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Everything posted by ronvrens

  1. Good day all Had a very mixed bag of weather this last week. From almost summer to very cold then snow more cold with icy wind back to summer type weather all in one week. we also had a very large crane lift and that was delayed for a week due to some technical problems and the weather. heres a picture of the snow. Will post more and some of the crane lift. Bye for now ronnie
  2. Hi everyone Its Pats birthday today the second one without her at my side Miss her so much but life must carry on. Ronnie
  3. Yesterday I recieved the news of the passing of a brother in law from lung cancer Unfortunately Pat and I lost contact with him some time ago and just by chance my daughter found out about him. He was diagnosed three months ago but it had spread to most organs and the brain. Yesterday he just went into a coma and passed away. I do not have many details of his condition or treatments. Let me just say Johan rest in peace. Ronnie
  4. ronvrens

    One Year

    I know there are no words that can convey my thanks for all the postings. This site is like a memorial wher we can go and find peace and a shoulder to cry on Thank you Ronnie
  5. ronvrens

    One Year

    On Saturday it was one year since Pat so suddenly passed away. Some say time flies but when you are hurting inside time can drag. Sometimes yes time seemed to go quickly but that is when you are busy. I found a bit of closure on Saturday. When we scattered Pat's ashes into the sea on Christmas day I kept some in a small bottle. I was not sure what I was going to do with them but at the time thats what i wanted. I have now laid Pat to rest by burying the bottle of remains beneath a tree in the garden. It is also near where Jacky was burried. It was a terrible morning for me but afterwards It felt as though I was suddenly calm. This will be a place where I can put some flowers and also go when I need to talk to her. It has not been an easy year but as has been said on many occations here it just got a bit easier. Thank you all for being there when I needed a bit of support. We all have one thing in common as we have all been affected by lung cancer in one way or the other. Ronnie
  6. Hi Randy I dont think I can srvive if I dont look in and sometimes write something that's on my heart. Its a year today Ronnie
  7. Hi there from a cold Ladysmith South Africa. had a few days of severe cold with some snow on the high mountain peaks but it has warmed a few degrees. Can I just air a few of my thoughts. When Pat and I got married we made a vow to love each other until death us do part. That includes times of sickness, financial difficulty and everything else. I think if we just remember that it would make all our problems easier to accept. Almost right from the day we married Pat had severe problems with her back from a fall while ice skating. She had numerous operations that were not a cure. Each time I would take over the role of mom as the kids were still small. She had tonsils removal which at her age was not easy, apendix removed again not easy a total hysterectomy which laid her low for some time. I also had bouts of anger at her always being sick but quickly realised that I had to help her as it was my responsability. She was my wife, the one I loved. When I had the heart attack and bypass surgery she sat at my bedside for hours holding my hand and talking to me even though I was sedated. She pulled me through. My second illness which was partially self inflicted saw her once again devoted to helping me through, with a few harsh words about me not looking after myself when not at home. the cancer was totally new territory to me and the family. I really tried my best but was not well enough informed and so didnt follow up on some issues that might have changed the outcome, who knows. As I have said before it taught me something that I always try to share with others and that is Love you spouse with all your heart, share problems as it does help, remember your vow Just a little something that was on my heart. Hope things do improve for you. Maybe hubby is experiencing a bit of burnout which can make you a bit irrational Ronnie
  8. Hello All Wow what a busy time. Since last Thursday I have been on the go as my family from far and wide converged on my humble abode. I had to drive the four hours from work to Durban to my home pick up my car and trailer and then drive an hour to the airport. My daughter Brenda was first to arrive and we had something to eat while waiting for my son and his family. They eventually arrived my son Neil and his wife Mary Jane and the two children Amy and Altick. We left the airport and arrived home at about 8.30. My other daughter arrived on friday at about8.30. Then it was busy busy busy as everyone wanted to do shopping and we had a barbeque every day. Today we went and visited my sister on the Natal south coast and had a very good day. I have just arrived home after dropping Michelle off at the aitrport as she has to work tomorrow. Tomorrow will be busy as everyone does all the last minute shopping and then about 4.00 pm I will take them all to thr airport and send them all home. Then its back home to collect my van and possesions and head back to Ladysmith to start work on Tuesday. All in all its been a very hectic but happy family weekend. Chat later Ronnie
  9. Hey Katie Hope you have a wonderful day. Have many happy thoughts Ronnie
  10. Lisa From he van Rensburg family in South Africa sincere condolences. Yes we have all lost someone we loved. Take care Ronnie
  11. Hi Julieann When my wife was diagnosed with the lung cancer she had no symptoms except the severe back pain. At that stage nothing relieved the pain so the onc prescribed Temgesic sublinguel tabs. These really worked in relieving the pain before the effects of the radiation to the spine and femur became effective. They also work very quickly as they are disolved under the tongue. I think you should look at Temgesic on the internet as there is a good write up and it might be just what you are looking for. I must say here in South Africa they were a bit hard to find and expensive but the did the job and I felt it was worth it. Hope this helps Ronnie
  12. My eldest daughter phoned me in tears yesterday. Missing her mom so much. Bought some flowers in memory and put them in her house. The pain is still unbearable for us all. Ronnie
  13. ronvrens

