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Everything posted by SJAS

  1. SJAS

    3 Month followup

    Rachel, Just want to add my best wishes for clean scans, a good trip and successful surgery for your dad. The PET is a good one as it shows which tissue is alive and which is dead. Sometimes the tumor remains but is just necrotic tissue. We were told it is very accurate for the body but not for brain mets.
  2. Nell, Thank goodness for friends like you. Yes, it's amazing the stories people tell you. Almost like when you're pregnant and everyone HAS to tell you their delivery horror stories. I finally started to avoid the problem by telling people that Steve had cancer and we were well aware of the horror stories but really needed to hear the good stories. I see you're in Detroit area. Can't remember where Bob was getting tx, but my sister-in-law just finished chemo/radiation for breast cancer at U of M. They are a national center and the tx was first rate and very aggressive. Can you persuade him to go there for a second opinion at least?
  3. SJAS


    You are AWESOME David! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to everyone and for all the caring you share with us on the Board. I'm going to call my 16 & 15 year-old sons in here to read your story. They are just starting to get into mountain biking (like the surfing, wake boarding, snowboarding, etc. didn't give me enough grey hair ) and already have the scars to prove it ("Boulder?? What boulder at the edge of the cliff??") Wishing you happy trails with no flats or "taco'd rims" - got that one from my 16 year-old
  4. Angie, I am so very sorry about the brain mets. I have posted a lot about Steve's WBR, but would be glad to PM you if you want to know more. For him, it was extremely difficult. We too tried aloe (it worked for awhile - fairly cheap in health food store) and then went on to many other lotions (all ok'd by radiologist). The fatigue is overwhelming and definitely have someone driving him. We are still discussing the driving issue since Steve's onc. says anyone who has EVER had brain mets should never drive again. Steve is waiting for the next MRI and then will discuss it further, since he's never had any neurological symptoms. Your dad is going to need lots of support on this round. Prayers for you all.
  5. SJAS

    My turn to ask

    Theresa, Don't add to your worries unnecessarily. Wait for the CT to give you an idea of what you're dealing with and then you can attack with full force. Here's praying that you get "best case" news.
  6. Geoff, I'm so sorry to hear of the problems your mom is having. WBR and then potent chemo is a huge assault on the CNS so hopefully things will improve the further away she gets from active treatment.
  7. HAAAAAAA! That was a great one Beth. Guess I must be the same way because the only reunion we went to was our 10th, and we moved clear across country (no running into 'em in the halls for me!) Of course, I married my high school sweetie so he's aware of the extra pounds . He always tells me that before he met me he had hair and it wasn't grey .
  8. You give everyone so much through all your posts, Jane, that it's no wonder there is so little left for yourself. Three months is no time at all to heal such a deep wound, especially when you continue to give of yourself over and over. Thank goodness for a wedding and family around to remind you of all the love and joy which still surround you. Please do take some time to give more of that love to yourself and take the time to heal. We'll be thrilled when you're ready to come back.
  9. SJAS

    Up On Bruce

    Hope Bruce is up and "outta there" soon.
  10. So sorry to hear what a rough time Wayne is having. Hope they can get things under control very soon and that his pain meds start doing their job. Thinking of you Roanna, as I know how hard this is on you too.
  11. Cappy, Welcome to the Board! You're off on a bit of an adventure - kinda like some of the amusement rides which start smoothly, but then have a few hills and bumps further on. If things get a bit rocky, let us know and we'll be right here to help.
  12. You and Rich will certainly be in my prayers, Charlotte. You both have endured so much. I'm hoping for better times soon.
  13. SJAS

