at 10 this morning wanting something on one of the games she plays - Frontierville - so I got up to plant tomatoes for her. Yep - I'm crazy and she is retired so she is driving me crazy - I think that's how it works (don't ask her though she may say it started the other way 29 years ago + 21 years of practice). (It's Sunday - so all that means is I'm 50 but say I'm 29 - don't want anyone to overload on "what on earth is that girl talking about now". Sigh - back to work tomorrow - and they are forecasting snow Monday night into Tuesday and if it doesn't stick it will turn into an icy mess. Donna - what's the weather looking like Sunday evening thru early Wednesday morning up there at the North Pole - I mean in Minnesota? I have to go to St. Paul on Sunday - for work - sigh. I told them even though the office is 7 blocks from the hotel I will have to take a cab - I can't even breathe here in Virginia in this cold weather without pain - I darn sure won't be able to breathe up there. I will also be thankful for room service. Can you say steak please (but please make it well done - don't want to offend those who think red meat is bad for you. Hope everyone is staying warm - not working too hard Annette
  8. Wow - is it cold out there - when we woke up the vehicles had snow on them - but it is all gone now. Windy and cold though - about 36 according to car but boy it felt colder. Went out and got some long johns and a couple of tee shirt, shirt, sweater combos for those 3 days in St. Paul ` sigh. Shopping for 4 hours after a late breakfast and I'm beat. Now it's football on television so I think I shall . . . go dye my hair - yep my 'boys aren't there so I'm off football til next year. Bruce - saw Judy's post of your farm pictures - very nice - as cold as it is up in your neck of the woods - I'd be very leary of traveling this time of year. But work $ is work $ I suppose. I better get over to the games right quick - the farm and cafe and getting the best of me - LOL - addict me yes. Stay warm and have a safe weekend, Annette
  9. I have to add a funny - you know me..... My poor oncologist just did not understand me when I told her my toe was hurting and I was pretty sure it was cancer. She said you do not have lung cancer in your toe - but I insisted that it hurt and then I told her all I was asking for was a refill on my Xanax for those days before the scan and then before the results - then she smiled and said "I see, I see - do you need a doctor's note to get out of work today along with the prescription." I told her my chair at work had wheels so I should be fine. Now she gets me.....she's got a funny accent - not sure where she is from but - I'm not letting her go!!
  10. I'm not gonna say the "good" thing it could be - better diverticulitis than the other - it would be darn good if the radiologist was the wrong one - especially since if you go to the doctor it's manageable. I'm crossing fingers and hoping it's the lesser of two evils. Annette
  11. Well it may be cold here in Richmond - but oh my - I got the absolute worst news I could possibly get this time of year - - - I have to go to St. Paul Minnesota for the January corporate meeting. I do not have clothes to wear for that. I told the guy making my reservations I wasn't even capable of walking the two blocks from the hotel to the office because the cold air hurts to breathe - I will need a ride, cab or a car. I have to fly up on the 16th and then back the morning of the 19th. Sigh, work, sigh. Unlike some I am too young and broke to be contemplating retirement - I have been 29 for 21 years now. We may get some snow flurries today - and another chance on Tuesday. I wonder if the airport could get snowed in on the 16th - just that side of the City - and we could have 70 degrees on this side. Humm, weather has been so strange - I don't think that is too much to ask for. Now if everyone clacks their heels together and makes this wish. Wait don't do that what's the temperature in Kansas. I guess I better get myself busy - much work to finish now. This will also be my first flight since diagnosis, stop smoking, surgery, surgery. I really do have no problem with flying, everything is ok except for the take-off, flying and landing. (Well I don't know I'm not much of a walker so I lose my breathe walking - and it is a long way from the plane to where the taxi's line up in St. Paul.) Sigh. Hope everyone is ready to start a great weekend!! Annette
