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Everything posted by SJAS

  1. Humm, seems like we are "odd man out" here and wondering why. Steve has never had steroids (except just recently started steroid eyedrops to deal with radiation retinopathy). Does make me wonder why he never got steroids with his WBR and if it could have had any impact on how difficult the treatment was on him.
  2. SJAS


    Talk about an uplifting post Congrats on your big day!
  3. That's terrrrrrific news!! Hey, how about some throwing in a little chocolate on the side
  4. Sometimes I'm glad to be late to the board - I get to hear the happy endings . Thrilled that you're much better and at home Dave.
  5. Steve has been on Iressa since July '04 and had good shrinkage. His doctor said he had more tumor than liver before and now the biggest thing in the liver is maybe an inch long (as of scans 3 mos. ago - will have new results next week). We had a meeting with some lung cancer patients and families Friday night about getting a group together. Two people there have been on Iressa for three years. One just got results of a new met in the chest and one in brain. The other just got a completely clear scan. I also got an e-mail from someone recently who is stable in his fifth year on Iressa.
  6. So nice to hear a good doctor story - we can get a bit cynical with some of the bad ones. Just a bit curious about the pleural effusion. Steve had fluid drawn off twice with thoracentesis, then a chest tube for 9 days and then they did a pleuradesis which was completely successful - no fluid since and no side effects other than a slight "catch in his side" once in awhile when he does a hard sneeze.
  7. Oh Peggy, darn - I was greedy and wanted all your news to be good, but we get what we get I guess. You both have such a great outlook on everything and attitude counts for so much. We postponed Steve's doctor appt. for the scans report until Tues because I'm going out of town for work for a few days and I don't want him getting news without me - either good or bad. Sounds like a second opinion might be helpful. I read some reports on combining Iressa with Avastin to block some of the mutation, so we might ask about doing that too. Humm, I thought that stereotactic could be redone several times. Am I wrong about that?
  8. What happy news to see first when I logged on - certain to bring a big smile to every face Congrats to the whole family!
  9. SJAS

    Well its Official....

    Ry and John, This ##%$@ disease! I am so,so sorry to hear about John's mom. Steve lost his dad to lc. This just renews my determination to get more attention for research funding, especially into the familial aspect. Not only do we have to deal with it with more than one family member, we still have the terror of worrying about our children. My prayers for the whole family.
  10. Always glad to get a "biggie" checked off the possibility list, but know it leaves you with no answers. Sounds like Ry an Becky have a treatment plan worked out though! I'll be thinking of you and hoping for a quick turnaround.
  11. Thanks for the bump-up Andrea. Really, I was surprised that more people didn't seem interested in this given the number of people who are using it with good results. I have had some amazing e-mails from some people who are convinced that, like Steve, Iressa has saved their lives. It's a bit discouraging that the results of one study could do so much damage.
  12. Lori, I know we all wish we had some magic potion to help your dad and you. I want to send prayers and hugs. Thank goodness you have a human angel by your side. Such a comforting thought to know that your dad thinks so highly of him. You will be in my thoughts. Keep coming to the site; you'll have lots of people surrounding you with love here.
  13. Karen, I would have been in the pool in a flash too. Bless your heart. I have done an informal dog rescue over the years. (Everytime I see a dog running loose, I stop and try to pick it up - boy has that lead to some interesting stories ) It's so sad that the puppies are legally property, sigh. I understand about dealing with people like that. After returning two dogs that lived far down the road from me (several times) I gave up and called AC because the man threatened to SHOOT his own dogs! He did eventually put up an invisible fence. Thank goodness for people like you
  14. Wow Sharon - I've got goosebumps then followed by tears! I never believed in mediums either until a very, very honest level-headed friend told me that she had an incredible experience when she was contacted by three friends who had passed away. The detail was incredible. I think I saved the description you wrote about your father after he passed. I am oh so grateful you shared this with us
  15. Maureen, So glad to hear of the clean brain scans. Steve had Carbo/Taxol and it totally turned him around. I'll be praying for the same awesome results for you.
  16. Thanks Ginny, Pammie & Maureen! We're a bit nervous about it. Ginny - Steve's eyesight is very, very slightly improved. The vision in his good eye is about 20/100 now. Not good enough for him to notice much of a difference. He is still pretty upbeat though. Thanks for the prayers Hope your new place is working out great.
  17. Peggy, Of course prayers for you both! I know exactly what you mean. Steve had the exact same scans on Thurs. & Friday. Without warning Wednesday night, I had a complete sobbing meltdown. Go figure. We're just going to think all positive thoughts for our guys!
  18. I just located this contact for Iressa users who are concerned about the FDA hearing on Iressa on Mar. 4. It appears that you can still send input for a couple more days. The contact info is at the bottom of the page. If you are on Iressa (or just want to support those who still are), you might want to send in your comments. Steve's doctor has said there is no question in his mind that, for right now, Steve should stay on Iressa because his body has had a phenomenal response to it. He may go to Tarceva at some point, but we sure want to have the option to stay with Iressa as long as it's working. http://www.fda.gov/oc/advisory/accalend ... 30405.html
  19. I just located this contact for Iressa users who are concerned about the FDA hearing on Iressa on Mar. 4. It appears that you can still send input for a couple more days. The contact info is at the bottom of the page. If you are on Iressa (or just want to support those who still are), you might want to send in your comments. Steve's doctor has said there is no question in his mind that, for right now, Steve should stay on Iressa because his body has had a phenomenal response to it. He may go to Tarceva at some point, but we sure want to have the option to stay with Iressa as long as it's working. http://www.fda.gov/oc/advisory/accalend ... 30405.html
  20. SJAS


    TAnn, I've been out of town on a business trip and just decided to do a quick skim of the site tonight. Well, I'm looking no further than this because I want to sleep with such wonderful news resounding in my head. I am absolutely thrilled with your great results
  21. It's late Wed. p.m. and I'm hoping that Lucie is resting comfortably and well on her way to a quick recovery
  22. Talk about being late.... So very sorry to hear how rough things are going for John, and now a long wait for a doctor's appt. Hope your wheel is squeaking loud and long! Glad to hear things are a bit improved. We talked to Steve's onc last week and he feels Steve should just stay on Iressa because it's worked so well for him so far. I've always thought that he could switch to Tarceva at some point, but after reading all this - wow, I'm not sure about that. Take care - thinking of you!
  23. I am so very sorry to hear of Bob's passing. My deepest condolences to you all.
  24. Lots and lots of prayers for David and family.
  25. I vote for the dogs!! Actually when Steve was hospitalized they did bring some service dogs to visit him. Also, the hospital told us that we could bring in our dogs to visit him in the outdoor garden, if they were well-behaved (it was the "well-behaved" part that scared us out of it ). Apathy and depression were certainly issues for Steve at different points during treatment. Does your dad have friends from work who can visit and talk business and not cancer? Steve's ex-boss would take him out for a short walk or coffee and they talked business stuff. Steve always seemed better after that. It's hard for these guys to go from a busy career to a patient. Their brains just aren't programmed for that. Wondering if your Dad could be having some acid reflux problems. Steve didn't want to eat either (he's 6'3" and his weight went down to 165 too!). Even though he didn't have what we thought were the symptoms, once the doctor started him on medicine for the acid reflux, he immediately started eating better.
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