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Congresswoman sending Staffer to Listen


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This has been an incredible day. Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey called and is sending a staffer to "Shine A Light" on Lung Cancer. She will give us a brief update about DC and the LISTEN to take back our issues to Washington. The doctor who lost his wife to l.c. last week has agreed to speak - talk about courage, I am totally in awe of him. I have also been invited to attend a huge lung cancer conference for doctors at UCSF. I am so overwhelmed - I really wish there was someone else involved in this, someone who knows what they're doing. Guess all I can do is try my best. Just praying that enough people show up to make a statement that Washington can't ignore us anymore.

This is taking a bit of a toll on Steve. Too much cancer talk. In some ways I feel bad for starting it. But I am so desperate to get funding for research - it's really between a rock and a hard place. Sorry for the babbling. Still hoping some of you can come.

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Thank you for your efforts. I wish I could attend, but I have that procedure the day before, and I can't drive for at least 48 hours afterwards.

You are going to do fine at the conference at UCSF. Take a tape recorder with you. It's hard to remember everything, so let the tape recorder take your notes.

Tell Steve how proud we all are of you. And once again, I really wish I could attend.

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Thanks for all your encouragement and kind words. Well, I made it through it and guess it went fair. I stumbled on LCSC and the web site - can you believe it? Few other gaffes too, but I was able to correct myself. Won't be giving up my day job anytime soon :lol: Have a live radio interview tomorrow a.m. and hope I can get it right this time!

Sorry you can't make it Fay. I was hoping to get to meet you. One of these days, it will work out. Hope all goes well with your procedure.

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Thanks for the encouragement. My energy level needed it :D !

Kathi - I am so sorry to hear you have been sick and I'm hoping for a quick recovery. I will be printing the program tomorrow, early in the a.m. I would love to put your name in it if you don't mind. (See, I'm thinking positive that you're on the mend.) Really would love to have another survivor story. Sorry so last minute. A few other people are just too shy to speak. I told my co-workers that the next time I say, "I've got an idea!" just shoot me :shock: .

I was able to convince a friend who is a survivor of testicular cancer to do a short piece on our Bloch Cancer Survivors' Park and it's BEAUTIFUL. I may try to put it on the board. It seems so appropriate because Richard Bloch was a lung cancer survivor.

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