  12. I almost lost this post but was able to hit the back key and copy it - somehow I am always posting at the same time as someone else - I have no idea who today. Bud - you should keep us posted on your miles since we are cheering you on. I think you are already 4-0 in riding to work right? Still very chilly here - and we have a chance of snow tomorrow. Where are those suitcases it is time to travel south (may have to go further south than Key West though since I think 60 is cold). I am so very glad you made it home from the Red Barn last night - Erics' story was a bit spooky and it probably made the evening more fun. Maybe having fun is the ticket to solving other issues - they say laughter is the best medicine - although I still haven't figured out how you would swallow it. Ann - lifestyle changes - well let's say you were going to change eating habits a little - it is possible that could work like a diet and it wouldn't even be hard if you do it slowly. Say - add a salad to at least one meal a week - then you would eat the salad and less of the calorie laden meal - eating "healthy" and less calories. Resolutions - whoops - guess those slipped my mind - now what were they - when do they start - you want me to exercise when - wait a minute let's discuss this over a Dr. Pepper - no not a diet one silly. How many stones do you want me to lose - (stones was for Eric). I am not getting chunky - I've decided that my life's calling is in commercials - and I want to be the michillan man (you know that cute white tire (tyre) guy. I am a Weight Watcher already I watch it every morning when I brush my teeth and it is still there. Someone better smile while they were reading this or I will think that my sense of humor is broken. Annette
  13. Busy busy morning - I truly enjoy reading about everyone. Judy (MI) - I remember you mentioning the cough long ago - I 100% agree with wanting a clean slate CT scan with a new doctor - not even to clear the worry about the cough. I have been worried myself because of a hoarse scratchy throat - but a weird combination of cold, allergy and cough medicine and I've fixed that and solved my significant other's earplug issue. (Not mentioning any names or anything and I personally have never heard this but someone said I snored - and I have almost stopped - so I will keep taking an allergy pill one night and a cold / cough pill the next night. So as far as our EVTBT - does it mean that if he has to drive to work next week that we have to exercise for him? Do we all have to or can we have a designated exerciser. I'm thinking I may have to umm let me think go out of town to a place where exercise is forbidden next week. I'm just saying - wait a minute who just thought I was lazy..... Annette
  14. Work - sigh. A busy morning already and the clocks appear to be running, well slow today. Judy - yes we have been running through a lot of topics it seems - an now you are throwing theater (or is it theatre) into the mix. We went and saw Wicked when it was in Richmond. It was amazing - my first real theater experience. I want to go see Beauty and the Beast in April. The last thing I went to before that was a "lunch" where someone from the university played the piano for an hour - love that classical piano, even if I've sense forgotten what was played. Feeling a little down today for some reason - maybe the cold is sinking in - the alarm clock is lucky is survived this morning. If fellow worker bees are like me this has been a long week already. We are supposed to have a slight chance of snow on Friday - I believe that I am ready to move somewhere closer to the equator! Back to work for me - I've got to get moving or I'll be napping where I sit. Annette
  15. Even though in your telling of the dream there was no fright - I understand what you mean by being afraid of the meaning in the light of day. As I read I only felt relaxed feelings so hopefully it is just telling you to be vigilant instead of a warning. No matter what - here is a hug and a hand to hold if you need it. Annette
  16. I just realized that my post this morning is not here - I must have posted at the same time Donna G did - and I rushed off so I didn't check like I usually do - silly me. I am like Ann - very glad Monday is over. Although there appears to be something wrong with the clocks since they are stuck in the morning and I feel like it's about time to go home. It looks dark and dreary out - chilly and snow looking although I didn't watch the weather forecasts. I am happy that January is here - and the new shows are coming on - although my DVR will get a workout. I watched one of my favorite reality shows last night - yes - I am a Bachelor fan. He, Brad, may have been a bad boy in his first season - but that boy cleans up nice. Eric - I think I tell myself everyday how good it would be to be retired. I have literally tons of books I have no time to read. I haven't met a book store that I didn't like. But I can see that as getting boring if that was all you did. I also enjoy putting puzzles together - they can be pretty cheap entertainment - I just have to make sure they are put away because of our cat. Based on everyone here and their remarks about your posts - I can't believe there isn't an outline for a book or two somewhere in your story