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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. I think what has happened with me is---I get used to the low Hgb so I function fairly well. THEN when I get blood I have all this NEW energy. Only my theory. Cindy
  2. My situation is different. My sclc was extensive. In 2003 when it came back we discussed PCI and I opted not to have it. Many on here have had it and done well. Pray that you make the right decision for you. Love Cindy
  3. Cindy RN

    Dad's CT Scan

    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THE RUDE CONDESENDING REMARKS MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will say tho the change to camptosar sounds like a very good choice. That was the first ones I had --see profile below. Tell your mom to KEEP asking questions. Good Luck, Cindy
  4. Carleen---- I am so glad to 'see' you back. There have been many that have wondered how you two were doing. I am glad to see you post so much about what you are going thru. It does help cleanse the soul to vent. I have prayed for you both since the beginning of these boards and so thankful we have a place to go to be among others who are going thru what we are going thru. Remember when you feel your faith slipping that God has not left you, He is always there, holding us up. When it is hard to pray, PRAY YOUR HARDEST. Love Cindy P.S. Love the pic
  5. First off tell the offending Dr what has upset you. Drs. see hundreds of 'us' and after awhile we become statistics. IT IS NOT RIGHT BUT IT HAPPENS. If afterwards he STILL is not supporting, and does not say --your right, lets treat this thing now!! THEN find a new one. HE is not the only onco out there. Also HE does not have to be the one doing the orders. I have made it over 4 yrs since my diag. See the profile below. SCLC is treatable, I will not be written off!! Love Cindy
  6. I know this is not the news you wanted. How hard it must be, watching him go thru this. Your beautiful little girl hoefully gives you stength. I pray that God gives you the courage to keep being "there" for him. I also pray that you get the miracle you so desperately need. I know that need to keep the brave face on. I have no place to vent but HERE. So please vent away!! Love to you all, Cindy
  7. I hit 4 yrs last Feb. Mine was extensive and I have had 1 relapse that was treated in 2003. I am doing well. Not as strong as I once was but I am working part-time teaching and get out and garden and scrapbook often. You sound like the daughter she needs right now. Have hope, this is not always a death sentence, Cindy
  8. Congrats!!! Love ya, Cindy
  9. See if 'I' had been your ER nurse you would of had better treatment! I am glad you have options, and you are both in my prayers! Love Cindy
  10. Sounds like it could be bad. No way of knowing. If your dad has the ins. thru work--he should get her to get checked WELL before he retires. Sometimes ins. changes after retirement. Good Luck, Cindy
  11. Cindy RN

    Bad Day

    Hate those days. Hopefully tomorrow will be full of sunshine. Cindy
  12. Happy Ann!!!!!!!!! Here is to many many more. Cindy
  13. Cindy RN

    Our Betplace

    What can I say that others have not already said. The last time I spoke to her she was still upbeat-she had accepted what was coming and I pray that she knew how much she meant to us. Love Cindy
  14. Go to Connie B's post on "Memorial Day" and add your post about what you do to celebrate this holiday
  15. Cindy RN

    Memorial Day

    I love this holiday. My family has always gone to ALL the graves of extended family for many many many yrs. I remember doing it when I was little. My mom and grandma would make the floral pieces that go on the headstones and we would make the rounds on Fri or Sat before Memorial Day. I now fix the silk floral pieces and go with my kids, and other family members if they are around. I checked the mileage yesterday and it was 120 miles round trip. We go to ones as far back as my Great Great Grandparents --all are on my mom's side. There are 8 all together. This yr I took pictures of all of the different cemeteries and graves and am going to put together a scapbook and memories from the trips. ALSO a map with directions. These are all out in the boonies. I fear after I am gone there will be nobody to do this unless they have directions. That is my story and why I love this holiday. Cindy
  16. OK---I saw my name mentioned--Addie! I guess I am a long term survivor. I was diagnosed Feb. 2001 with extensive sclc, went thru about 9 mos of chemo., had a yr. remission, then a new tumor popped up in L lung in Feb. 2003 and I did 6 more months of chemo. Plus radiation that time. My last dose of chemo was Aug. 2003. It is now almost June and then July and then !!!!AUGUST!!!! which will be 2 yrs without chemo. I pray I see that happen. You can look below and see the chemo agents I have had. I recall the surgeon who did the biopsies saying I might have about 6 mos without treatment and he had seen a few live up to 2 yrs with treatment. HA!!! I keep saying I need to stop in and show him there are some who do well. Maybe nobody has ever gone back to these doom and gloom Drs. and say see--I am living!! Good luck and please feel free to ask questions. Love Cindy
  17. Wish there was one for the children of parents with cancer I have one in college right now-wow is it expensive Cindy
  18. Glad you found us. This is a great place for support, info, etc. Cindy
  19. Day late/dollar short. Happy Birthday!! Cindy
  20. With me. The CT was on a Fri. It showed up several places. Mon. I had a bronchoscopy. On Wed. I got the results. Thurs admit to hosp. Fri. surgical biopsies of other areas, port was put in at that time. On the next Mon. I got my first dose of Chemo. It was a whirlwind!!!!! So from the time it was seen on the CT to first treatment it was 10 days. Good luck. Cindy
  21. Cindy RN

    Mom has Died

    Kelsey-You have my sympathy and prayers. I can't remember how old she was but she had a good life, and a GREAT DAUGHTER. Love Cindy
  22. Just keep on keepin on. this is a hard road to travel but it is worth the effort. Look at all you do have. Love Cindy
  23. Ginny is right. Call SS and get the papers sent for disability. If she qualifies-probably no problem there--they have a six month waiting period from the last date you were able to work. It then starts. Medicare will start 2 yrs. later. Her regular ins. or COBRA should be available so her pre-existing should not matter. Cindy (Been there done it)
  24. Add me to the long list of people praying for you both. Love Cindy
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