    CT Results

    Give me an "S" give me a "T" give me a(n) "ABLE" - Yeah STABLE!! Think the whole board is doing a wave on your good news TAnn. Hope that headache is of the plain old Tylenol variety.
  14. SJAS

    mouth sores

    Hi MJ, Steve didn't have mouth sores with WBR, but I checked a great book we have called The Cancer Survival Cookbook which has suggestions for all sorts of problems. It says: the mouth is very sensitive and you should try pureeing different things, eg. vegetables to add to soup, fruit to add to milk/yougurt, ice cubes with fruit for a slush, etc. Keep small fruit pieces frozen and suck on them to soothe sores. Try putting a wet tea bag on sores. Use a straw. Mouth rinse - 1 tsp baking soda in 1 cup warm water. Don't use mouthwash that have a lot of salt, alcohol or other irritants. There are more, let me know if you want them. Good luck.
  15. Karen, Kicking lung cancer butt is A-ok around here anytime! Those were wonderful results and as a family dealing with Stage IV, it sure brightened my day. Steve's return to the chemo challenge was with Gemzar and Cisplatin and you're right, he only made it thru four. Not even a lengthy blood transfusion could salvage his blood counts enough to continue. So your mom certainly has a bit of a miracle going. Tell her to keep that good new coming
  16. Wow, terrific news on the blood counts, but so sorry it had to come at such a high price. Hey, what about a liquid version of the meds? Steve had some liquid morphine sulfate that worked great, just didn't last as long as the MS Contin. Hope your mom's feeling better soon.
  17. Beth, I was late getting to this thread and thought, "Oh hurray, maybe this'll work out for you.' Then darn, I found out how bad it kicked you when your back was turned. I'm sending up some prayers right now that things will turn around in only a good way soon.
  18. Cheryl & Jack, Wishing you a wonderful, incredible happy 21st anniversary!
  19. Great news Don and Lucie . We're all celebrating with you!!
  20. SJAS

    wbr question

    Hi Gang, Sorry it took me so long to get back to the computer (working ugly hours and then have to fight two teenagers for computer time ) Steve is doing well right now on the Iressa. Fatigue is still an issue, but not sure how much is from the Iressa, or if its just that he lost so much ground with the WBR. His first MRI was about 2 mo. after completion of WBR. Steve also had a flare up of systemic cancer after the WBR (he had been clear going into WBR) so had to go back into another chemo two weeks after the MRI. He never seemed to have the taste problem with the WBR. As for return of the hair, well ----. It's been six months and there is just getting to be visible hair, except for his cute little "rattail" which actually is probably an inch long! It survived WBR, wouldn't seem right to cut it now .
  21. SJAS

    My Loving Husband

    Welcome Mona, Your husband sounds like he is going thru some of the same treatment that Steve started with (except Steve was hospitalized with a chest tube in the beginning), so I know how it's so frustrating when they finally feel a bit better, then WHAM they feel bad again. I just want to tell you that you will most likely get some really wonderful days after the tx is completed and urge you to take advantage of every one of them. I also understand your bewilderment on how (really WHY??) this could happen. My pastor and ex-pastor spent an evening with us in which I vented all my anger and disappointment with God. We really talked openly and it was so helpful. If you have a pastor or spiritual counselor with whom you have a close connection, it might be very helpful to be able to share your feelings. Keep us posted.
  22. SJAS

    wbr question

    Steve's hair, which had just started coming back, all fell out one day (except for the two small spots on the back of his head - still working on that rattail!) probably during the first 1/3 of his WBR. The fatigue was overwhelming during most of the treatment - much more so than with his previous chemo and radiation. Face rash started a couple of weeks after the Iressa and is now making its way to his chest (1 1/2 months of tx), but he got some soap from the acupuncturist (who is also a PhD in Chinese medicine) which seems to help. It's not gone, but much better than it was. Sorry, don't have a clue what it is, but it's pretty drying. Things probably will be getting harder the closer to the end of WBR, but just tell your mom to keep focused on the fact that she's almost through it.
  23. Hickory, Lung cancer as a "brief interlude" - wow, if only.... Think we're well past the "brief" part since it has been running our life for the last year. But thinking of the possibility that it could really be an interlude is so encouraging. I also want to thank you for sharing your story and giving us all more hope. Welcome to the family
  24. Late - late - late! I'm always late for everything lately (see even that's late ) Please count me in as a fan of your posts and I hope you'll come back soon. You'll need to just to get your mind off all the stuff the puppy is chewing up, right . Take care - miss ya already.
  25. Wow (gulp), you are one amazing man. Thank you for everything you share with us.
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