telling mind. And how many stones are in a pound - which may lead you to money but stateside it is weight? I'm afraid everyone may be taking this exercise thing a little too seriously - and may really be wanting to ~~shudder~~ take off some "stones". I refuse to admit that I too may have put on a few pounds over the last year that should not be there. I totally agree with Bruce and Eric about keeping the mind busy - I can tell you that was one of my worst issues - I would just wind up staring into space - not really thinking anything - just zoned out where things weren't so "there" to deal with. Everyone here helped - and the more I get to know everyone - the more I enjoy hearing the thoughts of the day. I feel as though I'm being a little wordy today - but I wanted to add have a save trip home Lilyjohn. And for Bruce - Patches - that is a cute name - that is what my grandson calls his brother Patrick - he's not a llama but he does spit. LOL... Hope everyone smiles some time today! Annette
  17. I believe I have seen on here somewhere (think it was NED's post) - a list of questions that you should ask your doctors when first diagnosed. I cannot locate it and I need to forward it to someone. Thanks, Annette
  18. Eric - you are referring to Grumpy Old Men or maybe Grumpier Old Men - which just made me laugh it has been so long since I saw them. I am so sorry your plot did not work out with Sally - but now you know you missed a spot and you can keep an eye on her and snoop it out like a real detective. Your "virus" story was horrible - I have a pretty good system checking my computer frequently since I am always playing games on-line. My significant other is a computer geek so I'm pretty covered if I get my computer in trouble. I'm not much of a fish person myself - but I like Eric's idea of going to the store until it's nice enough to sit and soak up the sun - I'll go along but I'll bring a book to read instead of a fishing pole. Bud - I knew I was aching for some reason - must have been the extra work of changing the tire (tyre for Eric). I think it is absolutely amazing that you still made it to work on time. You must be like me and leave for work an hour early - I get the most done before everyone gets here when things are nice and quiet. Hope one is having a great day. Annette
  19. Good morning - well it's morning anyway. Most of us are returning to our regular routines. It is very chilly here today - but supposed to warm up . When I left my apartment this morning I smelled smoke and heard on the radio that there was a fire nearby. I did not want to leave the area as I have a cat and my mom and nephew live across the path from me. So I drove around several times trying to see where a fire could be coming from. Turns out it was two blocks away at a Zorba's (restaurant). So on to work I went. Sigh. Poor Judy, I am glad to say I don't have your tummy issues - I have an issue of extremes and sometimes I feel I could be a metronome from feeling loose to noose - if you get my meaning. No matter how you fix it - the pendulum swings the other way. As for the taxes, you said you usually have everything ready by the end of January - you have plenty of time to panic - just take it one day at a time - so you don't feel like much today - tomorrow may be a good day and you'll tromp thru 2 days of work. (Easy enough for me to say I know. But if you worry about it all day - you will get less done - if you just knock on a little chunk at a time - it slowly chisels away.) This poor working girl better get busy - Monday already - where did that long weekend go - I did not finish any project I wanted to work on. But I did do a lot of nothing so I guess that is reason enough to get off my duff and get busy. Hope everyone is having a good start to the brand new year. Think at least one happy thought today! Annette
  20. It is chilly and rainy here in Richmond. Judy so sorry to hear that your stomach is still not behaving. Mine is only acting up because I have been putting too much in it - had to have homemade black eyed peas for New Years and then we made chicken fried steak and cream gravy - yummm!! Today - we are doing Tacos - I'm a Texan originally so like Bud I enjoy Mexican food - but I'd rather go somewhere else and eat it than cook it at home - I just like the tacos because you can make it mostly salad. Since Bud may be riding less this month I'm guessing we better be doing salad a little more frequently til it warms up again. Eric - so sorry to hear about Sally - it must be truly hard to get your hopes up over and over - but you never know - like we have had shocks in our lives she may bounce back someday. In the meantime - you have us to share your burden with. Bruce - I don't know how you can function in weather that cold - I'm cold at freezing. I'm not much of a fish person so I'll stay on the exercise team. I'm definitely a beef and potatoes kinda person though. We enjoyed a nice steak Friday night. Back to that four letter word tomorrow.... ~~work~~ where did that long weekend go. Annette
