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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Glad you found the sight. As for the '6 months'!!! Someone has been reading old expected outcomes!! I was diag. in Feb 2001 with sclc with several mets (read the profile below), I was told 'you have 6 months without treatment and 1 1/2 yrs if you do treatment'. WELL I am still here. I did have a relapse in 2003 and was treated. Please know there are some who respond well to treatment. Granted mine has not spread to the brain and I am sure that is scary. Hang in there and if it was your oncologist who said 6 months get a second opinion. Nobody knows how long we have! Cindy
  2. Cindy RN


    As for me they did one after 2 months and it showed it was working. Then not til the end of tx. I then got one every 3 months. Now I am getting a cxr then 3 mos later a CT. I guess he will do it this way so only 2 CT a yr.
  3. Jen-come out and let us know how it went. Cindy
  4. Compazine is good as long as the nausea is minor. Zofran is probably the best and strongest. It is very expensive tho. If you have good ins. I would ask for it. I took it 3 times a day for the first few days after chemo. Always worked for me Cindy
  5. Nancy-I like the others are glad you found us. Ask questions, lots of them. Make a plan and make sure you have a Dr that you can work with. I found out when I was 44, 4 yrs 9 months ago, it was extensive and I am still here. Fill in the profile so we can keep up with your treatment as you go thru it. Cindy
  6. I saw the Dr Mon and all the tests were the same. NED. He said I am now his longest living sclc pt. Guess that means I will be around for awhile still! Now I can start all the holiday prep. without any worries. Cindy
  7. Your news is really good!! I bookmarked the site for future ref. Thanks, Cindy
  8. How did I miss this one yesterday??? It was our 16th ann.!! That is true love!
  9. Jen my thoughts are with you. I had my scans Thurs. and see the Dr on Mon. Been 3 months so I hate the wait. Love Cindy
  10. Cindy RN

    Melanie Russ

    Thanks for letting us know. She was special here-she will be missed. Cindy
  11. We all ask silly questions. I joined right at the beginning. I was diag in Feb 2001. You are right tho-we do seek out others especially at the beginning. OR when we have a relapse. Cindy
  12. I had problems the first few weeks of chemo. I was taking xanax for nerves and lost track of when and how many I was taking!!! Needless to say the family took them away from me. My mom had nsclc in '92 and died in '94 from it. She had brain mets tho and on a Fri morning she was doing well, no memory problems, that night she could not talk anymore, the next day she just garbled and by Mon. she went into a coma, she died Tues. PLEASE asak the Dr about an MRI it is better for detecting brain mets. Prayers for you and the family Cindy
  13. Cindy RN

    4000 for Ry

    Rochelle-whooppee!!!! Here's to 4000 more!
  14. I got this off medscape website. http://www.medscape.com/pages/sites/inf ... ,nl,mp,tad
  15. Oh Beth-I hate this. Bill is my age and I know where he is coming from. Do not worry about the food and fluid issue. I know when a person is actively fighting the cancer we push those things. Nature has a way of dealing with our physical body toward the end. That is why people stop eating, I think it is because the body slows down so they do not need the calories. Try tho to keep him drinking fluids. It helps with the overall better feeling. No dry mouth, less muscle cramping. My mom quit eating and drinking and no amount of pushing helped. So glad he is pain free enjoy the time you have and so glad your Hospice people are so caring. Love Cindy
  16. Happy Turkey birthdays you bunch of turkeys-gobble
  17. 2 times since 2001 I had bad headaches and feared the worst. Mri's done both times and nothing!! Amazingly the headaches went away afterwards. Maybe anxiety caused them to get worse. Prayers that is all it is! Cindy
  18. EE Gads! Sclc DOES respond to chemo-it may not cure it but it does respond. Get another opinion. He needs chemo for the sclc Cindy
  19. Definitely get something for the nausea. Compazine, zofran, if she can not swallow get tigan suppositories, they really!!! help. As for the food, try liquids, broth, gatoraid, melted jello, ice cream etc. Have her take the anti nausea med first then after 30 min a pain med then later the food. The diarrhea can be controlled with imodium or if needed prescrip lomotil Good luck-this to shall pass with time. Cindy
  20. Welcome- First thing is make sure which type of LC it is. Usually (almost always) surgery is not done on sclc extensive. I was told it is like chasing a ghost. Sounds more like nsclc. Glad you found us. Good luck. Cindy
  21. COFFEE-any flavor, just about any kind! Love the new creamers to add to it, I also have my coffee maker set so it is ready when I crawl out of bed in the am.
  22. Fay-I NEVER thought you made light of having cancer. I have always felt you handled it with grace and as part of life now. Those who have it know you either go on and deal with it or let it take over. I prefer to live and deal with what comes. Not worry over what might happen. Whoever told you that has no clue! Keep up keepin on, I for one admire the way you have dealt with what can be totally life altering. Cindy
  23. Cindy RN


    Donna-Connie is right. This is one esp. for the Dr. there are several reasons for ascites. Only the Dr. would be able to tell you which one is the cause. Yes sometimes they drain it, sometimes it comes right back sometimes it does not. There are some meds to help with it. Have your bro. call the Dr with questions. Hopefully this will help calm your fears. Love Cindy
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