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Mother with SCLC

Guest Fostert

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Guest Fostert

Hello I am new to the boards and am seeking some help. My mother was diagnosed in May, 2004 with SCLC Stage IV that metastases (sp) to the brain (several tumors - was not give a count) and liver. She has undergone Radiation to the brain and several different chemo treatments since then. At that point in time ... she was give 1 year of life.

About 3 weeks ago she was told that the chemo was not working. She only has one tumor now at the Right Temple about 2.5cm, one tumor in the liver about 3.3cm, one tumor in the Lung which is stable at 3.4 cm x 4cm and now one in a lumph node about 3cm. Her doctor is trying a new chemo treatment called Topatecan (sp). She has gone through one session.

Her complaints now are lightheadedness (losing balance, falling) and buzzing in the ears. She went to her cancer doctor who said that this is not related and to go to her family doctor. Who by the why mis-diagnosed the symptoms to catch this cancer in the early stages by saying it was stomach related. Anyway, he stated he did not know what was causing it and to go back to the cancer doctor. Has anyone had any of these reactions to chemo?

Thanks ... I am the only child and live 2 hours from my parents and need help and support. I am trying to handle from afar, but it has been very difficult. My father is not handling the situation very well and is very self centered I feel and does not help my mom's situation. But that is another topic.

Thanks again ... T

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Hi and welcome T

I would think that if its not a side effect from the chemo then it would be from the radiation. But I would not rule out the chemo. I am sure someone with more knowledge than I will be around soon and have much more info than i carry.

Please come back often and post, there is always someone who has "been there, done that" and this can really help when you are just starting out on this journey. Your mom is lucky to have you even if you are 2 hrs away, you doing the best you can, given the situation. God Bless


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Welcome to the place everyone wishes they didn't need. Sounds like you are going in circles. I would suggest you try posting to the "Ask the Experts." Look near the top of your screen for the box. Click and go. Take care. Adding your mom, you and your dad to my prayer list.

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Hi there, I know it's got to be hard being away from your mom.

I have not heard that those symptoms were side affects or reactions to chemo BUT there is one thing I have learned...........not everyone follows the rules. Everyone is different and reacts differently!

The ear ringing....could it be tinnitus (sp?). Get a 2nd or 3rd opinion, keep going until you are comfortable!

I waited until after treatment for my 2nd opinion and I wonder now....had I not waited, perhaps my treatment wold have gone smoother or at least I would have had a doctor that cared about me.

Good luck and hang in there!

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Your Mom's symptoms sound remarkably like my Mother's. She has experienced short term memory, dizziness and balance problems for some time now and Doctors have begun to believe that she is having a delayed reaction to the PCI she had last June/July. Based on some research resources I've found on the web, symptoms can emerge for up to two years after the brain radiation. She's had the whole battery of brain tests (Scans, MRIs and a lumbar puncture) - all have come back negative for cancer. Another avenue to explore is the possibility of a small stroke - my Mom's doctors are looking into that at this time (due to changes in her brain activity; oxygen deprived parts of the brain) and she will be undergoing a special test later this week to determine if she is having mini-seizures.

My Mom has also long had hearing problems that have been amplified since the treatment last year. She was recently diagnosed as having a retracted ear drum (making treatment impossible) and tinnitus (ringing and crashing sounds). Tinnitus can be managed and a hearing specialist would be of some use to you in determining if this is, in fact, what is going on with your Mom.

I also live a couple of hours away from my Mom - so I really empathize with you. Know that you are doing your best to help her - your caring shows right through your e-mail. Keep the faith!


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If your mom was given Cisplatin for her chemo treatment, I believe this can cause a side effect of buzzing in the ears. I had Cisplatin, experienced noises in my ears. Eventually it went away. Being lighthheaded was another problem I experienced. Sometimes dehydration can contribute to that - make sure she gets PLENTY of fluids. Personally, I would not go back to a doctor who missed the diagnosis initially; the very same thing happened to me. I was misdiagnosed for months. I never set foot in his office again. Please try to get a second opinion. Also, you might "Ask the Experts" about the hearing issue. They may give you some insight.


(34 month SCLC survivor!)

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I agree with those who have written before me that "Ask THe Experts" is a good place for you to start. Daddy had brain mets and he experienced balance problems and falling.... I am sorry you had to find us, but glad you did as this site can gain you some wonderful support.

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Guest Fostert

Thank you all for posting replys. I spoke to my mother's cancer doctor today and found out that the buzzing in her ears is from the present chemo treatment. She had told mom ... but because mom has some short term memory problems, she could not remember that. As far as the balance problem, no doctor given me an answer. Her doctor stated that the MRI done a week ago shows the same small spot of cancer and where it is located would not cause balance problems or lightheadedness. She did not rule out that chemo could be possibly doing it or that there is a chance of small disease that no one can see. So now what? Does anyone know of any clincial trials near Maryland or Eastern Pennsylvania for SCLC in Stage IV with met.

Some good news is that her blood work looks really good for the type of chemo she is now receiving and her oxygen level is 94.

Again thank you and bless you all!!!


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The buzzing in the ears is probably caused by the brain radiation. The losing balance is probably caused by the brain tumor(s). My dad had these 2 symptoms while he's fighting the disease. If the buzzing in the ears is caused by brain radiation, then it will get well very soon after the radiation completed. For the losing balance problem, you should inform your oncologist and the neurosurgeon.

I hope these symptoms are gone very soon...keep us posted

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I had whole brain radiation in October and have experienced ringing in the ears ever since. The balance problem could also be related to the radiation. Remember when you have whole brain radiation, you destroy some of the good cells along w/the bad. My eyesight has also gotten worse and my short term memory is definately pretty much gone.

Also, I wanted to mention that the dizziness and balance problem could also be due to dehydration. Chemo will dehydrate you, so make sure she gets plenty of fluids.

Good luck, and welcome to the boards.


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