    Six Months

    Katy It took a long time to decide that some things had to go. Just seeing the clothes everytime I opened the cupboards. I do still have some things that bring happy memories in the cupboard just to remind me of good times. I still have her scooter in the garage and although it takes up a lot of space I dont feel comfortable letting it go yet. I just somehow feel when the time is right. Only those of us that have lost our spouse will know the hurt. Please be strong and try and be happy sometimes. Ronnie
  14. ronvrens

    Six Months

    Hi Katy I dont think the pain and longing ever goes away. Pat passed away ten and a half months ago and some days are just unbearable. I think we try to look brave on the outside but keep crying on the inside. I also have to let go sometimes and just cry although I have found it hard sometimes and the emotions just build up. There have been many tasks that I have had to do like sorting Pats possesions and deciding which not to keep. i just sometimes feel guilty about doing it. This past Easter break at home was very emotional as my two daughters were there for a few days but when they left it was quiet and lonely. Yes I have friends and people to talk to but its not the same as my wife. Lets hope that we will be able to cope with this out of control roller coaster ride. Ronnie
  15. Just started work after 12 days off with all the holidays. Did'nt want to come back but the debt collectors knocking at the door. Was warm in Durban but up here the winter is getting closer and the nights are cold. Had a wonderful break with my two daughters being there for 4 days and having a lot to do in my kitchen revamp programme. Hope everyone has a fantastic day bye ronnie
  16. Hello All Had a hectic weekend with the two daughters here. Had a few outings which included a trip to the top of the soccer staduim in a sort of cable car. The view of Durban was fantastic. Alone again as the ladies had to go back to Johannesburg to work tomorrow.. Bye for now Ronnie NB a few photos of the weekend
  17. Hello from South Africa Went to my daughters graduation yesterday. First I went to work as normal, had a wastefull meeting and then drove to Johannesburg, its about 4 hours at 70 mph. Arrived just in time to get changed and off to the university. First took our own photos outside and then went for proffessional photo's inside. We all entered the hall and the graduates sat to one side in some sort of order. The ceremony got under way and after the boring speaches the candidates were called to order and started the graduation in ernest. In past times it was a rather quiet affair with only clapping. Now its cat whistles and loud congratulations. It started with the blacks as they are very vocal and the whites and others all joined in. It was actually a very pleasant evening. Afterwards we went for supper at a restuarant. Now this is where it got interesting. There were my two daughters an d a very good friend of the family and her two daughters, so I was the only male. All the girls were very happy and it showed by the noise they made and even had the manager running around serving them. We left at about 1030 and got home at 11 pm. After a quick shower I went to bed. I had to get up at 4 to get back to the site as it seems as though everything goes word not allowed-eyed when I go away. Anyway got to site just after 8 and 123 all the problems were sorted out and then I did a quick trip to our town of residence to get some drivers eyes tested. Then back to site. One good thing is that today at 5 we close and only restart work on the morning of the 3rd May. Hows that for a mid year break. Done all my weekly and monthly reports and so I can sit back and relax. Have a wonderful Easter Break all of you and I hope all news is good.. Ronnie
  18. Hello There When my wife's blood went all wrong they also gave her the shots it's called Neopogen and when she was in hospital they gave her transfusions of red cells white cells and platelets. The white cells fight infection and the platelets are for clotting. Her bone marrow became depleted and could not produce anything hence all three types of transfusions. Ronnie
  19. Hi jaques Im also from South Africa. My wife's lung cancer story is not as happy as yours as it took only 3 months from detection to her passing away. Today its 10 months. You will find the most wonderful people here who are helpfull friendly and knowlegible. Ronnie
  20. Hi Eric You can try this site as they have some interesting info about the fossils http://www.suite101.com/content/power-u ... ce-a206583 http://www.everythingdinosaur.co.uk/blo ... 11357.html hope it works otherwise I will try something else
  21. We had a stopage of about 1 month at the one area where most of the really good finds were made. They removed large rocks and took it to an area for checking. Well the dam is complete and all are happy with what they found. Post again later Ronnie
  22. When excavation started for the Bedford Dam where I work a very exciting discovery was made of a large fossil. As the excavating and also part of the construction continued further finds were made. Some of these fossils could be first time finds. Quite a few tons of rock were removed to a university for furthe investigation. There are some very well preserved specimens of both plant eating and also predator animals. Two large fossilised trees were also found. So who says construction is boring.
  23. The hammerkop (can be translated to hammer head) is normally found near water as it wades and catches small fish, tadpoles and anything else that happens to swim past. They nest in big trees and the nest is a mess of big branches and grass. When we stayed in Lesotho they used to fly around our house and scream at the Jackal who did not know why, but it turns out that jackals catch these water birds. The vultures are hanging arount the area as some cows were struck dead by lightentng a while ago and the farmer left the carcasses for the wildlife to enjoy.
  24. Sorry if I havent mentioned it before but I live in South Africa. My home is in Durban and I work about 260 kms inland at a place named Ingula. This is a construction site at present and there are two dams and underground works which will house generators for electricity. At present the dams are almost complete and the rest has about another 2 years to go. I live in Ladysmith which is a meduim sized town about 70 kms from the site. It's an hour to work and an hour home every day. I am putting some photos together of the dams. Ronnie
  25. Just a few photos that didnt fit last time
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