  21. Congratulations - hope you really celebrated the start of another good year. Annette
  22. Good morning all. Today's Air should have been in capital letters because I'm betting it is most of the worker bees Friday. In fact I am waiting for a couple of return phone calls and whether they come in or not I will be walking out by 3 p.m. myself to start a nice long weekend that is sure to fly by. Judy (KW) - You cannot resist our EVTBT Cheerleading Team. And of course we will have tasteful uniforms - I don't think any of us are spring ckickens - so I think we should contact the guys that did the emperor's new clothes and see what they can come up with. (See how many people get that reference) Libby - what am I going to do with you - If you start exercising - all of us well be in such good shape they won't recognize us anymore. Not that I am superstitious or anything but I went out and bought 3 workout videos in April of 2009 - I actually had started trying one of them - then in May of 2009 I got diagnosed with lung cancer - now I'm not saying that the exercise is what caused it but can it be a coincidence? If that doesn't work then it must have been the kidney stone I had blasted in January of 2009. So if I'm gonna exercise someone is gonna have to trick me into it. And Libby - shame on you for saying that dirty word - - you know ..... Tax . . . . . {shiver}. Yeah Bud - you will have to tell us exactly how many miles you did for the whole year. I look forward to your posts about riding to work everyday - even though I know the weather and errands get in the way sometimes. But in case I didn't say it elsewhere congratulations on reaching and exceeding your mileage goals this year. That is great. Eric - As you can tell Judy (KW) has asked for tasteful cheerleading outfits so you are off the hook for that tutu. I do wonder how many of us remembered the recent kilt pictures and imagined the ballet outfit instead.... not me. We should be a serious support group for those of us that are actually interested in exercising or start the New Year with some of those resolutions things. (Sign them in disappearing ink - that's my motto). Anyone that is not smiling after our exercise antics needs a long weekend - Annette
  23. Annette

    Prayers Please

    Judy, Hopefully since they were watching her fairly closely it will be stage 1. I live in Richmond and they got the results of the tests back on my 4th day in the hospital after they took out lobe and lymph nodes. Two weeks rots - - hopefully she knows she can count on us to do the worrying for her - can't wait to hear the stage results since they caught it so early - hoping for no further action required. Annette
  24. I agree with Randy - lc is not going to be added. Two votes against it so that should be enough. Please let us know that everything comes out alright and know that my thoughts are with you during the waiting game. Annette
  25. Oh my, such a busy morning - KY Judy - - we don't want to jump on the back of his bike - we want to be on the sidelines cheering him on so we can count his exercise as part of our exercise. You know you want to join the team as MI Judy called it the EVTBT Team (Exercising Vicariously Through Bud Team). I need a head count so I can order the cheerleading outfits. I hope that everyone will at least exercise this way - I believe it will definitely improve our minds - if nothing else. (And please let us know how your sister is doing - my prayers last night went out to her.) Libby, I'm so sorry about your headache - but I will admit I had to laugh out loud at the light pole part of the story. Eric - although not so good news - a warning I would think - and hope that it makes her realize where she is heading. Here in the states most major employers have "employee assistance programs" that you might look into to see if there is any way they have one - then the employer has to work with the employee once admitted. Just a thought - my ex-husband (God rest his soul) was an alcoholic but he fit right in with everyone else in the Navy - - I did my fair share of drinking while I was in too and have since toned it down to a few cocktails on the weekends. We are supposed to get up to a high of 60 later this week - I'm gonna break out the, well lighter jacket. Today it is pretty cold and I am not making much progress on my big project at work - so I better get busy. Once again I almost lost this as beatlemike posted at the same time I did - that copy and paste thing is a thought saver! I hope everyone has a good day - - and you should smile once or twice - just to keep people wondering what you are thinking....Annette
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