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Prayers and positive thoughts for David Pse!


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oh paddy,

i'm so sorry to hear about what's going on. you and david are in my prayers, of course. i think about you both often. i pray that the iressa kicks in soon and helps give david renewed strenght. i remember doc joe mentioning that he had a patient that was really sick at one point but was scuba diving a few months later after starting iressa. i really pray that the iressa has a similar effect in david very soon.

God bless,


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Paddy & Family,

just saw this post. I'm so sorry your family is having such a rough time right now. Keeping my thoughts and prayers headed your way. Heprin can be a good thing, I had it daily in the tummy while I was in the hospital when I was so sick with empyema.

Praying the Iressa works it's magic



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