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Sandy blew it!


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Oh, Sandy...you silly human! Love up your Princess and relax. Ain't nothin'...be NORMAL for a while, remember NORMAL? Back when scans were just tests and not stress-inducing ulcers waiting to happen? (Somehow, having met you in the flesh, "normal" doesn't cut it, you've probably always been "above average"...)

Ain't nothin', Sandy, ain't nothin'....keep repeating it.....

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Sandy, here's hoping that the only way you "blew it" was to worry over something that turns out to be nothing... Awfully hard not to worry, and worry is such a tame word for it, I know. But I really do hope it's NOTHING. Weird angle, benign, whatever... just nothing! Praying for you,


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Aw you guys - how could I have not realized you'd all come running to my rescue! Thanks!

Feeling a little better - less panicked - about it today. The good thing about a full time job is there's no time to stress and mope about anything that's not directly in front of me on my desk! Drove there thinking I'd just have to close my door all day and not "deal" with people, but it was okay.

Waiting for hospital to call and schedule the PET, but doubt I can get in this week, and next week I'll be in Florida for a sales meeting most of the week. (Anyone here in the Orlando area that I need to stop and see?)

So it probably won't be until the week after that........I'll keep you posted!



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Sorry I'm late....

I know how the waiting is..I vote for the drugs, facial and shopping..did anyone say shopping?

Try to take some time for yourself in Orlando...I hear Disneyworld is really neat in December.

Wishing you only good news..

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