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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Hate setbacks!! I have missed you on here. I do so hope things start getting better!! Love and prayers, Cindy
  2. Doug! We will send out the dogs again if you disappear!! I guess we kinda did already. HA! Glad to hear all is ok- Cindy
  3. The word nephrectomy means surgical removal of a kidney. Has she had her kidney removed?? Pleural effusion is the build up of fluid around the lung. Sometimes that happens with radiation, cancer etc. Sometimes it goes away and sometimes it has to be drained. Ask the Dr about that, it may be a small amount and nothing to worry about at this time. I agree, reading those reports can be scary if you are not sure what you are reading. Ask to have them explained by the nurse or Dr while you are there. That might help to relieve some of the fears. BEST part is SHRINKAGE!! We love shrinkage!! Love Cindy
  4. I am so sorry. My internet has been off for the last day so this is the first time I have been on. She will be missed, and thank you for letting us know. Tell the family how much she meant to us. I have very few friends from Alaska, she was one, Cindy
  5. WOW! This is a good one. I am usually the one who stays calm. My whole family can be ready to go to blows and here I am saying stop-sit down and lets talk. If my my hubby is losing it and has been losing it for days I finally can not take it, I get sarcastic, what ever he says-"I am so sick of ____ not having a job" I will reply, me too really sucks huh? He calls me a smart aleck, and I will say yeah that sucks too huh. I just keep replying til he stomps upsatirs to the bedroom and slams the door. I just sit on the couch with a mean grin like-gotcha! I hardly EVER yell. I think it comes from growing up with a screaming dad. Plus my first hubby was really mean and loud when he drank. I just try to talk it out. Or hold it in. Probably not the best way but if all else fails- I CLEAN HOUSE!!
  6. I don't think I posted last time-I have been known to have the -hated-chemo brain (very forgetful)! I am one of those stage 4 or better known extensive (sclc) stagers still running amuck!! I have been going since Feb 2001. Read my profile below. I am still going-slowly some days but thats OK. I am now in my second period of remission. I am working again, teaching in the nursing dept. at the local college. Please tell her
  7. As you can see-people on here are are all about caring. I am glad you took a few days and realized that. Please feel free to post anything you feel or problems you are having. As we said before, we do not judge each other, we support. I hope you find that here. Love Cindy
  8. I am now 2 yrs and a month since my last chemo for the reoccurance. So yes! NED is possable after that Cindy
  9. Cindy RN

    Going Slow

    OK!! If you are coming down from Michigan I will meet you in St. Louis (isn't that a name of a movie??) at I-70 and ride along. I can bring fresh corn and tomato's-you know us hicks from the midwest!! Roxy can come to ?? Just don't mistake her for a CHICKEN!! Fay-you keep up the healing. We need you home!! Love Cindy
  10. I hope this is the end of the posts. I think we have all said all there is to be said. Dixie-if you want to come back later and post for support you are welcome. Thanks to everyone who kept the posts postable-is that a new word??? Love to all Cindy
  11. Sorry if I confused everyone. Oct. 13th is my BD. I keep checkin at the bottom of the page hoping it stays that way. Yep-I turn 49!!! this next one.
  12. At the bottom of the page is a tally of how many people have been on here at one time. I am still pleased to see the most were 43 on MY BIRTHDAY!!! Just had to add that bit of trivia! Cindy
  13. I got 4 out of 8 right.
  14. I did the same thing-each fall I plant MORE tulips and I KNOW I will be here in the spring to see them. After all I live on Tulip Lane!!!
  15. I have one that I can only remember the first part-it says we must take the bad with the good: A sink of dirty dishes has a tale to tell While others may go hungry I am eating very well. Cindy
  16. Thanks Addie-I believe like others here she probably was not for real. I left her a post to calm down if she wants to continue. I love you in pink by the way. We may have to keep you on the steroids for awhile longer GRRRRR Love Ya Cindy
  17. Dixie-Dixie-Dixie- I just got on tonight-I have had a busy 3-4 days. I try to moderate better than this, but nobody that has responded to what you said is out of line so I don't feel the need to edit anything.. You were plain rude with your statements. When you first posted you were answered by very caring people who have been thru hell with this disease! Your second post was an attack. If you want to ask if people stopped smoking then ask. Don't make it sound like we were trying to HIDE anything. That is -as said earlier- a moot point. Stopping smoking after the diagnosis is a personal decision. The cancer is THERE. Stopping will not make it go away. It does make it easier to breath if they quit and if the person is in the early stages their chances of remission to a cure are increased. I am asking you to please be more respectful with your posts. We are a support group-not a judge and jury. Everybody here knows and understands your frustration with not being able to help your family member, we are good listeners. Let us help you with dealing with the caregiver part of this disease. Please do not return if you have the attitude that we are all a bunch of sneaks and liars. Your time could be better spent on another site. Love, Cindy
  18. gonna think on this ONE! Will post later MAYBE Cindy
  19. Absolutly LOVED the pics. I have a feeder on my patio and I have lots of pics of them hoovering at the feeder. There are 3 of them and are they territorial!! They do not like to share. Blows my mind to see the penny at the end! They are so tiny-but FAST Cindy
  20. Jeans! most certainly jeans. Also I have certain jewelry. It's as if I am not dressed if I don't have them on. Some were my mom's and some from my hubby, but always on! Also I wear reading glasses that look tie died! My kids have always made fun of them, I use a chain to wear them around my neck--otherwise I would always be looking for them and if I loose my glasses then how can I LOOK for them?? Cindy
  21. Kiyae Katne (Sounds like kiya catne) I used to say my first daughter would be named that. I guess I was a product of the late 60's. Thank goodness I married a man with the last name of Christy. (Since divorced) and I thought there were too many K sounds at the beginnig of each name. I did have a cat named keta-sounds like kitty when you yelled for her. Cindy
  22. I have a card that was in some flowers my hubby sent me-It says"to the most beautiful woman in the world. Happy 10th." That was 6 yrs ago. Cindy In my Bible I have little notes the kids have written me during church-they should of been listening- one says Happy Easter 1997.
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